goround zero of jokes

About 40% of this site consists of cheap puns. Cheap puns are our bread and butter! You’ll get my cheap puns from me when you pry them from my cold dead hands. Or was it cold bread pans?*

You know what was the Ground Zero of jokes? The thread of 9/11 black humor.

You sure are easily offended, OP.

*In honor of the fact that another 40% of the site consists of pedantry and nitpicking, allow me to state that I am aware that this is a Spoonerism, not a pun.

Kind of the point, isn’t it? The OP objected to your joke as unnecessary. He provided no link and no context.

Jokes are not a rarity around these parts. Cecil Adams makes unnecesary jokes; so does Ed; so do the mods and admins; so do we. Humor, or attempted humor, is part of the culture of the SDMB. The objection to your joke as unnecessary is invalid.

Therefore, the only question, and it is one that cannot be answered without a link or context, is: was it a good joke?

It pissed off scamartistry, which is a point in its favor.


“Well, it was set in Vietnam and since three people got killed, it was a melee massacre!”

Huh. This thread presents a bit of a dilemma for me. Initially, I read it as a humorous way of collecting good jokes from other Pit threads in one place. However, it’s also possible that the OP is serious, and is genuinely pitting people for making jokes in Pit threads.

The dilemma is, if my initial read is correct, then this thread is in the wrong forum - joke threads aren’t allowed in the Pit. On the other hand, if the OP is serious, I should leave it here, and let every one make fun of him for being a humorless jag off.

Help me out here, scamartistry. Should I put my Mod hat on, and move this thread to MPSIMS, or take my mod hat off and call you an asshole?

Some people the mistake of Shunt’s work a load of rubbish about railway timetables, but clever people like me, who loudly in restaurants, this as a deliberate ambiguity, a plea for understanding in a mechanized world. The points frozen, the beast dead. What the difference? What indeed the point? The point frozen, the beast late out of Paddington. The point taken. If La Fontaine’s elk would Tom Jones the engine must our head, the dining car our oesophagus, the guard’s van our left lung, the cattle truck our shins, the first-class compartment the piece of skin at the nape of the neck and the level crossing an electric elk called Simon. The clarity. But where the ambiguity? It over there in a box. Shunt the 8.15 from Gillingham when in reality he the 8.13 from Gillingham. The train the same only the time altered. Ecce homo, ergo elk. La Fontaine his sister and her bloody well. The point taken, the beast moulting, the fluff up your nose. The illusion complete; it reality, the reality illusion and the ambiguity the only truth. But the truth, as Hitchcock observes, in the box? No there not room, the ambiguity on weight. The point, the elk dead, the beast at Swindon, Chabrol at nothing, I treatment and La Fontaine can.

The point crystal clear, bouncy bouncy.

Do you want some cheese to go with that whine?

i can haz jokez?

I bought another colander.

I don’t a word of what you.

Actually, that. I every word, but the whole paragraph not sense. Are you to a point?

(nb this was clearly meant as somewhat of a joke…)

Damn! I thought I was finally going to get noticed. I make bad jokes all the time.

I hate these popularity threads. It’s high school all over again.

Do you best in your pit thread. Bring colanders!!!

Say what? Lynn used to say joke thread had to be in the pit. Or does that only apply to parodies?

BTW, I took it as “Let’s pit the people who make bad jokes.” Not exactly serious, in that they don’t deserve to be pitted, but serious in the fact that the joke is dumb and they should be ashamed of themselves for making it.

I’d win in spades, except I don’t think people always realize that I’m even trying to make a joke…

I accidentally too many jokes!

You know who else didn’t like jokes and puns?

Don’t forget that life is just like HS. The only difference is that it’s not over in 4 years.

You’re thinking of parodies, in particular, parodies that are specifically intended to mock another poster’s thread or posting style. Joke threads, such as “I Pit John Mace for being so cool!” or threads that are literally a collection of jokes (as this was apparently intended to be) should go in MPSIMS. Which is where I’m moving this now.

Play nice, everyone: you’re not in the Pit anymore.

Thanks for trying. I guess I’ll just have to try to be even more annoying if I want my own genuine pit thread.

By the way. I’m not a “he”.

Point of order - the original joke was in a GD thread http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=606361&highlight=Canada&page=2 not a Pit thread.