Get creative with Thing-a-Day 2009

Several Dopers participated in last year’s Thing-a-Say project, where the idea was to do something creative each day of the month of February.

Sign-ups for the 2009 edition start Monday, and I’m going to do it again. Last year I did a word list each day – this year I’m thinking photography.

It’s a lot of fun, and a wonderful way to get through the slog that February can be.

I remember that from last year and I had wanted to give it a try, but missed it by just >thismuch< whenever the sign-ups were. I think I’ll check into it now. Thanks for the head’s up!

Oooh! Ooooh! I had a blast with it last year. Things went in an entirely different direction than I thought they would, which turned out to be very good for my work. (In fact, I just finished a piece, the concept for which was my first Thing-a-Day post last year.)

Thanks for the link, twicks!

Freck, you were definitely one of the people I was thinking of for this. (And damn, that bracelet is gorgeous!)

That bracelet is stunning. I cannot imagine the patience it takes to make something that wonderful.

Hey, if it is photography, I’m game to give it a try.

Let me know if it is on.

sunstone, it can be anything you want. That’s one of the things that’s so cool about it – seeing all the stuff everyone else does. There were several people last year who cooked as their Thing-a-Day.

(Thank you, BlueKangaroo and twicks. Those damned tiny seed beads are my therapy. I totally zen out when I’m working.)

It can be anything you want it to be – as long as it’s creative. Lots of visual art stuff last year, lots of crafts – but also cooking, poetry, whatever floats your boat. As I said, last year I did a word list each day – ten-word lists that had some theme that was generally undiscernable to anybody but me.

It ends up being a lot of fun just browsing to see what other people are doing – not only people you know, but people you don’t know. You can comment, or just give an “I like!” vote to other people’s contributions.

Ok, I’m going to participate in this. I have a new camera to play with, and a new hankering to play in the visual arts. I was doing a lot of computer art a few years ago, and then stopped when I suddenly got cataracts and was nearly blind for about 6 months. So this is an excellent excuse to play again!

I’m in! But I normally do a lot of creative stuff; I’ll have to pick something special.

The trick is to pick something where you actually complete something each day, not just work on something each day. Last year, I was knitting an afghan during February, but “knitted another four inches of the third strip” didn’t count. I’m getting ready to start a sweater, but again, since I won’t be completing specific projects, I’ll need something else for my thing-a-day.

I’m going to sign up, and do jewelry as my thing. It will help me rev up for a craft show in March.

This looks like fun. I have some ideas involving photography.

Oooh, this sounds fun! I just found out I have to stop eating gluten, dairy and soy. I think I’ll cook or bake something that fits that bill every day. I should have a pretty good repertoire after a month! Thanks for posting this.

Hey, schuckiputzi, what kind of jewelry do you do and what kind of show are you doing?

And a general note to all us Thing-a-Day Dopers: if you are posting there under a name other than your Doper name, let us know what it is so we can all find each other’s stuff.

This sounds like just what I need to stave off the February blues. I’ll make a variety of wearable things—some jewelry, some knitting (I’m not very good, but I have fun), and some sewing and garment reconstruction projects.

If I have to use my Flickr name, I’m Beadycat. Otherwise, I’ll be using the name LaughingLark, which is my username most places.

Here’s my Flickr photostream. Not many of my crafts are there, but if you scroll down past the ornery-looking orange kitty, you can see a few projects I’ve made. Most of the crafts have a ruler on each side of them. This is because I participate in a craft swap where we look at and trade our crafts online though a crafting forum. I like to give the other crafters a clear idea of the size of everything. It’s a great swap and has been going on for almost two years now. Some of what I make for Thing-a-Day will end up in my swap. :slight_smile:


Looking forward to this.

Er, I didn’t understand that. Does something like this count? I made up a word today. The is the name of a disability of someone who cannot recognize those she should suck up to. The proper term is syncophantasia.

I started this last year and got about a week into it. Then my dad got sick and died. :frowning:

Maybe I’ll try again tihs year and hope for a happier month.

Archergal – I’m so sorry for your loss. Best wishes to you as you come up on that anniversary.

Heh. Love the word.

Sure – why shouldn’t inventing a word be as creative as anything else? As I said, mine last year were word lists.

I think the idea is to be creative in a quotidian (literally, “every day”) way – that creativity doesn’t have to involve ambitious, large-scale projects. And since you choose your projects, it encourages you to look at your entire life as an opportunity for creativity. Some of the spur-of-the-moment, thrown-together contributions end up being as interesting (beautiful, funny, thought-provoking) as the more meticulous creations. I enjoyed looking at other people’s entries at least as much as I enjoyed working on my own.

As I said, I’m going to do photography this year. I’m trying to come up with an overarching theme – I think I’m going to go walk around my neighborhood and take a picture each day. I’ve been living in this house almost 20 years, but have taken relatively few photos immediately around here (other than in my own house and yard, of course.) This will have the side benefit of getting me back into the habit of daily walks, as well!

OMG! I love the “Bad Day” earrings!

Your beaded flowers are beautiful. (And the kitteh is pretty cute, too!)