Haiku Madness Part Deux

5-5-7. That’s novel.

Now all smells of Limburger
Could be yours for just
Nine pounds ninety-five.

Nine pounds ninety-five
Too much to pay for a cheese
That smells way too bad

That smells way too bad
No I am not giving you
My ID numbers

I blame lack of caffiene. And my haiku did say I made a mistake…

In play:

My ID numbers
One Social Security
Two is very secret


Are you caffeinated now?

Cuz you F-ed up again. :slight_smile:

You F-ed up again;
In ice skating, if you don’t
C#, you’ll Bb

(first line repaired)

Two’s very secret
Three we don’t even mention
One’s for the money

One’s for the money.
Two’s for even more money.
Guess what three is for.

Guess what three is for:
Yup - the Holy Hand Grenade.
Do not count to four.

Do not count to four.
Count to ten, maybe twenty:
Do not lose temper.

Do not lose temper
If Calgon gets shirts clean and
Wife blurts out secret.

Wife blurts out secret
Now everyone in town knows it
Awful is the shame

And I think I finally got one right today…

Awful is the shame
Second line, eight syllables
(You could drop the ‘now’.)

You could drop the ‘now’
But all your glitchy haikus
Are growing on me

Are! Growing on me
Shoulder is a strange lump that
Looks like a parrot!

Looks like a parrot
But it sure tastes like chicken
Finger lickin’ good

Finger Lickin’ Good
To replace bad memory
Fouling up Haiku’s

Fouling up Haikus
Is less likely to be done
Posting while rested.

Posting while rested?
Looks like The_Stainless_Steel_Rat
Got syllables right!