Expressions I hate

Nothing is Impossible

Bullshit . In fact, the magnitude of things that are in fact impossible far outnumber those that are possible. At least in our Universe as We Understand It.

It’s possible that I’m gonna have another beer now. Highly. But I’ll never be able to save Abe Lincoln. Or eat Saturn, or flap my arms and fly to the Sun.

That’s quitter talk, my friend. :wink:

A friend of mine had breast cancer and made it clear that she would punch anybody who said the “J” word. I was a keen supporter of her position.

It means “how it seems to me, regardless of reality” and the implication invariably is that their anecdote trumps your data.

Myself. It bugs me SOOO much when someone says “please contact my coworker or myself” when they mean ME! The grammar is just all wrong!! Ugh.

“Tell me about it”

It boils my piss.

Any expression involving Jesus.
When something good happens to you: “Jesus is blessing you.”
Something fortuitous happens: “Jesus is looking out for you.”
Something horrible happens like your baby dies or you have Stage 4 cancer: “Jesus is testing you.”

These expressions are given by the same person so no matter what happens to you … it’s Jesus.

Also see: “G-d never gives us more than we can handle.”

I truly want to impute well-meaning to this, but it’s just a brain dead, insensitive thing to say to somebody overwhelmed by a profound tragedy.

The only appropriate response to God/Jesus is testing you; He never gives you more than you can handle or any other expression implying The Big G and Li’l J is putting impediments in your life is, “God is doing this? He’s an asshole.”

Interesting — because none of those four definitions matches my understanding of the phrase. I believe my “wheelhouse” is my area of competence and comfort. If my gardening club asks me to keep financial records for the organization, I could do it, but jeez would that NOT be in my wheelhouse. (I always file my taxes on the last day, and the records are stashed randomly in my nightstand, my glove compartment, or in big stacks on my desk.)

How can you blithely disregard their unlived experience? Maybe their years as a zombie have some bearing in some other circumstances, just not these at the moment.

[screed redacted] Oops, my bad… posted to the wrong thread.

But I guess this is on topic, because I HATE “My bad”.
It’s so often said with a shrug: “My mistake, but I really don’t care.”

Oh yeah, that’s an irritating one. Lots of times I hear people inject that phrase after every single sentence they say in a conversation.

Another one is one I hate most. Its half brother “I’m just sayin”. I see people use it when their mouth says something their brain can’t cash. when they can’t defend a stupid argument or statement.

I keep hearing ‘God’s plans are a mystery but will be revealed to us someday.’ And ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ - I think (as their life is a shitshow) the reason is, Jesus hates them and is making their existence miserable for laffs… and who the F does God think he is, a magician performing tricks on us here and now and someday when we’re dead we’ll be shown what’s behind the curtain?..anyway, both those sayings are as nauseating as ‘Dance like no one’s watching’ and ‘Live, Laugh, Love’. (oh, we’re watching! and live, laugh, and please LEAVE.)

One of our pastor’s recommended books:

Everything Happens For A Reason
. . . . . and Other Lies Christians Will Tell You

I say this when I go to my mom’s and one of my siblings is there.

I wonder how she would feel about the guy quoted in the article below, to wit: " ‘When we really think about the journey … it started four years ago," said Jason Maceda’ …"

What is this magnificent journey which our intrepid Mr. Maceda has been fearlessly peregrinating? It is a journey, we learn, that has as its ultimate ambition the commendable achievement of “being more relevant”.

A noble goal indeed, perhaps worthy of a journey of four years. Until we find out that Jason Maceda is the president of Baskin-Robbins, and the culmination of this epic four-year pilgrimage in quest of relevance was that Baskin-Robbins unveiled a new logo.

Well, even I have to admit that “we have been on a four year journey to decide on a new logo” sounds better than “we are so hopelessly inept that it has taken us four years to decide on a new logo”.

Neither sounds good, however.

That’s true.
I see a lot of idiots appearing on cooking competition shows saying they’re on
a journey and claiming they’re going to “elevate their food to the next level.”
Anyone elevates my food, they’re going to get a slap

I think I just noticed the 31 embedded in both logos.

Nope, not too harsh at all. Also to “hop” on a call.