guys need to read and respond please

What you did is the same as the subject of faking orgasms. Once you say it, you cannot unsay it.

Sex or presents will bury this subject under some topsoil, but it will come up again, during a heated argument, more vicious than ever.

I say gently end the relationship with either your boyfriend or girlfriend, and learn from your lesson.

I recommend a threesome with the friend who blabbed, to prove that his dick is big enough for two.

Either that, or put his e-mail address on a mailing list to receive valuable information on how to enlarge him. I am sure that would help.

All seriousness aside, you cannot un-ring that bell. My dear son was once watching TV with my wife, when a commercial for some fat loss product came on. My son turned to my wife in all innocence and said, “Mommy - maybe you could get that for your butt.”

Sometimes I wonder how he lived long enough to reach adolescence.


I’d say you have issues with that ‘friend’ that need clearing up.

Did you, in fact, say that to her?

Why did she repeat such a thing to anyone?

Then I’d say you need to learn to keep your big trap shut.

OH and trading any sort of sexual favor as an act of contrition for a misdeed is a BAD idea. Make him a pie instead.

Maybe your vagina’s just too gappy? So his penis seems a little small in comparison?

Well there’s your answer. Kill them both :wink:
Seriously, marrying him will show how committed you are to him, physical charactoristics aside. if this is not an option, why are you sleeping with him?

It rather depends on:

Is it small? Based on what?
Does that satisfy you less?
Do you care?
Is he upset that he’s inadequate, he’s not satisfying you, or that there’s a small-dick rumour going around about him?
Why did your friend tell him? Will anyone tell anyone else?

Don’t post any of this here, but you need to work it out. My advice, based on what you’ve said, is to go apologise to him (whatever the problem is) and try and work it out.

I note, for what it’s worth, that the OP doesn’t deny telling her girlfriend the small penis story – just that “she doesn’t remember it.”

From this I infer that it’s not something completely out of bounds – that is, she’s not saying, “I never said that, and I never would.” To the contrary, breaching the trust and confidence of her relationship was so trivial a discussion that she doesn’t even specifically recall if she did it or not.


How old are you, bluforever1?

From her profile:

The ONLY thing that would fix this problem, if he’s significantly upset by it, is sexsexsex, everyday, for weeks or months, or years, until he’s thoroughly convinced that it doesn’t matter. Do him up and down, over and over. Become a sexaholic.

It can work.

Anal sex. Then let’s see if it is too small…


You might try a little positive reinforcement during sex to restore his confidence. Guys love it when girls say stuff during sex like, “give it to me big daddy” and “you’re so big and hard” Just use your imagination.

I really don’t know about the ‘big daddy’ thing. It’d kinda creep me out. How hot would it make you if during sex the guy called you mommy? Ewww.

For the OP, what a crappy thing to say. How would you feel if your boyfriend told his friend how loose you were? I don’t know if I’d forgive it. You’ve got a LOT of sucking up to do. Uh…I mean…well you know what I mean…

Fortunately, this isn’t something I’ll ever have to worry about. :smiley:

Just tell him, “Little ones are the very best for the back door.”

Some of the replies to this were constuctive. To those that were not, thanx for nothing. I’m referring to the ones that say end the relationship. You don’t know how much that hurts. I can’t remember telling her that b/c I can guarentee I didn’t. His friends all joke about it, but from their mouths it’s the pot calling the kettle black. All I’m saying his, he gets the job done enough that I do not care. I’ve never faked an orgasm and I’m sure I’ll never have to. I know I can’t trust my friend now. She was my best friend and she had no right to say what she said–especially to his face. I don’t know. He seems okay with it, but something’s up. Maybe ending it… no. God, no. I’ve lost him once and I won’t do it again. To the one who said something about marriage, I’d marry him tomorrow if I could. That’s a fact. And yes, I do believe sex and a few favors may help. I’m working on that. He’s going to be spending a week at my empty house when my father goes to Canada and that bed will be squeaking for the rest of it’s life. I actually am a pretty mature 17 year old. I feel very old a lot of the time. I don’t know. Any constructive suggestions from people who care?? His dick isn’t small. And I’d rather ask people on a world-wide internet site than anyone I know personally. You people don’t now me, therefore I don’t worry about anything getting back to anyone. Understand?


If he were also mature, it wouldn’t matter to him. It might shake his ego for a bit, but if it turns into a permanent scar, then there’s something insecure about him in the first place.

And yes… I’d reevaluate the “friendship” with your girlfriend. What exactly was she trying to do?

I’m sorry. Did you just say that all his friends know about your comment?

No, Bill, his friends do not know about my comment. They saw his dick once at a party when he was drunk and whipped it out for some girl. I’m thinking that’s where my friend got the info. on his dick size b/c she’s been around when they’ve been laughing about it. He is mature, and he’s told me he doesn’t care about it anyhow. He believes I didn’t tell her, but he also believes there’s some truth in every rumor. So basically he thinks I didn’t tell her, but that I do think that, which is totally off. I know he is a little self-conscious about it, though, and that may create problems. However, he really seems okay with it. I know him better than I know myself (which may be because we’re so much alike) and I know it hurt him, but I know he’s okay with it right now. He’s a good guy. He’ll be okay. But it’s not like he hasn’t said stuff of a rude sexual nature to his friends about me. he told his friends that I just lay there when we’re screwing. I used to have issues with getting on top and actually touching a guy intimately b/c of abuse I’ve been through. But I dealt with those things b/c I realized he had a problem with it, and now there’s no complaints. In fact, I know he’s satisfied to the fullest, all the time, every time.


Oh, and I’m not loose. He is my second partner. My first partner only took my virginity. Thank you.

just explain the whole thing (minus the SDMB bit) and see what he says. beyond that there aint much u can do…

except beat the living shit out of your ‘friend’ :rolleyes:

If I can beat a dead horse, why is your friend talking about penises (?) with him anyway? You need to keep her away from him.

After 2, the multitude.