Fire Love

I am looking to ignite a little bit more into my relationship. Don’t get me wrong, our sex life is good, but I really think it could get better. I think that being with someone for years has deterred the lust. I am not looking for the typical magazine answers to this problem. Just some ideas and stuff that has worked for you. I have already added bathing (not showering) together. It is nice, but I want more, baby, more!! Any advise?

There is a book called 101 Nights of Great Sex by Laura Korn (I think that’s the right author). Highly recommended.

The pages are all in the form of sealed ‘envelopes’ 50 things for you to do to him and 50 for him to do to you and 1 that you read together. You each take a page and some time during the week (don’t tell each other when, the point is the unexpected surprise of it and the anticipation that it is coming sometime soon, but not knowing when) you perform what is on the page with your partner.

It also comes with love coupons and kiss of the day.

Get this book!!! I think it runs about $30

A picnic in a secluded place. Wear nothing underneath your clothes and tell him.

Look for the book and/or video on Tantric Massage…I think a catalog called “Pyramid” has them.

Love notes in his jacket.

A quickie during lunch hour.

A long weekend out of town.

Start stripping while he’s driving down the road (this works wonders)

That’s just a few…

I see lots of views, but no replies… please answer.

You know, if you were to come out of your alternate universe and join ours, you would have seen two replies by now. :slight_smile:

shut up, 007! Good come back, eh? I am clever!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The funny part is, it took you 4 minutes before you posted that zinger and put me in my place. (I am very properly humbled by your witty barb, just so you know)


just the two of you.

and talk about it.

see what his ideas are, and try’em as well.

Bratman, you are cracking me up. I keep laughing outloud and getting wierd looks from my cat!! (I have today OFF!!!)

You have the day OFF?

Run out and get that book! I’m serious, that thing is amazing! I learned more from that book than I could in a lifetime of watching porn movies! The best part is, it’s not all up to you, your partner also learns thing to make you feel good too.

Get that frickin book!

(not right now though, I AM at work, and I’ll be very bored without someone to trade witty remarks with)

BTW, when you chose the title of your thread, did you realize that it can be interpreted as a painful and perverted sexual activity?

Okay, okay, I will get the book!! Thank you. And I figured the title of the thread would at least get it looked at. And I have gotten a few ideas. It is hard to maintain lust in a long term relationship and want to find somemore of it. Does that make sense? Am I alone on this? Or do others think that this happens to them too?

Yes, it makes sense. I was living with a girl for 3 years, I know where you’re coming from. I got the book after hearing about it on a radio show to put some spice back in our relationship. We broke up, but it was ultimately a personality conflict, nothing to do with bedroom activities.

a book that might help as well is The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz. a Toltec wisdom book, but very helpful.


Does anyone else really wish s/he was dating techchick right now?


Oh, it’s not that painful.

Nika: It’s difficult without knowing you and your SO’s boundaries, but try something different and illicit. Skinny dipping, making love outdoors etc. Tech’s lunchtime quickie was a good one (actually most of her list gets a big thumbs up). Share a ‘forbidden’ thrill together.

Surprise him with a fantasy.

Let him walk in on you pleasuring yourself (oh wait we’ve already talked about that haven’t we?).

Just enjoy.

Manhattan: You’ve only just noticed Techchick? Where have you been!?!?!

Pay him a buck and tell him how you want to be done.
Money changes the whole equation!
It works for Rachelle.

< blush >

HEHE, and I do need a date for the SD Vegas gathering… < sigh > (a hot tub and a king bed are good things to have when feeling romantic)

so whens this Vegas thing, and did you know i’m single now tech?

All right Chief, very funny! How did you know I’d be checking out this thread anyway? I guess since I’m here I’ll put my 2 cents in.

I have this stuff called “Good Head.” No shit, that’s what it’s called. It’s a green mint flavored gel and you put a little bit in your mouth before going down on your boyfriend/girlfriend. It produces a hot, cold, tingley effect all in one and it is incredible!! It’s about $10.50/tube but a little bit goes a long way! It gives oral sex quite a powerful kick.

Another thing that is fun to do is play a game… you can buy sex dice or Wheel of Passion at any sex shop and they’re a lot of fun to play.

If you’re not really looking for sex toys or anything but want to seduce him, I would follow Techchicks advice about the massages and quickies. Romantic and fun and they can really spice up your sex life.

And don’t give him any money! Contrary to what may work for Chief, you shouldn’t have to pay for sex!