Last night I did a search on my own name and read through all of my posts. I chuckled richly at my own wit and occasionally read particularly witty comments aloud to my daughter. I came away from the exercise feeling pretty bright. My daughter, when she realized what I was doing, pronounced it “weird” and “creepy” and a “little conceited.” Okay, I’m willing to own that. Does anyone else do this?
Jess (so clever she really ought to be more highly regarded around here)
I haven’t done that but have though about because I forgot what my first post was, it went by so fast. I don’t think it’s wierd at all, it’s like going back and reading the early days of your journal. You want to see what you were thinking back then, recall what it was like etc.
Yeah I’ve done it. More with the long running threads like threadkillers, part I and II and the Bar fight–that was the first thing I posted to I think.
Yeah, sometimes I’m impressed as hell by my charm and wit while everyone else remains underwhelmed.
I have never checked my own post-list… but I do link frantically to posts where I’ve been (in my own opinion) particularly amusing, or amusingly annoying. This has never earned me more than a derisory silence, and I think I’ll stop doing it now. Thank you.
That said my pic on the SDPeople Pages now serves as my major presence on the net.
The reason I search out my own posts (from the last 5 days) is to keep up with the discussions I’ve contributed to on the various boards, to see if anyone has added rejoinders to my posts that need rebuttals. Sometimes they address me directly in a thread and if I don’t search it out, their comment might go unanswered.
I assumed everybody does this to track the progress of threads they’re in, so that it hardly needed comment.
Yeah, I’ve done it. And more than a few times too.
There are certain exchanges I’ve been involved in that I find particularly funny and/or interesting. I also go back a check them to see where I might have missed my point, gotten away from the O.P., or where I’ve let emotions get in the way of making a valid point. I go back to learn. And it’s not especially to be a better doper, but to be better in creating, supporting, and arguing points in general.
So, yeah, I do it quite a bit and enjoy it. I also look up people who’ve I’d admired and seen how they go about posting too.
I mean, you gotta do something when all those post party threads, “look who I have a crush on today” threads, and pity threads take over the boards.
I’m sorry. I was under the impression that we all did this. You know, search for posts under my name. How else are you going to find the really witty, incisive, erudite and definitive comments.
What? What did you say? They look up their own names?
I’ve been known to do a search on my name before, to see where I’ve been listed in other people’s threads that I didn’t post in. I think I’ve only come back with 2 or 3 though…grr. Nobody loves me.
I always search on my name first thing to see if anybody has said anything to or about me, [Judy Tenuta] It could happen! [/Judy Tenuta], so that I can reply if necessary.
I always find it annoying when I ask someone a question and they never answer, and I don’t want to do that to others.
Occasionally I’ll read my post over and think “that was pretty funny.” or “I made a good point there, how come nobody said anything about it?” or “I’m an idiot!”
Mostly though, I just want to see what’s going on in threads I posted to 'cause I was interested in the subject, or there was a lot of joking going on and I never want to pass up a good joke.
Not usually, no. I have my browser set ot two days, and I figure anything that hasn’t been posted to in that period is dead and I don’t need to see it. The only exception to this is if there’s something I’ve actually been following and it doesn’t come up in the two days.
So if I’ve actually ignored anybody who wanted my attention, it wasn’t intentional–I just didn’t see it. (I’m sure that must be why I don’t seem to get hit on by women around here. Yeah, that has to be it.)