Five Nights at Freddy's - how the hell do you survive the fifth night?

I’m talking about the original one, the first one. I bought it on Steam when it first came out after hearing a lot of hype; tried playing it a few times, never got the hang of it, and gave up. Recently I just decided to give it another go, and I managed to figure out the gameplay mechanics to a degree. By carefully checking the monitors (briefly enough to conserve power), I was able to judge where the various enemies were in proximity to me, and if they were sufficiently close, I’d periodically use the lights to look outside the room; if they were there, I’d shut the door for a few seconds, hoping they’d go away; I’d open the door and then briefly check with the light; if they were there, close the door again, if not, open it and go back to checking the monitors every few seconds. OK.

I was able to make it to Night 5 and now I feel it’s just unfairly rigged against me. The doors consistently jam, and once they jam, if you look at the monitors, it is guaranteed that one of the animals will jump in and cause a Game Over. I don’t mean guaranteed rhetorically, I mean it’s a 100% certainty. If the door is jammed, you are doomed. And the doors seem to jam constantly.

What strategy can you use to overcome this?


I’ve never played the game, but if you really want to know, click here for the Day 5 walkthrough.

its random basically I have all 4 or 5 (and some of the awful homemade riffs on it) and all I get out of it is just keep trying and hope you hit the magic combo that lets you win

Like one of the things wont come out despite having done so the 40 previous times you’ve tried … just little variances like that is what lets you win …

You aren’t quite doomed if a door jams. Just probably. A jammed door means an animatronic is already there, and is just waiting for you to look away (i.e., at the cameras) to jump you. If you’re very close to the end of the night, you can stall it by not bringing up the monitor. Just keep still and hope that it rolls over to 6 AM before something else gets you.

For a general strategy for Night 5:

  1. Most of the cameras are useless. You don’t need to know where Bonnie and Chica are except when they’re at the door, which you can check with a flash of the light. Just give each light a quick flash at frequent intervals and shut the door if anything is there.

  2. The really important camera is the one on Pirate Cove. Check it frequently–just a quick glance is enough–to keep Foxy from starting a run. Maybe check it once for every couple of flashes of the door lights. (If Foxy isn’t there, close your left door at once, and reopen it as soon as you hear him banging on it. That resets him.) You want to keep Foxy runs at a minimum, because he drains power when he hits the door.

  3. The other useful camera is the stage. Freddy won’t move if you’re watching him, so you can stall him a bit by checking this camera occasionally. Once he leaves the stage, you can go back to only checking Pirate Cove.

  4. Once Freddy is on the move, always close the right-hand door before bringing up the monitor to glance at Pirate Cove, and reopen it as soon as you put the monitor down. That should keep him from sneaking into the room.