Best game ever?
I can’t think of any game that holds up the way GE does. And the N64 controller (which isn’t great) is perfect for this game. The graphics aren’t as good as newer stuff, but this game is a blast to play.
Best game ever?
I can’t think of any game that holds up the way GE does. And the N64 controller (which isn’t great) is perfect for this game. The graphics aren’t as good as newer stuff, but this game is a blast to play.
Super Mario 64 can take Goldeneye any day. Despite this, Goldeneye is still an awesome game, though Perfect Dark is right up therw with it.
Silly as it sounds any Pokémon beats it. The way it plays out you wind up caring about the little guys. “Come on Pidgey. Hang in there!”
Ocarina of Time is also better. Bigger plot. Better levels. A lot of games are. Goldeneye is great, don’t get me wrong, but there is much better.
Oh, for the pure joy of multiplayer Goldeneye. Fave game in the flat was “Kill Jaws”, one person is Jaws with 1000% health, everyone else has 30%. Ahh, fun days.
Best part was trying to do the whole game just using throwing knifes. Couldn’t quite manage it on 00 Agent mode with limited ammo though…
I’'ll second Ocarina of Time. That and Mario 64 are my picks for best games ever (well, and Link to the Past)…But I’m straying off topic, heh.
I’ve heard that the GoldenEye game made more than the movie. Can that possibly be true? Or do they mean as a percentage of return on the cost of making it (the game cost a couple million, the movie cost tens of millions)?
Cite-less, but not really surprising. The US video game market is bigger than theater ticket sales, as you’ve heard many times.
What they don’t tell you is that the home video rental market is at least five times bigger than either of them. Cite
That would be either Yars Revenge, Dig Dug, SMB, or GTA:VC
more ontopic, Goldeneye is a fun party game, but their other game with the computer characters holds up better as a single persone game (perfect dark? i didn’t own a n64 so don’t remember some of the names)
Honestly, my clique preferred GE over Perfect Dark for (mostly) one reason: Instant Death. With the PD weaponry, turning on 1-hit kills was suicide - the guns could shoot so fast, there was no way to have a decent battle. With GE, however, you could have dodging, white-knuckle shootouts with even RCPs that would last more than five seconds.
Teaming up with another person against eight Sims in Perfect Dark was awesomely fun as well, but in general we enjoyed Goldeneye much more (especially with our in-house rules).
One of the funniest things that ever happened to me in my life was while playing this game.
Me and a friend flew out to california a couple years back and were playing this with my cousin. We were about 19 or 20 years old and my cousin was like 11 and he was beating the living crap out of us. It was double embarassing because we had previously thought we were pretty good at this game. This kid just knew it in and out though; every twist, every turn, every passageway. You couldn’t escape him and he had it on goldengun so as soon as he caught sight of you (typically 3 or 4 seconds after you spawned) you were dead.
Finally I was running along and came to this door and he turns and looks at me with these big sad puppy dog eyes and whines “Don’t go in there! The GOLDENgun’s in there!” Well naturally I gave a little snicker and opened the door right up thinking I was finally going to even the score, but of course the little bastard was standing right there and blasted me in the face.
Sorry if I bored you with that story, I guess it was one of those “you had to be there” things, but it’s still so funny to me to this day that I have to tell it everytime this game gets mentioned :D.
I offer this quotation from the official history of the film series, James Bond: The Legacy:
According to Box Office Mojo, Goldeneye the film made US$106,429,941 in the United States. The IMDb gives a US$351,000,000 figure for worldwide box office gross. If the numbers Cork and Scivally give are correct, Goldeneye 007 the game made at least 488 million dollars American.
I don’t know why, but I find Cisco’s story hilarious. Nobody said a secret agent has to play by the rules.
May all your eyetats be golden,
It is interesting to note that like the series of films and Bond himself, the game has ties to the Queen (you know what I mean, it’s British). The game was developed by Rare, a British developer now owned by Microsoft. (I imagine if it wasn’t developed in England, the copyright screen wouldn’t be a parody of a BBFC rating card.)
No time limit, proximity mines, and those AR-something rifles.
It’s fun to place those mines anywhere you want: above a door, behind a crate, on the armor - tee hee!
I favorite level for proxy mines was Bunker. Once I got into the main room, I was unstoppable, even by God himself.
The Multi Player was the best ever. Jedi Knight II has some great deathmatches (think lightsabers, blasters, and force powers) but still . . . Goldeneye deathmatches with one hit kills was a brutal game with 4 people (especially with just pistols). We got to know the game in and out ourselves. Turns out there is a pattern to where you respawn. I was the first to learn this in my peer group and I would pick the guy in the lead (after me of course) and chase him around the levels killing him before he could ever get a gun.
The actual game won me over in the first 30 seconds. My experience went something like this:
OK. I’ve got a silenced pistol. Cool. Wait, there’s a guard! PAP-PAP. Dead. Nice. Hmmm. He had a machine gun. I wonder if I can take it. . . I can take the machine gun! (many games do not let you take fallen enemies weapons). OK. Another guard. Dead. Wonder what’s at the top of that tower? Hmm, looks like a . . . Siper Rifle! Cool. So I can ready this and . . . there, I can zoom . . . well lookie lookie, a couple of guards scratching there asses. You guys are toast. Zoom in extreme . . . crosshairs on his head . . . PAP. Dead! Oh, look, the other guard is starting to run towards me. Want revenge for your pal, huh? Tough. I’ll just zoom out a little. . . aim for the center of his mass . . . two quick shots . . .and he’s dead!!!
I paused the game and looked around at my friends. We were all amazed. I’ve since played many games that I would consider “better” - Zelda games, Hitman 2, Eternal Darkness. . . Goldeneye, however, was the one game I played the most hours and learned the best. It was also the most social game I ever played. Unlike most of my video games I played this one with tons of friends. I iced them all. To be honest, no one can beat me.
DaLovin’ Dj
I wasn’t so fond of the multiplayer, actually. The whole “certain weapons are massively more powerful than others” style of gameplay has never been my favorite, which is why I’m such a huge fan of Halo’s multiplayer. As for single-player, Super Mario 64 had Goldeneye beat hands-down.
I do think that Goldeneye is far superior to Perfect Dark, though, in spite of the latter’s inclusion of AI bots.
That whole thing was easily bypassed by selecting “One Hit Kills” in the setup. This meant that a bullet put you down just as quick as an explosion. We considered any other way of playing to be soft and boring. One Hit Kills may have been one of the codes that get unlocked, I can’t remember. Playing with a health meter sucked. I don’t want to ever see a guy running around after I put a bullet from an AK-47 into his chest. Running around shooting each other point blank to no effect ruins the sense of realism. With one hit kills you had to not get hit. It made it very tough and gave the gunfights a real sense of danger. It got my heart racing a couple of times. You see bullets hitting the wall in front of you as you scramble for ammo knowing that you are dodging death by a hair, grabbing a gun at the last minute, spinning quick and placing a single shot with a magnum square in your oponents chest and watching him crumple as blood red slowly paints his square - now that makes you feel like James Bond. We eventually even set up two TVs and blocked out one half on each side so that you could not see where the other player was headed. All of the sudden gunshots ring out behind you and you get a pretty good scare. Fun stuff.
I also really dug the way they had all these codes that couldn’t be opened by just entering a button combination. You had to do some pretty impressive stuff to open the best codes. Beating the Facility in 2:05 was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done in a video game. Well worth it. But damn was it hard.
The future will hold some wonderful online deathmatches I’m sure. Already there are some cool ones, but eventually the shit will look real and be in real time. It will be fun to waste people from all over the world with no lag. Broadband is good but not quite there yet, certainly not on large enough scale. But for me, the Goldeneye deathmatch is the standard by which all others after it will be judged.
DaLovin’ Dj
My roommate and I would have High Noon gunfights using one-shot kills and pistols. We’d find a hallway and each take an end. Then we’d wind the kitchen timer to about 30 seconds and turn it where we couldn’t see it. When the bell went off…BLAM!!! Man left standing wins! Unbelievably simple fun.