There are lots of old joke threads here but this one has a limitation - the jokes can be no longer than ten words total.
Here’s mine…
What do you call a girl who can’t draw?
There are lots of old joke threads here but this one has a limitation - the jokes can be no longer than ten words total.
Here’s mine…
What do you call a girl who can’t draw?
My favorite trio, all chestnuts:
Q What’s brown and sticky?
Q What’s a foot long and slippery?
Q What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back [when you throw it [but I’m keeping under the limit]]?
And, of course,
Q What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
Q What’s invisible and smells like carrots?
What has four legs and one arm? A happy pit bull
Why don’t lobsters share? They’re shellfish.
What’d the really stupid guy name his pet zebra? “Spot.”
‘Hey!! Thats funny shit!!’
Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9
“Knock, knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“To Who?”
[pretentiously] “To Whom.”
Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?
Because they taste funny.
What do elephants use for tampons?
What kind of meat do priests eat on Fridays?
What do you call a girl lost in NYC?
You: “Say knock-knock.”
Him: “Knock knock.”
You: “Who’s there?”
Him: ::confused look::
Where does a one-legged waitress work?
What’s this?
A Roman ordering five beers.
What’s this?
A Vulcan ordering five beers.
From a Monty Python sketch:
Q. What’s brown and sounds like a bell?
A. Dung!
What’s brown and lies in the meadow?
Winnie’s pooh.
What’s brown and lies in the battlefield?
Gomer’s pile.
Groan but awesome nonetheless!
What do elephants use for vibrators?
“Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
Have you seen Stevie Wonder’s new piano?
Neither has he.
Why can’t Stevie Wonder see his friends?
He’s married.
Q. What’s brown and rhymes with snoop?
A. Dr. Dre.
A snake
A chihuahua
A carrot
A chihuahua
Pit Bulls don’t have arms.
They do when they bite off one of yours
A stick.
A carrot.
Rabbit farts.
What’s invisible and smells like worms?
Bird farts.