Geeky Guys are Hot!

Funny, I think geeky girls are hot.

Definitely… I have a thing for girls who wear those black-framed glasses… I think you know which ones I’m speaking of :wink:

Yeah, like Eva Angelina. Yumm-erific!!

Most of the “geeky” guys girls find hot are simply good looking guys made up to look geeky.

Like Anthony Edwards was the hunk till he lost his hair at an early age and became a “geek.”

Or on Tech TV the only two popular guys Kevin Rose and Martin Sargent (suprise, surprise) were actually nice looking (Especially Martin, if you washed his hair) :slight_smile:

I’ve had a thing for geeky guys since I joined an all male role-playing group when I was 14. They are generally the funniest, humblest, most genuine guys out there. I married one :slight_smile:

Smart girls in general are hot.
Mmmmmm Intelligence…

(Make em left handed and you have me at hello)

Agreed. Same thing for the ladies, too. She whips off the glasses, takes her hair down from the bun, changes her baggy clothes for a body skimming dress and VOILA! she’s hot.

Geeks don’t really do it for me, but there’s nothing wrong with a smart hot guy! Of course, I don’t mind a dumb hot guy, either :wink: David Beckham is unbelievably hot and seems just as dumb as a stump. That’s fine. I wouldn’t want to discuss any current event beyond “Let’s get naked and hump” with him.

Quit threadshitting. :wink:

I appreciate your progressive thinking. I pray for the day when we men have the freedom to believe the same without being hooted at by the rest of female society. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a difference between “geeky” and “unattractive and socially inept.”

My best friend’s a geek all the way, and is married to a beautiful, smart, lovely woman. My WIFE’s best friend, a strikingly beautiful woman, is engaged to a geek who, frankly, reminds me a lot of my best friend. (Why my beautiful wife married me I can’t really explain. I’m not a geek, I’m just mediocre.)

The thing is, while they’re both stereotypical geeks - glasses-wearing computer-industry workers - they’re also socially apt, gregarious, kind and honest, keep themselves in shape, and spent much of their life working the dating scene as hard as they could.

I think that excludes them from the term ‘geek’ by definition.

Heh. People like the OP are the ones who bring hope to the geeks, nerds, and overworked academics of the world, bringing hope to those of us who have on more than one occasion missed out on parties and all manner of school-related activities and festivities in order to study vector calculus, data filtering, materials engineering, or what have you.

And for that, we are eternally grateful. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to practicing triple integrals in polar spherical coordinates. The exam is on Tuesday, after all.

(And yes, nerd girls are the BEST. On a college campus, most of the girls who are “hot” by the general societal definition are high-maintenance and shallow. I prefer the shy, geeky girls, with soft smiles and warm eyes - the type of girl to which my first reaction is “Wow, she’s cute!” as opposed to “Wow, she’s hot!” This goes double for redheads, green eyes, or any decent-lookign girl who actually gets my math jokes and references to cartoons from the 80’s and 90’s.)

Just to point out – it isn’t always the geek guys and the nerd girls that end up together. I’m a geek guy (as I mentioned earlier in this thread) and the woman I married was an art major in college. But she likes the geeks!


I agree that geeky guys are hot. Plus, if you accompany them on a pilgrimage to the giant comic book store, they will reward you for your patience by buying and painting you miniatures.:smiley: Then you can stage little battles at your desk.

To me geeky is a personality thing and hot is a physical thing. I don’t think “attractive” is synonomous with “hot”, but they can overlap.

Yeah… Val Kilmer’s character in Real Genius was still a nerd. Not the same sort of nerd as the other guy, but a nerd nonetheless.

The second girl in this video is teh hotness.

I like the short one in the yellow hoodie.

Where were these geek-loving girls when I was in school? :frowning:

Where are the geek loving girls NOW?