If you put a dummy load that is rated too low on a waveguide, you’ll hear a strange rising pitch as the insides of it cook when you radiate. Hit the emergency stop button, or BEE will have a shitfit.
400 Hz, three phase electricity does not feel good when applied to the forehead.
Beef Stew is the best MRE available. Not that that’s saying much.
When the Carabinieri flash the lollypop at you, stop.
Driving underneath an F-15 taking off on full afterburners is not fun, or a quiet place to be.
In Denver, people navigate by North South East and West. If someone doesn’t know those directions, they’re not from here.
You can test whether a radar antenna is working by putting a fluorescent light bulb in front of the radome. You’ll get in trouble, but it beats sticking your hand in there.
Oh yeah. I got in good with the supply sergeant so I could get stocked up on these when we went to the field. The tuna noodle was surprisingly edible also. However, the crackers would bind you up for days.
OK, don’t know if this really qualifies as esoterica, but:
The closed-circuit TV cameras in many supermarkets and department stores are there not so much because of fear of theft (they have security alarm systems at the front for that) but fear of lawsuits - apparently saying you slipped on the floor and injured your back is a cottage industry these days.
Also, many of the domes you see on the ceilings of stores that supposedly house CCTV cameras are empty - just there for psychological intimidation to would-be shoplifters.
I used to install closed-circuit TV systems for a living.
The Boeing 757, loaded with 85,000# of payload, can also carry 52,000# of fuel, using only 500# for take-off.
Carrying 85,500#, though, will require that 1,500# is used for taxi-burn.
The 747-100, OTOH, can take off with 217,600# and 191,200# of fuel utilizing only 1,200# for taxi-burn.
“A ‘60’ is better than a ‘40’, unless you’re using a wooden prop.”
My friends and I used to say this whenever somebody started getting a little too esoteric.
Ergativity (or something very much like it) actually occurs in some Indo-European languages, for example Hindi and Pashtu, but only in the aorist of the verb.
Oddly enough, if you can smell it, the concentration is probably too low. If it exceeds 3.5 ppm, your first clue will be color.
As an extension of plate tectonic theory, mountain building can be viewed in terms of buoyancy.
In terms of diversity of both overall species and number of endemic freshwater species, the southeast United States exceeds all other places in the world, except the Amazon River basin.
Orographic upheaval resulted in a very gradual turnover of water, which subsequently resulted in an extremely fast evolutionary change.
By an unknown mechanism, if one removes a number of individuals exceeding a threshhold number, differing by geographic location, species, and total number of individuals, the entire population dies.
While the Back Feather and the Reverse Wave are both legal syllabus figures and represent a common amalgamation in open competition, the combination is illegal in syllabus competition.
Eyelash glue is also useful for gluing rhinestones to the face or body, or for securing earrings.
The best material for reattaching a sole to a shoe in an emergency situation is rubber cement.
If you can smell ethanol when you sniff it’ll probably be a linear high and have to be diluted.
When a heparinized specimen keeps clotting in the crossmatch tubes you can sometimes use applicator sticks to get the fibrin out and save the crossmatch.
And if the serofuge starts to sound like a plane at take-off that means it’s unbalanced and you better grab it damn fast before it flings itself off the counter. Believe me.
If you take the cross mounted Smith flange off a PHK-098 reticulating bar-snapper and replace it with a taper-wing 12 inch fret-bolt, you can use it as a thermo-cube-restrictor just as easliy as KH6-X20 Morfilating Carbon Scrooler.
The half-life of Technetium 99[sup]m[/sup] is 6.02 hours.
The beef stew MRE is still only good if you use the pocket-size bottle of Tabasco[sup]tm[/sup] that is supplied with it.
Gamma camera crystals are doped with sodium iodide to increase their flourescing properties.
If you’ve thrashed the linoleum in your apartment by sliding the fridge over it, similar colored candle wax melted into the gash, then buffed will usually cover it so it is unoticable.
Dave’s Insanity Sauce, while mildly hot, actually tastes like shit. This applies to many of the new “gourmet” hot sauces as well. Stick to Franks, Tabasco or Crystal for taste, then add head from fresh peppers to your liking. Don’t waste your money on the other shit.
“Beacuase the Night”, made popular by Natalie Merchant’s MTv Unplugged episode was actually written and first performed by Bruce Springsteen. Bruce’s version is better.