
IM really angry at all the druggie stereotypes. Alot of people these days thinks a kid who drinks and smokes for fun is some big druggie. I drink and smoke for fun, and im a straight A student in the top 10 of my fucking class!! (excuse my french). It’s not ruining my life, just making it more fun. Im tired of hearing all these suburban dickheads saying that im going to beat them up for drug money and that im going to live in a ditch because i drink and smoke every so often. Im going to be a fucking doctor, so fuck them!!

So IMHO, i think this stereotype needs to be swiftly dealt with. Lets educate the ignorant people!!

I wonder how many of the druggies in jail feeding their habits on robbery, burglary and petty crime felt the same way when they started off on their drug careers.

Of course, grown-ups know nothing, the young invented sex, they invented being drunk and rebelliousness.

BTW I work in a jail, one druggie who spent over a year working for me in my shop was released four months age, he was apprehended by another member of the Prison Service who caught him red-handed carrying out a house burglary, I wonder if you can guess why the druggie needed the money.

Anyways he will be off the streets for 5 to 8 years minimum.

Of course, we can educate the ignorant public, who have little idea of what Amphetamine psychosis actually is, or why those cannabis smokers get so ratty when they haven’t had a joint for a few days, heart failure due to opiate overdoses etc etc…

But we all have responsability and should have the right to destroy ourselves without interferance from government, well that’s fine by me but when druggies take others down with them, that’s where I draw the line.

Still it has it’s compensations, I’ll never be out of work.

“Educate the ignorant people”? Well, should we start with capitalization and punctuation?

You may be a model student, but the one example I’ve seen of your abilities doesn’t bear this out. Your post comes across as illiterate, hostile, and vulgar. Could it be that your perception of your other sterling qualities, such as your ability to drink and smoke without apparent mental degradation, is similarly incorrect?

Wow! Good for you! It is so very difficult to pull that off in high school, especially considering that all you really have to do is turn in your homework and do decently on the tests. I’m SO impressed! Finagle is absolutely right about your post being “illiterate, hostile, and vulgar.” I have a feeling that you are lying about your grades. I don’t know why you would do that, but I also don’t know why anyone would injest harmful chemicals to make their life “more fun.” Also, I’ve never heard of a school that has a “fucking class.” Where do you go?

Wow! A FUCKING doctor! That’s really remarkable. Where would you go to school for that?

BTW, there is this truly brilliant kid at my school (not being sarcastic) who is ruining his life with pot. He claims that he does better in school now that he smokes it on a regular basis, but I find that very hard to believe.

Although the op wasn’t really thought out, he does bring up some good points. There are a lot of well educated, productive members of society who use recreational drugs. I think casdave kinda took it out of proportion. The op wasn’t talking about amphetamines and opium imho, it was talking about alcohol and weed.

So attack the op if you wish, what ever helps you skirt the issue at hand.

I got robbed at knifepoint twice because some asshole decided that the best place to get the money for his habit was from me. It was a truly horrifying experience. Twice.

I smoked pot. Recently gave it up because I realized that $40 for a bag was equal to food, or my cell phone bill, or a present for my nephew, or that cute pair of jeans I’ve had my eye on. I’m not going to say pot ruined me, but I will say that, without it, I’m fairly confident I would have gone beyond the 8th grade. But that’s just me.

IMHO, not all drugs are bad, m’kay? But they really aren’t worth it.

hm. kinda like the old Onion headline: Studies Show Winners Do Sometimes Use Drugs. Of course there are anecdotes and opinions on both sides but I know many people who are moderate recreational pot or alcohol users without detriment to their professional lives of personal sucess. I also know a number of deadbeat stoners/drunks. There you go.

Well, I smoked a lot of pot. Never made it past my freshman year of high school, sustained some brain damage (not kidding,) and didn’t start getting my life together until my late 20’s.

While I have met a few (** very ** few) people who were both successful and pot-heads, most habitual pot-smokers aren’t. Also, while smoking pot does not, in itself, lead directly to the abuse of more serious drugs, many a pot smoker has gone on to better and more colourful things to their own detriment. Myself and many of my peers were in this category. I say “were” because they are all dead or in prison and I’m clean and sober.

My observations apply only to myself and my erstwhile peers. There are plenty of highly successful alcoholics and those who only smoke pot occasionally seem to have no difficulty with their lives. But can you guarantee that you will be one of those people? If you truly wish to become a good doctor, it may be best to lay off the drugs until after you’ve completed your 8+ years of study. Which, since drugs are not a problem for you, should be a simple task.

and what makes you think that casdave was only talking about amphetamines and opium? I also work with offenders and there’s plenty that ‘only’ drink and smoke weed.

that having been said, yes, I understand that not every person who drinks and smokes grass is headed for a jail cell. OTOH, the amount of venom expressed by the OP leads me to suspect that they’re getting ‘the talk’ from somebody IRL. and frankly, that’s one of the big warning signs. If folks who know you are starting to talk to you about your drug and alcohol usage, it may just be the beginning of a problem. No, not always. But then, I never said that, either.

Samuel L. Jackson character in Jackie Brown:
Girl, that shit is going to rob you of your ambition.

Bridget Fonda character:
Not if my ambition is to lay on the couch and get high.

Smoked a whole ton of pot and drank like they were outlawing liquor while in college. Grew up, got over that. I suspect the same will happen here. Youth is wasted on the young.

If it doesn’t, I have very serious doubts whether he’ll be doing much pot smoking and liquor drinking when he’s been on an ER rotation, followed by a 7:00 a.m. rounds, followed by 48 more hours of being on call as a resident. OTOH, if he IS still smoking a ton of pot and drinking when he’s on ER rotation, doing 7:00 a.m. rounds, and 48 more hours of being on call I don’t want to go anywhere near him/her and his/her stethoscope. “Paging Dr. Nick Riviera, paging Dr. Nick Riviera.” “Hi, everybody!”

Something every top-10 student should know:

The apostrophe is your friend. Don’t be afraid of it. It enhances the illusion of being a top-10 student, and it won’t berate you about your drug habits, either!

Something every aspiring doctor who has a drug habit should know:

Malpractice insurance is your friend. Get lots of it. If, as a doctor, you make even a minor mistake, and it comes to light that you were even the slightest bit under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, it will probably be like winning the lottery for some poor schmoe.


No I was being slightly humorous since I can see the same old arguments for and against legel/illegal substance abuse joining this thread shortly.

I yawn when I see the arguments about how The Man is trying to spoil the fun of the adventurous free-spirited, creative, rebellious youthful wonder.

Then the same old tedious points about the illegality of drugs that causes crime for any number of justifications, failing to mention that the legal ones also cause so much misery, and not understanding that the far more powerful illegal ones probably cause proportionately more misery.

There are plenty of folk imprisoned because of stupid acts carried out during legal intoxication, does anyone dispute that a drunk brawler who happens to kill his/her children, wife,or stranger, that alchohol is such a great thing under those circmstances ?

Legal or illegal, destroy yourself or not, I don’t give a f**k, if you have fun doing it then fine, but take others out with you in the process, that’s not so fine.

I can say that the overwhelming majority of hard drug users have been through the cannabis phase, maybe the solvent abuse phase,alchohol… and so it goes.

Trouble is they all know so much better than all those who work in the various discplines who have to pick up the human wreckage that accompanies this, not just the user but all the others who may have no interest in drugs but have their love and concern for human life abused and exploited.

And when you meet the average jailbird, they are all so clever, cocky, and selfish, an attitude that seems, on the face of it, reflected in the OP.

Yes my OP was hostile and vulger, i meant it to be that way. It wasn’t very well thought out, but i was angry at the time.

I guess what i meant to say was that just because a kid drinks or smokes for fun doesn’t mean he/she is a druggie. Everyone assumes that people who do that will automatically become druggies. It’s just not true.

I just got angry when, on another site, someone posted about their friend drinking and doing recreational drugs, and how scared he was. It’s no big deal. Sure he will make some mistakes, but he’ll learn from them. And people who are stupid enough to do drugs and then go and do things should be allowed to die. Society doesn’t need idiots like that.

And yes, i was correct about my grades. And i’m not going to be using drugs when im working. That’s what i got angry at. Everyone assumes things that they shouldn’t be assuming.

Help me understand, please. You were angry and upset that other people (on another message board apparently) reacted with hostility and negativity towards some one else’s drinking/drugging, and your response is:

** Hmm interesting plan. Not certain anyone here (let alone everyone) claimed that one joint, one drink made anyone a ‘druggie’. Not being privy to what was posted elsewhere, I cannot comment on why/how others would have responded.

However, as a general rule that I’ve found helpful in life:
A hostile approach will bring on a hostile response.

as far as

this is a rather odd stance to take as well. Are you suggesting that drugs should be some sort of Darwinistic device?

I assume you include yourself in this statement. I hope you keep in mind that there’s a lot of luck involved in whether stupid teenage hijinks turn into life threatening situations. I hope that you do have that luck on your side, and that nothing happens to you, but feeling superior to others who don’t have that luck won’t necessarily help you very much.

Also, you should be happy if you have friends who care about you enough to worry about your drug/alcohol use. It’s a heck of a hard thing to approach a friend and get them to take a look at themselves seriously. Remember, you don’t have to spend any amount of time looking/acting like a stereotypical ‘druggie’ to actually do a lot of harm to yourself.

I understand your position, ssj_man2k. When I was in high school, I was constantly stoned, and I experimented with anything harder I could get a hold of. But yet I got straight A’s and found almost all my classes unchallenging. Only the science and vocational classes held any interest for me, but the former were full of preppies and nerds, and the latter were full of thugs and morons. The only person I got along with was my girlfriend, who was another loner.

Anyway, I was a stoner because I was bored. When I got to college, and studied electrical engineering, I quickly learned that you can’t solve hairy integrals or solve a vector calculus problem while stoned out of your gourd… I still smoked, but only during my recreational time (at parties, while hiking, etc.)

Now I seldom smoke pot, and I haven’t done anything harder since college. As the recipient of government contracts, my employer is required to perform urine testing. If I give them a reason to (like an accident), they will hand me the cup. The problem is, just because I test positive, it doesn’t mean I was stoned at work, but they’re going to assume I was, to limit their liability. So I just don’t smoke it anymore… well, there have been occasions, but it’s very infrequent.

If your chosen career is medicine, then your experiences will probably be the same. (Well, I have heard of doctors partaking of some crazy shit at their parties, but, well hell, they’re doctors.)

The problem that the people who criticize you have, ssj_man2k, isn’t just about drugs. It’s also about differences. You don’t follow the herd, you stick out of the crowd, so the bigots and thugs and small-minded ones are going notice you. And that includes the ones in faculty and administration, too. That’s never going to change. But believe me, the rest of the world isn’t like high school.

Concentrate on your goals, graduating and finding a good university. Don’t let anyone give you any shit, but don’t give the school any reason to jump to the conclusion that you’re at risk of going postal. Believe me, once you get to college, your life will improve dramatically. You’ll find yourself among a lot more people who think smart, open-minded people are cool.

You’re the one who apparently needs an education. Marijuana is not physically addictive, and only mildly psychologically addictive, if at all. Even during my heaviest pothead days, if I was unable to get any, I did not get “ratty” (whatever the hell that means) or experience anything out of the ordinary. (Hell that was the problem… everything was just ordinary!)

Your statement clearly marks you as someone who has bought into anti-drug stereotypes and has no interest in learning about the real reasons why people do drugs, or in accepting the fact that drugs can be used responsibly.

When I hear someone talk like that it reminds me of an instance in my teens, listening to two white racist women talking trash about black people but these women had never in their lives associated with anyone except other rich white people. They were just parroting what they’d heard from other racist white people.

So it disturbs me to hear people who have never used drugs parrot these stereotypes and lies about drugs.

And that statement right there is even more disturbing.

You’re serious? I thought that type of hyperbole went out thirty years ago. That’s the type of statement that only proves to kids that the “grown ups”, or “straights”, or whatever, don’t have a clue what they’re talking about when it comes to drugs.

Lie to them about pot, and they won’t take your advice about coke or anything else.

Sorry, bughunter. That was actually a simulpost but the board was glacial.

Sorry to burst your bubble bughunter, but there’s no conclusive evidence that marijuana isn’t physically addictive. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse http://www.nida.nih.gov/Infofax/marijuana.html, “animal studies suggest marijuana causes physical dependence, and some people report withdrawal symptoms.”

As your personal experience indicates, this addiction is not nearly as strong as that caused by nicotine or harder drugs such as coke and heroin. Sure, some people reporting withdrawal symptoms isn’t great evidence, but the fact remains that more studies are needed to determine if marijuana really isn’t physically addictive.