It seems the ‘senator’ from New York hath put her foot in her hateful mouth. As strange as it seems, no one’s really called her on the carpet. (A cursory search on google and CNN produced nothing) She said, according to THIS link that “Mahatma Ghandi owned a gas station in St. Louis”.
You hypocrite, you charlatan, you phony, you bitch. If that twit Limbaugh popped off with this kind of comment, you’d be calling for his head, but since it was you, we’re supposed to just swallow this “racial stereotyping” as your “lame attempt at humor” .
Uh…No. Not now, not ever. Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit! You’ve proven yourself, shown your colors, you’re as much a racist as anyone you call out on the other side of the carpet.
You want to be President? Such a laugh that is, you’re hardly fit for the position you now hold, much less leader of the free world.
Your husband is a quick-witted hillbilly with an uncontrolled libido, but at least what you see is what you get with him, he’ll come right out and tell you he’s full of shit, you, OTOH, you have to sit down in front of a small group of people, and insult the memory of one of the most peaceful, courageous, and honored men in the entire world.
You should be ashamed, Mrs. Clinton, you should be ashamed.
I know I am. Ashamed you are from Illinois.
And yes, I know what she went on to say, but the horse is out of the barn here, she’s proven herself to be no better than the people she rails against.
What’s more, shame on the media for not jumping all over this nonsense.