Grooming of the pubic hair: preferences.

I was just wondering, as the thread’s title suggests, about how people prefer the pubic hair of their mates to be styled. I’m particularly interested in how women prefer men groom their privates, but of course others are welcome to contribute. What and where should be trimmed? Is shaving (either completely or in part) suggested?

I guess I’m obligated to start things off so: I prefer that a woman be fairly closely trimmed; if not, it’s ok, but I think less is more. Shaving, in my opinion, is fine but hardly necessary.

I’d consider including my personal solution (as well as specific reasons for my preferences), but, you know . . . my mother uses these boards.

I have no preference. Mr. Honey doesn’t need to trim for me. I, however am clean-shaven and I love it.


Why not do the trimming FOR your SO? It can be fun.

Both of the lobotomy’s trim to keep that area neat and tidy. Shaving is optional. Judge not the gift by the package, but for the present.

As was mentioned in a prior thread, this can be quite dangerous!:eek:

I see that this is your 666th post.

That brings to mind Gregory Peck vigorously delving through Damien’s hair looking for a sign in The Omen.

And your thread is about hair of the pubies.

M’kay, I’m freakin’ scared.

Great… my left nut just fell off.

Preferences??? I prefer mine to be free of lice and other infestations.



It’s possible to stop the Devil from stealing your Nuts by using a Hairnet.

OK, He can still make your Nuts fall off, but at least you will be able to keep them for ‘old time’s sake’.

Of course, if you don’t have any Pubic Hair, you can’t have a Hairnet.

Can males get pattern baldness of the pubular area? Is it possible that someday I’m gonna have to comb over pubes from one side of Mr. Scrotie to the other? Can I use the same comb that’s already in my back pocket or is that considered bad form?

In one American Indian myth, a group of women challenge each other to a pubic hair contest. The winner had bird feathers woven through hers.

I first read this at the tender age of 14, and I’m still amazed by it. Outside of porn magazines or strip joints, who could imagine such a thing in our culture? Heck, even within porn mags or strip joints who could?

You crack me up. That was too funny!


Originally posted by lieu
Can males get pattern baldness of the pubular area? Is it possible that someday I’m gonna have to comb over pubes from one side of Mr. Scrotie to the other? Can I use the same comb that’s already in my back pocket or is that considered bad form?

But yes, I think that would be considered bad form. Should the problem present itself you should just shave the entire area or get a “hair piece” for it.

*Originally posted by CalMeacham *
In one American Indian myth, a group of women challenge each other to a pubic hair contest. The winner had bird feathers woven through hers.QUOTE]

Never thought I’d be disappointed to learn that Pocahontas Swallowed.
And Liquid, I tried to get a piece for that for years.:slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lieu *

Yeah no kidding. I’m married and I’m still trying.

What did the losers have woven into theirs…Pine cones? Eels? Pemmican?


I like to keep the boys shaved, triming up top with a scissors. More of a comfort thing than anything else. Hair caught in clothing != fun.

As for my lady friends, the sample size is too limited to form an opinion. I don’t imagine it would make a heck of a lot of difference, but who knows?

Hey now :frowning: Where did this tuna thing start anyway? I say to all the guys, if you get anywhere near it and you are reminded of days spent on the seashore as a child, get the hell outta there man.

It should taste like Honey. :smiley:

A Limerick

The greatest invention they say
Is the Fuzzy Ball-Sack Toupe[sup]TM[/sup]
The inventor was none other–
Just go ask your mother–
Than the late, great Mel Torme

No pubes made Mel so blue
Sufferer since ‘52
So the Velvet Fog
He covered his log
But, oy vey, that fuckin’ glue.
I wanted to work a cod piece into the poem somehow, but mentioning Tom Jones would’ve messed up the rhythm…