Ghandi's Gas Station and The Evil that is Hillary Clinton

It seems the ‘senator’ from New York hath put her foot in her hateful mouth. As strange as it seems, no one’s really called her on the carpet. (A cursory search on google and CNN produced nothing) She said, according to THIS link that “Mahatma Ghandi owned a gas station in St. Louis”.

You hypocrite, you charlatan, you phony, you bitch. If that twit Limbaugh popped off with this kind of comment, you’d be calling for his head, but since it was you, we’re supposed to just swallow this “racial stereotyping” as your “lame attempt at humor” .

Uh…No. Not now, not ever. Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! You’ve proven yourself, shown your colors, you’re as much a racist as anyone you call out on the other side of the carpet.

You want to be President? Such a laugh that is, you’re hardly fit for the position you now hold, much less leader of the free world.

Your husband is a quick-witted hillbilly with an uncontrolled libido, but at least what you see is what you get with him, he’ll come right out and tell you he’s full of shit, you, OTOH, you have to sit down in front of a small group of people, and insult the memory of one of the most peaceful, courageous, and honored men in the entire world.

You should be ashamed, Mrs. Clinton, you should be ashamed.

I know I am. Ashamed you are from Illinois.

And yes, I know what she went on to say, but the horse is out of the barn here, she’s proven herself to be no better than the people she rails against.

What’s more, shame on the media for not jumping all over this nonsense.

When did she say she wanted to be president?

This is an absolute non-story.

Oh come now DtC, it’s the whole Hillary de Medici vibe that the Idiot Right is obsessed about, just like the Fuhrer/Duce/Eeeevil Dubya crap from the Lunatic Left.

Still, I think she should apologize for telling a really stupid joke. Or at least get hit with a chicken by a knight in armor.

A non-story? What if a conservative said such a thing? You think it would be a non-story then?

You don’t think she’d run if there was a chance in hell she’d win? Please. She’s twice as ambitious as her husband, and ten times as conniving.

Hillary de Medici???

I always preferred Hilarita Clinton’ (rhyme with Peron).

Well, it was a stupid joke that should never have been told.

But i have a question for the OP. What is a ‘senator’? And how does this position relate to that of United States Senator, held by Hillary Rodham Clinton and 99 other men and women?

It was an outrageous remark. We all know full well that Ghandi ran a convenience store in Springfield.

Yeah, but I’ve been taking French History courses at college recently.


I don’t think Hillary even realized the joke could be heard as a racial sterotype. She has never shown the slightest racist inclinations in the past and I just don’t see anything pittable here.

I don’t know that she wouldn’t have a chance aginst Shrub but since all she’s ever said on the matter is that she has no interest in running I think it’s a strawman to deride her for “wanting” to be POTUS when she has never publicly expressed any such desire.

This is a non-story. I can see Dave Fucking Barry making that joke.

Considering what conservatives such as Michael Savage, Trent Lott, Jesse Helms, Pat Buchanan, Strom Thurmond, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly have said and not only gotten away with no repercussions but have actually been given plaudits, standing ovations and vast sums of money for their “remarks,” it’s safe to say that you are completely and utterly full of shit and will continue to be until your dying day.

Oh, and your location only proves how full of shit you truly are.

The linked story was about her apology.

But I think I would have preffered a knight with a rubber chicken to a press release.

Yes, one time he fasted for 96 days. By the end, he thought he was a hummingbird of some kind.

They’ve even got the tape from the security camera as proof!

It’s spelled night.

I agree: not a big deal. It was a bad joke, and she apologized… end of story as far as I’m concerned (and keep in mind that I’m a republican who has absolutely no love for this woman at all!).

Yes, if a 'pubbie had made that comment, the left would be jumping all over it. It would still be a non-story, though.

You mean there is some kind of stereotype racist thing about East Indians running gas stations? I though it was Goober, the poor white trash peckerwood, who ran the gas station?

No, the racist stereotype is about Pakistanis running convenience stores. Unless I’m (once again) behind the times.

It was a stupid remark that was likely not helped by Hillary Clinton’s inability to tell a joke. I probably agree with most of her politics but, in my view, a sharp sense of humor and deft timing are not her strong points.

In fact, if you watch it for a few minutes, you’ll see him try to drink nectar out of Jawaharlal Nehru’s head.

Also, it’s spelled Gandhi