Funniest SDMB Thread EVER?

I still roll around on the floor about …

“Am I farting holes in my shorts?*”

See? That’s why I love being here! Y’all always make me think, and sometimes you make me smile and/or laugh!

I know: I need to get out more, right?

So sue me if I think the international company I find right here suits me just fine!

Plus, if I want a beer, I can have one and not have to tip the bartender, or burp in the general direction of the 4 DOUBLE D . chrome-headed , about to bust out of her Boost-ie-ay (or however you spell that), about to sink into one of them “cryin’ drunk - take me home - and hold me” DRUNKS!

Me and “Bert” (my kitty) are just fine, thanks!

Uhmmmm… what was the question???



*probably not the original title

Does unintentional humor count? I still get a chuckle out of penis ensues, it was just so utterly random.

I’m not sure anything can top Scylla’s Killer Blimp.

You’re right. You win. Close the thread. :smiley:


Sorry, if I could find it, I’d link it. It was Sampiro’s Mother/Daughter thread that ran for days.

The only thread I’ve ever emailed people. Mostly southern, crazy women got it, but still.

This one?

From within the same thread, the Bible Meth church stuff really killed me.

If Lord of the Rings had been written by someone else?

Over here and over here are some collections of best/funniest threads.