Ghosts (US Version): Who Got Sucked Off In Season 2 Cliffhanger (open spoilers for US and UK even in the OP)

I’m glad, I didn’t find that ghost particularly interesting.
Actually since I started watching the UK version, I don’t like anyone as much as I used to!

well, there is a little bit of precedent with Heddy’s husband popping up for a visit from hell, aloing with the housekeeper being summoned for a visit from Heaven.

Hijack, but does anyone here have a Paramount+ subscription? If so, can you tell us which episodes of the UK program are available there? I’m willing to subscribe for a month or two to see the episodes that were not available on MAX.

I was sad for Thorfinn, he seemed at once despondent over the (likely permanent) loss of someone they loved, but at the same time joyful that they’d moved on to a better place.

Last I checked, only the first two seasons of the UK version are available on Paramount Plus (which is why the spoiler in the OP really sucks.)

Amazon has through season 5 of the UK version.

I think Sheila Carrasco is fantastic, even if Flower wasn’t my favorite ghost( btw, Rose Mciver is also pregnant). I was hoping it would be Crash and that it wouldn’t be Nigel. One question: How are we meant to interpret the end scene, where the owl flies away, then immediately circles back and come screeching and diving at Jay? Just a funny bit where his good deed boomerangs on him or
is it a hint that Flower is in the owl?

I think it’s just supposed to be funny. And note that in the following scene, he has a patch over his right eye.

Thanks for the confirmation. Mrs. Solost asked “is she pregnant?” when we watched.

They should write the pregnancy into the show instead of trying to hide it. A couple trying to run a B&B out of a dilapidated mansion overrun with ghosts while raising a baby could make for some good comedy opportunities.

At least for one Special Episode. But then end the series.

Yeah, actually, on reflection, it seems like an awful, hacky idea. Maybe I was actually joking when I said that. I no longer know whether I’m being ironic or not!

They could have some fun with letting the ghost babysit. The UK version did that, sort of, when Julian hung out with Mike’s sister’s baby and realized just how much he missed of his children growing up. Perhaps the baby can see the ghosts?


Imagine the laughs when Child Protective Services learn about Sam and Jay’s shared psychosis.

Gawd, me, too.

The writers really like saying “sucked off”.

A very spoilery spoiler for the UK show:

Welcome to the premise of S5.

Dammit, Paramount+ is pissing me off. They keep running a promo saying 'All episodes of Ghosts UK now streaming!" but they only have the first 2 seasons online. They lie :rage:

Season 5 was the last, ending with the Christmas special.

I thought the product placement for Amazon Prime was really blatant and unnecessary.