Explain this line from the SUV ad featuring the surfer MILF & her 3 daughters

Okay, there is this SUV commercial (for Lincoln, I think) that shows a sexy woman getting out of her car on the beach and getting ready to surf. All the hot guys are eyeing her from a distance.

The ad is narrated by the woman who says, essentially, “All my life I was looking for the perfect wave. Then I realized that I found three of them.” As she speaks the second line, her three cute, young surfer daughters pop out of the SUV. All the guys register surprise and look at each other because they can’t believe such a sexy gal could be the mother of three.

Now, I may have misquoted the narration script slightly, but not by much, I assure you.

What the f*ck does that last line mean? I mean, how does wave = daughter. The line is constructed to be a pun, but it does not work. Or, at least, I’ve never heard of the double meaning of the word “wave” to mean young girl or daughter.

If it not intended to be a pun, and she’s essentially saying that the one-time object of her seaching has been replaced by the companionship of her three girls, the construction is all wrong.

Every time I see this ad, I feel uneasy because it plays like a jingle that ends with an off-key note. Am I wrong? If I am, please explain it.

When she’s been searching for something in a wave, but instead finds what she’s been looking for in her daughters instead, calling them her “perfect waves” makes enough sense to me. It’s a personal nickname more than a universal one.

My interpretation would be that by “perfect wave” she’s talking about the emotional high she gets while surfing. What she apparently found was that her three daughters provide the emotional high she’s always been looking for. Still dumb, but I can’t really think of any commercials that aren’t… except for that one from several years ago where they released a pack of rabid wolves on a marching band inside a stadium. There were guys beating off the wolves with their trumpets and such. That was a good commercial.

It’s a metaphor on life’s journey. The girls all have different fathers, and each “wave” was a relationship with a different man, all of whom are now out of the picture for the sexy, single, surf mom. Surf mom is a “beach”, and as each tide “man” came in, and went out, the daughter was the “wave” that played out as the tide “came” onto the beach.

It’s about empowerment, it’s about time, it’s about space, it’s about people in the strangest place.

I remember that while playing X-Wing TIE fighters were deployed in waves. So here we have a wave of daughters being deployed by the SUV. Like TIEs from the Death Star.

I don’t surf, but if I did, I’d haul my board to the beach in one of these - not a brand new, shiny, ostentatious, look-at-me-I’m-a-rich-asshole Lincoln SUV dripping with gaudy chrome trim lines and a grill symbol the size of Illinois.

Someone should pull a John Wilkes Boothe on whoever designed the new Lincolns.

You know Astro, as wacky and risque as your interpretation is, it is one I had considered and found some validity in before I posted. If it were not just a little too subtle to be the intended message, it would make more sense than the other theories being posted here.

My Woody’s outside/Covered in snow now/New York’s a lonely town/When you’re the only surfer guy/Around.

That’s not how I remember it going…

My interpretation of the line is that each of her daughters was the result of riding 3 “perfect waves”. :wink: knowwhatimeanwinkwinknudgenudge


What she’s trying to say is they’re perfect to be enrolled as Women Accepted in Volunteer Emergency Services.

But you don’t remember what it was for! That was the whole point! (I just checked- turns out outpost.com leads to Fry’s Electronics, which ended up purchasing Cyberian Outpost about five years ago, which just goes to show you that throwing gerbils through your company name doesn’t necessarily mean people will remember you or that you’ll stay in business.)

Was there any chance the daughters has been accepted for volunteer emergency services in the Navy?

I was confused by that commercial too. Thw wording along with the guy’s reactions implied to me that she was pimping her daughters out. :smiley:

God, you guys overthink! She has been searching for the “perfect wave”, that is, something that would be an emotional high of unbeatable dimensions. She has three such waves in her life: her daughters, which make her feel wonderful.

Sometimes it’s just easy.

Was the youngest one in curls, because that looks really cool.

Some guys are still surfing Superior near the border by TBay – 12 foot breaks last week in mid-Jan -20C.

Like their mom! :smiley:

By any chance, when the girls got out of the car, did they make any sort of gesture towards their mother? Like, say, waving at her?