We will finally have a president that won’t cave into the Chinese on every issue whether it’s fake territorial claims, lead in baby formula, IP violations, etc.
Better relations with Russia. Despite what you may think about Putin, the world as a whole would function better if the Americans and Russian could work with each other. What’s happening in Syria proves that.
A president that understands the economy. Obama has really had no idea how to jumpstart this economy beyond tax and spend and spin. In his debates with McCain he offered no plan besides “I’ll consult with economists.” He supported giving banks free money and you can read about the RFC to see how well that worked out the first time (Hint: the banks took the money and invested it for themselves and didn’t lend it out. Sound familiar?).
The fact that she lost to Trump makes it that much more humiliating for the Queen of the Harpies.
Y’know, it would be really nice if we could have one thread complaining about Clinton or reassuring about Trump that didn’t start with at least some complete nonsense.
Obama’s economic plan, mainly involving his stimulus package, not only was what the experts advised, it worked. There is really very little dispute about this among experts. It helped, and more would have helped more - and he wanted to offer more stimulus, and was blocked by congress.
Trump’s economic plan is fucking clueless, and Moody’s has predicted it will lead to a substantial recession. He’s a businessman, and businessmen often have absolutely no fucking clue what they’re talking about when it comes to macroeconomics. The skillsets are not the same.
You’re kidding, right?
No, we have a president who is personally in debt to the Chinese to the tune of a billion dollars. No control or influence there.
Just how he is going to manage his sprawling business empire (which cannot simply be divested and reinvested blind) and the Oval Office was always one of the key questions. We’ve never had a president with anything like DT’s deep entanglements with overseas funding and properties.
What’s happening now, under a strong and savvy president, is one thing.
What happens when the “Deal Maker in Chief,” with longstanding financial and business ties to Russia, is up against a very tough and aggressive NeoSoviet leader… let’s just say I don’t see DT as having anything in between useless bluster and nukes.
Business moguls have no innate “understanding of the economy.” Especially ones that started rich, got richer and made their entire career one of “dealing” rather than sensible investment and building. Government/national economies and business are not the same thing and in fact barely overlap as hostile partners.
Ah, to the point. Clinton lost - everything else is irrelevant. Of course.
Here’s the problem with that analysis. With the complete disregard for the Austrian School, pretty much ALL economists believe in the mantra “In good times spend a shit-ton of money and fuck deficits. In bad times spend even more.” That’s not really a strategy is it? More of being at a bar on payday.
So let’s say I agree with you that at the time the stimulus package helped a la Marriner Eccles and later John M. Keynes. That still does not address that today - 8 years later - the economy is stagnant, it is impossible for most people to get a loan, corporations “move” to Ireland to avoid taxes leaving more of a burden on individuals and that jobs are flowing to countries where labor is cheaper. And pray tell what Obama’s plan has been?
It was republicans who went with your mantra. It was the republicans that ran up the deficit and the debt during the good times. It was the republicans who said that deficits don’t matter.
Democrats may agree with the idea that when the economy is tanking, it is not the best time for austerity measures, but that’s the only time that republicans seem to care, after they’ve run up the deficit so much, they complain about it.
So, you are correct in that your statement is a horrible strategy, my only question is why you support those who use have used that strategy in the past, and who promise to do so in the future?
So Republicans do it and Democrats don’t? I believe you are incorrect - both sides do it.
Don’t forget the trains will run on time.
Coal trains.
- We can treat women however we want.
- We won’t have to see anyone who isn’t white, middle class & Christian again.
- Global warming is now fake.
Everything is great!
[I can’t find the vomit smiley]
Even the part where he wants bondholders to take a haircut? And his claims to be able to eliminate the debt in – what was it? – a year? IANA economist, but I’m pretty sure those ideas are what economists call “batshit insane”.
- It will last a maximum of eight years, unless that’s another area where President (gah!) Trump is going to “shake things up” and “rewrite all the rules.”
Believe what you want, but reality agrees with me.
See how the lines trends down when it’s blue, and up when it’s red?
Since reagan days, democrats have reduced the deficit every year they have been in office, republicans have increased the deficit every year they have been in office. (Before reagan days, both parties were reducing the deficit year over year.)
Your “both sides do it”, claim is entirely without any support in reality.
Satirists will have an abundance of material to work with
If I’m eyeballing right, the recent trends went more upward with a Democratic Congress, downward with a Republican Congress… they control the budget ultimately.
They need to enjoy that while they can. If Trump manages to make it easier to sue media companies for saying mean things about him, they may find themselves relegated to puns and poop jokes.
It will lay completely bare the chasm in the GOP.
Which will have zero negative effect on them at the ballot box.
In all seriousness I wonder if some of trumps critics will move overseas to avoid legal harassment. I could easily forsee Trump using whatever power he has, legal and illegal, to harass his critics.
However, as the Trumpists have learned, if you repeat it over and over and over again, it becomes the Truth.
As I said last night… How long before SNL is removed from the airwaves for “being seditious”.
How long before the first newspaper editor is tossed in jail on “charges” that the FBI has mysteriously found?
If he passes a “Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich Imeanumm . . . the US” we are all screwed. Well, not the white men.