I still roll around on the floor about …
“Am I farting holes in my shorts?*”
See? That’s why I love being here! Y’all always make me think, and sometimes you make me smile and/or laugh!
I know: I need to get out more, right?
So sue me if I think the international company I find right here suits me just fine!
Plus, if I want a beer, I can have one and not have to tip the bartender, or burp in the general direction of the 4 DOUBLE D . chrome-headed , about to bust out of her Boost-ie-ay (or however you spell that), about to sink into one of them “cryin’ drunk - take me home - and hold me” DRUNKS!
Me and “Bert” (my kitty) are just fine, thanks!
Uhmmmm… what was the question???
*probably not the original title