Excellent revelation, Levi Johnston!

Everybody hold on to your hats!

Levi Johnston is suggesting that Sarah Barracuda may have resigned in order to cash in on her fame! Full story here!


From the article:

*“She had talked about how nice it would be to take some of this money people had been offering us and you know just run with it, say ‘forget everything else,’” he said.

He said he thinks book deals were really what appealed to Palin.

“I think the big deal was the book. That was millions of dollars,” said Johnston, who has had a strained relationship with the family but now says things have improved*.

Holy shit, Levi. I’m glad you’re privy to this kind of inside information. We outsiders could have never speculated such a thing!

Easy for you to laugh, but that’s the first time ANYONE in her inner circle has said that. It’s been a common point of speculation, but there’s been zero confirmation from anyone that it was even a topic of conversation for her.

Is he in her “inner circle”? I guess to the extent that he knows her personally, he is, but I thought he hated her. I could be making this up.

He sure was in Bristol’s “inner circle”, I can tell you that much.

Yeah, I heard he had sex with her too.

And I’m pretty sure David Letterman tried to rape her.

I guess he wanted to put an end to that improvement.

Thank goodness you’re here, Captain Obvious!

That article really did say the words “reality show”, didn’t it? :eek:

Work up to it slowly, Sarah. Try a guest host spot on SNL first. You can do your famous Tina Fey impersonation.

Oh hell, I like hearing it from someone who actually knows her. Personally, I think the dumb rink rat is the smartest one of the bunch.

Well, normally I’m not one to argue, but…

No, that was the infant with Down Syndrome.

Jeez, it would appear there are four exclamation points in a six sentence OP. It seems I got a little overzealous there. I don’t know, I think I was just so darned excited about the breaking news. I love insider tell-alls. It’s too bad he’s losing faith in Ol’ Sarah. :frowning:

You’re not listening to her, Levi! She *told *you she had to leave for the troops!

You have to look at this thing logically. Sarah Palin is a “celebrity.” So is Obama. Now ex-presidents command about $250,000 per speaking engagement. That is for ONE talk PER engagement.

Palin probably has no realistic chance of being president, BUT she is a draw. People like her. She can easily get a 100K per speaking engagement. People want to see her, so if she is heading a fundraiser for Republicans people will come. They will donate.

If she’s governor of Alaska, she can’t do both, or at least do both well.

Think of her what you want, she’s a draw. It is to her credit that she is going to help the Republicans more this way. Also be honest, if any of us were in her shoes would we say no to all that money? Perhaps a few of us would but I wouldn’t.

Be that as it may, she was elected to be Governor, not the fry-cook at Shakey’s. She had an obligation to do what she was elected to do. Her explanation of, “since I’m not going to run again anyway, I may as well quit now” a big shit sandwich for Alaskans to take a bite of … and she doesn’t give a fuck.

She could have done the fund-raising stuff after her term and been just as effective as a rabble-rouse for the Republicans.

The Down Syndrome baby tried to rape her?!

How do you think it got all up in her hoo-ha?

I wouldn’t take a copy of her book if it was free.

No, THAT would be the infant with Down’s syndrome.

shrug. Just like Obama could have waited to run for president after actually finishing out his senate term. If you don’t care that he bailed out on his term to pursue an ambition, I don’t see why it matters that Palin decided to bail too. After all, the lieutenant governor is right there waiting to take over.