Fucking ow! (Way, way TMI; female related)

I have two large pimples on my labia. I know that I’m acne prone, and it’s not the first time I’ve had one there, but this is ridiculous. What the fucking hell, Body, the first one wasn’t painful enough? I have to have double the wince when wiping for the next week?!? :mad:

I can’t believe that I’m posting this, but I needed to rant.

This is why I love this place! Where else would you speak of such diverse subjects o and oww! I can almost feel your pain just thinking about it!

Gross. Off to MPSIMS, home of pimple threads.

Sounds like Bartholin Cysts.

Yeah, owie.

You need to put that in the description of MPSIMS… :smiley:
That must really hurt, Risha!

I had a real juicy one once, in the, er, inner folds. Accidentally popped it as I was getting dressed, and we were houseguests preparing to head out the door with our hosts. Fortunately I was able to mop up with a Kleenex, and we were quickly on our way again.

But :eek: :eek: :eek:

You’re, uh… sure they’re pimples?


I had one there once. OMG it hurt. Especially when I sort of half-accidentally popped it while trying to figure out was this a zit? There? Eeeeyow!

And yes, it was a pimple. Not the cyst thing at all. I had a minor flare-up of that as well once. Very different.

Warning, this is TMI. Do not read this if you want to prevent seizures, night blindness, and other things that can be caused by TMI.

I had what I thought was a pimple on my labium majora about 6 months ago but it wouldn’t pop so I made an appointment with my gyno. She said it was a cyst and that it might go away on it’s own but that if it didn’t I would need to have it surgically removed. Then the other day I am checking myself with a hand mirror to make sure everything is normal and I kind of poked at the cyst. It erupted in a pus-filled blast as though I had a tiny volcano attached to my vagina! Turns out it was a zit after all, it just happened to be a very hearty zit that didn’t take to popping at first. Talk about ew!

Well, they look and feel like them, and I’m pretty sure that I don’t have any STDs. criminey.jicket’s cyst suggestion was a reasonable one, but they’re not evenly placed - one’s much further forward than the other.

What the hell? Is there like an outbreak in the Tri-State area?

I had this same problem (only singular rather than in pairs - my sympathies on that one!) several weeks ago. Fairly sure it’s not anything contagious - upon inspection (gogo flashlights and hand mirrors - which really confused both my cats and my husband) it looked like a big nasty pimple - and it popped like one.

It was definitely high up there on my “Things I Don’t Want To Happen To My Vagina Again” list.

Yet another reason why I’m glad to have a penis. ::shudders::

It’s quotes like these that make me glad I’m a Doper!

Sniff!!! I love this place.:stuck_out_tongue:

I get a zit on my penis once a year or so.

Yes, it’s about as painful as you’d imagine.

OMG I almost threw up!!

From laughing so hard. I’m so sorry, that must have been a terrible experience for you, but it was DAYUMN funny! sheepish grin


The worst place I’ve ever had a pimple was just on the inside of my eyelid. Yeah, you heard correctly. It wasn’t painful, but it was extremely irritating because I felt it every time I blinked.

At the time my thought process went, “EW!” and then immediately to, “Thank Og that didn’t happen during sex!”

Yeah, it seems only two types of things happen to me:

  1. Not during sex…relief!!, and
  2. Can’t wait to post to the Dope!

I’m either really lucky or really boring, not sure which.

Be careful; I’m not sure you want to sniff too deeply in this thread.

I get 'em inside my nose once or twice a year. That sux. But reading this makes me glad I don’t have labia.