Funny names (Rated R, maybe even X)

Ben Dover
Harry Paratestes
Howie Feltersnatch
Haywood Jablomie
Willie Getter
Harry Timbercrank
Bumpy Johnson
Pat McCrotch
Phil McCracken

I know about 10 others but I can’t think of any right now. Someone make me laugh.

Oh, how could I forget the ever popular Mike Hunt.

The guy who leased me my car is named Dick Waack.

No joke, but funny nonetheless!


The New South Wales racing minister’s full name is Richard Jack Face. Hopwever, he chooses to go by the name of Dick Face for the recognition value if nothing else.

Check out this site; it has lots of them.

Funny Names


It has a double meaning! Or triple, I guess. The obvious one of “dick-whack”, but also the more obscure “dee quack” (‘the quack’ said in an accent.

Two honest to goodness human beings (and really nice guys) I’ve worked with in the past:

Sam Surprise (just like it sounds…!)
Patrick Peters - he always went by ‘Pat’ - what were his parents thinking?

I went to high school with an honest-to-goodness Peter Holder.

Mrs. Willie Dickerson.

I think she’s going to be my high school’s new principal this year, if I remember right.

There’s a local corporate realtor whose last name is Penix.

Can you imagine being in seventh grade with that last name? Aaaaaaaugh!

I went to school with a girl called Gay Lovegrove… this was (just) in the time before gay meant gay, at least in rural NZ.

I seriously hope she got married.

When I would occasionally teach some of my adult students one of the somewhat vulgar English expressions for going to the toilet, I’d usually follow it up with how many Americans would snicker at the name of Prime Minister Takeshita.

Happy Phuq is my favorite

Went to school with a kid named: Phuc Ngo

Best last name: Grothendick (long o)

I also knew a Mike Hunt in high school–don’t ask me why he didn’t go by Michael!

When you have a legitimate addition to a list like this, it is critical to add to overall SDMB knowledge:

I had a roommate in college names Lipson Whang.


People always asked me “Does he know? Have you told him?” He was new to the country and his language skills weren’t what they could be. Nice guy - I didn’t tell him - I really couldn’t.

I used to have a good friend with the last name of Lis.

Shortly after his birth, someone had to explain to his mother why she should not name him Richard.


I went to school with a Phuc. He went by Vince.

Had a college class with Crystal Sno White.

There was a friend of a friend named Dick Washer.

My mom once had a patient named Osborne Barefoot (…weren’t we all?).

And if he lived in the South in the US, everybody would probably call him Dick-Jack.

I once sold a very expensive piece of jewelry to a Mr. Dick Sweat. I also worked for many years with a Mr. Peter Staines. But my personal all-time favorite unfortunate name is the daughter of former Governor of Texas Jim Hogg, Ima. Fortunately, she didn’t let her name drag her down and Ima Hogg became one of the great philanthropists of Houston, TX. Oddly enough, she never married.

My wife works for a large insurance company, and has seen lots of “what were the parents thinking?” names such as:

Ima Hogg
Dick Head
Dick Whacker

and, my favorite woman’s name

Fonda Cox

In college, I knew an Angela Stankebusch. She actually thought it was funny, which I suppose was more of a self-defense mechanism than anything.