Dopefest in Raleigh, Dangit!!

Ok, last month didn’t work out.

Now I call to all the folks in the RDU Raleigh area,
Fretful Porpentine

and any others that live in this area…This Means You!

{b]Hammadryad**, you think you and your wonderful hubby could make it for this one?

Dates and times are open, but let’s try and do this before the holidays hit.

If it’s on a weekend, I’d check the calendar to see if I could make it.

Just for you, dear RT, it’s now on a weekend.
Does that mean Friday night, or are we talking Saturday eve/Sunday brunch sort of planning?
I should have titled this thread ‘Southeastern Fall Fest’ or something, so we could meet with all the new Dopers from this area.

Mods? Anyone in the mood to change the thread title?

Well, next weekend is no good because I have PhD orals on the 11th, and I’ll be out of town on the weekend before Thanksgiving (the 23rd? I think that’s right). Pretty much any other time is fine with me.


Friday 8th, 15th, 29th
Saturday 9th, 16th, 30th

I’m working evenings through Saturday the 9th but will be available thereafter on essentailly a 24/7 basis except on two Wednesday nights.


Friday 15th, 29th
Saturday 16th, 30th
Just updating the potential schedule…

Poly, any objections to a weekend date?

Guess where I’m moving?

Charlotte! So after Thanksgiving, I’m available for a fest. Maybe a December holiday dealio. Woo!


The 15th and 16th are bad for me, but I could definitely make one on the 29th or 30th.

I’d come if I could, darling.

Unfortunately, I am stuck in the extreme North part of the PNW…clear up in the corner of WA state. (Which you already know, just trying to be clear to those who don’t know…not that they care or anything) So, have fun. Don’t miss me. [sub]right, Cheri, like you don’t WANT to be missed.[/sub]

YOU ALL HAVE FUN! And, give each other ScottiHugs for me!

Much Love,


aenea; the 29th or 30th works for me, especially if the newly-moved Zette can make it.

The wife and I have two parties we’re going to on 11/16, so that weekend’s out. The weekend of the 30th looks possible. (It’ll just be me, btw; Mrs. F. has already said she doesn’t expect to be up for the drive.)

Sooooo far it looks like we’re on for the weekend, Saturday the 30th.

Now, we’ll throw in the incidentals of where and when, and we’re all set.

I’ll bump this thread up occasionally over the next few weeks, just to keep it fresh in your minds and radars. :wink:

I’m sorry, there’s no way to make it on the 30th- I’ll only have been in town for a day or so and I won’t be up to getting back in the car, that’s for sure! But I can do a December holiday type deal!

Have fun, you crazy NC kids. Oh, and I’m not too anxious to get there. Last night it snowed like crazy, the roads were terrible, and I am dying to get out of NY. Woo!

Weekend would be just fine by me – especially if it means the Fireflies can make it!

Zette, as an ex-Northern New Yorker, you’ll love North Carolina – except for July and August! :smiley:

I’ll be out of town the last week in November, and I’m back on the inpatient service in December so life gets crazy once again. Most any other time, though, CrazyCatLady and I can probably make it.

Dr. J

So what I’m hearing, (if indeed, I haven’t gone deaf or blind) is that we need to have dinner on Sat, the 30 of November, and then mebbe a little get-together (welcome Zette to the neighborhood type) around the second week of December…
This sound alright to everone so far?

Can I muscle in on this one too? I might even bring my daughter. Would love to see RT and all the others again. Meet any new dopers that I haven’t met.

I’ll watch so I’ll know when and where.

Can’t make the one in November, working overtime, but would love to try to get in on the one for December when Zette gets in.

As far as I know we are going to try hard to make it to this one if it’s November 30, as long as the money’s not too tight. Maybe we’d even bring the kids…wouldn’t THAT be scary?