Election Day [Week][Month[s]] [Year] 2020 follow-along thread

I love this line from the CNN article: “A person familiar with Friday’s meeting said the session was cordial as the group explained to the President the process for certifying the election and assigning electors in their state.” They’re actually trying to educate the tantrum-riddled toddler! Good luck with that, but hopefully he got the message.

The careful wording of this makes me suspicious. The door is ajar, not slammed shut. If Donnie said, "Okay, here’s $300 million for COVID relief in Michigan, " would that constitute “information that would change the outcome”?

Ed Norton uses poker terminology, urges Americans to call Trump’s bluff:

As I was looking at the Michigan lawmakers tweet, I found this. Apparently, a congressman from New Jersey is going to bring legal complaints against the lawyers who brought lawsuits about voter fraud. He’s trying to get those lawyers disbarred.

No. What might change the outcome, of Michigan getting money for COVID, would be if they said the election was over. And if you look farther down the statment, that said that, paraphrasing, if there is evidence of voter fraud it should be investigated. Well of course it should, but there is not and will not be evidence. The statement was another pacifer.

Michigan wants money for COVID, they need to support Biden. That’s the simple truth. Why give the Presidency to a guy who will betray you?

Good for him!

Okay John Brown, maybe you are going a little too far by implying that “Republicans generally” are “enemies” of “freedom loving Americans”.


NO. Who did they vote for?

Clearly, a significant number of Republicans voted for Biden.


The Republican Party is so tainted right now that it’s far safer to assume they are America-hating fucksticks or at least America-hating fuckstick enablers than to assume otherwise. When I feel like fewer than 20% of them support destroying the country for something like the sake of one 74 year old rich white man’s happiness, I’ll start cutting them some slack. Until then: fuck them. Fuck them all that enabled this.

A credible case could be made that voting for Trump was a vote for a COVID ‘mitigation’ strategy which would kill up to 3 million more countrymen than already passed.

Max, if I vote that you be forced to participate in a contest where you have a 60% chance of being infected, a 20% chance of being severely symptomatic, and a 1% chance of dying… how would you consider me? Friend or foe?

Do you think this is a positive approach to politics?

‘Until they see things my way, fuck them’


You mis-stated my position, so that’s a minus to you.

I don’t need everyone to think just like me, but if people aren’t committed to the ideals that this country was founded on, or at least to the ones they sell us in school when we’re kids, then we aren’t gonna have a country anymore.

So I think it’s an extremely positive approach to ensuring that America stays America, yes.

Fuck them. Fuck them. They caused this. Fuck them.

Most (R) turncoats I know did so because of COVID-19.

Strike that. All turncoats I know did so because COVID-19.

Your point is lost on me.


Oh snap.

My America includes the people who didn’t vote for Biden, and if I am to believe the man, so does his. Frankly I don’t like the divisive rhetoric that I read in this topic - Asahi taking on the persona of John Brown of all people is just icing on the cake.

Sure, Republican representatives aren’t calling out the President (that one Mormon guy excepted). But they aren’t supporting him either (that Lindsey Graham guy excepted).


Are you serious?
He’s not being John Brown, he’s being Captain Obvious.

The fact that it took COVID-19 for them to realize that Trump was bad and trying to create a fascist dictatorship is an indictment of them.

Republicans have been trying to mess with the vote for years. They have gerrymandered districts and pushed voter ID for the express purpose of disgenfranchising likely democratic voters. Trump’s actions now are just taking them further to their conclusion.

If they can’t win by democracy, they’ll just subvert democracy. And that’s reason enough to condemn them. We hopefully won’t have another pandemic to get them to switch sides.

Note that Republicans are still supporting Trump right now. If you still consider yourself a Republican while the Republican president is trying to set up a coup, you’re against democracy.

America is democracy. Those who are against democracy are not Americans. Sorry.

If they aren’t speaking out against him, they are supporting him. The time for games is done, Max. They’re playing for keeps, and so am I.