OMG OMG OMG!!! Why didn’t someone tell me about this?! Now I can’t wait until next Wednesday to see the Tellarites!
We get two episodes next week (5/14) then the season finale on 5/21…I won’t say much about that season ender except that IMHO they are jerking around the canon timeline again. bah… I’ll just watch and try to enjoy, I guess.
AND one of the Founding Members of the Federation And one of my favorite ST races. According to the official ST site the make-up/costume has been updated, yet will retain much of the original “look” from TOS. I, as we already know, am quite anxious to see the pig guys.
[munch munch munch]
[Aesiron slowly fades out of existence]
[scientists link NoClueBoy’s mutant powers wished on him by fellow Dopers to the myterious problems (such as fading out of reality) of Trek Dopers]
[scientists die due to massive hemmorages that produced some really hinky autopsy photos that Scully brought over to NoClueBoy’s house before stripping down to her underwear and giving NoClueBoy a Swedish hot oil massage]
*Originally posted by NoClueBoy *
[scientists die due to massive hemmorages that produced some really hinky autopsy photos that Scully brought over to NoClueBoy’s house before stripping down to her underwear and giving NoClueBoy a Swedish hot oil massage]
Hey, I just took a class on Swedish massage a while ago. And I still have the bottle of oil! Hold on, I’ll microwave it a bit and get back to you.
Hello, tarragon918. I believe the Tellarites are in the first ep. next week, “Bounty.” The second ep. is mostly Panda.