Enterprise "Bounty" (next week) will have a TELLARITE!

OMG OMG OMG!!! :smiley: Why didn’t someone tell me about this?! Now I can’t wait until next Wednesday to see the Tellarites!

We get two episodes next week (5/14) then the season finale on 5/21…I won’t say much about that season ender except that IMHO they are jerking around the canon timeline again. bah… I’ll just watch and try to enjoy, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

But still … TELLARITES, finally!!! :slight_smile:

i’m already oinking in anticipation.

My 300th post–how fitting it was about my Tellarites! :slight_smile: I’m oinking too, Tars. :stuck_out_tongue:

And doing a happy dance…in my chair at work.

Excuse me for asking this, but…

What’s a Tellarite?

Checks, deposit slips and ledgers.

The pig faced guys from TOS Journey To Babel.

AND one of the Founding Members of the Federation :slight_smile: And one of my favorite ST races. :slight_smile: According to the official ST site http://www.startrek.com the make-up/costume has been updated, yet will retain much of the original “look” from TOS. I, as we already know, am quite anxious to see the pig guys. :slight_smile:


So uh… if a Tellarite eats a hot dog or pork, would the Tellarite be considered a cannibal?

No, I’d be like a human eating a monkey. Not the same thing, but just weird enough to make people stare.

Not even that. It’d be more like us eating a Klingon monkey looking thing.

…or a NoClueBoy.


[munch munch munch]
[Aesiron slowly fades out of existence]

[scientists link NoClueBoy’s mutant powers wished on him by fellow Dopers to the myterious problems (such as fading out of reality) of Trek Dopers]

[scientists die due to massive hemmorages that produced some really hinky autopsy photos that Scully brought over to NoClueBoy’s house before stripping down to her underwear and giving NoClueBoy a Swedish hot oil massage]

[set your phasers on “Stunning”]

[Sets phaser to “emasculate”]

this post has been Graped by the Grapist!

The Grapist what?

I feel violated.

Um… any relation to that one poster?

*Originally posted by NoClueBoy *

[scientists die due to massive hemmorages that produced some really hinky autopsy photos that Scully brought over to NoClueBoy’s house before stripping down to her underwear and giving NoClueBoy a Swedish hot oil massage]

Hey, I just took a class on Swedish massage a while ago. And I still have the bottle of oil! Hold on, I’ll microwave it a bit and get back to you.

Hello, tarragon918. I believe the Tellarites are in the first ep. next week, “Bounty.” The second ep. is mostly Panda.


What are you dubious about? That we might not fully be able to enjoy Panda Action because (caution, real spoilers)

T’Pol does Decon with PHLOX?

Or because word has it that the non-Tellarite episode is about

Vulcans at Kitty Hawk?

Speaking of spoilers…Has everybody picked up the newest TV guide or read the link on the 3rd season’s big change for ENT?