Happy 136th Birthday Canada!!!

Yep, it’s July 1st!! What do you Canadian Dopers plan on doing? I’ll be doing things such as watching the parade, changing of the guard, and flag raising ceremony, as well as looking at all the cool stuff downtown. Later on I’ll be going to the Museum of Science & Technology where Nortel has an exhibit on networking stuff, and it’s free admission! Yay! Later on I suppose I’ll go to the fireworks, then a party afterwards.

Canada! You’ve just turned 136 years old!

Whaddya gonna do now?

Happy Canada Day Canadian dopers!

Here’s to all the Canadian Dopers having one heck of a great day. :slight_smile:

Yah, the fireworks are always nice. Happy Birthday Canada!

[Stompin’ Tom Connors]
It’s Canada Day
Up Canada Way
On the first day of July…
[/Stompin’ Tom Connors]

[sub]Sorry, that’s all I can remember; and it’s impossible to find Stompin’ Tom down here.

Happy Canada Day, Canadian Dopers!

Wow, another Ottawa Doper eh? I’ll be at Mooney’s playing Volleyball with some friends then ask one of them out and might see the fireworks.

Workin’ :frowning:

What good is June 30th as a day off??

grumble grumble grumble

Just planning a quiet day – peaceful. I’ll spend some time reading, some time writing, and some time with friends.

And thanks to all our neighbours who remembered our birthday :smiley:

I’ll be working. All day.

Nobody here’s even remembered it’s our birthday. :frowning:

Canada Days on the Hill were the best holidays ever, man.

I’m working for half the day at time and a half plus stat pay plus I’m out the door by 5 I’m not too upset. Plenty o’ time for fireworks.

I’ll be working. I will, however, be working with temporary flag tattoos all over my head.

Temporary flag tattoos! That’s what I forgot! :smack:

Once Jim’s finished working, we’ll figure out something to do - it’s another gorgeous day here in sunny Calgary (said with tongue firmly in cheek, but it has actually been really nice here for the last couple of days).

Happy Canada Day to the best neighbors a country could have. I was just thinking about the last time I was in Canada. It was the first time after 9/11 and they had made travel between our countries more difficult. My wife and I had stopped in Detroit to pick up some furniture that my aunt left us we she passed away(long illness, no surprise). We decided to make a quick trip to Windsor (I know, it’s not really true Canada) for lunch since we didn’t get to the area very often because we live in North Carolina. On the way back into the US customs asked why we had been in Canada and we answered: lunch.
For some reason he didn’t believe that we had driven from North Carolina to sample the fine fare of Windsor for lunch, go figure! So for the next 10 minutes or so, we explained my aunt and the furniture. Well, since the furniture was in the minivan, he thought we had bought it in Canada and kept trying to trap us into saying that was the reason we had come to Canada (Do you have your receipt? Are you sure you don’t have the receipt? How much did you pay for the furniture, etc…).
If you notice I had no problem going to Canada, only when I tried to return to the US did I encounter trouble.

Canada de bestest, eh?

Happy berfday, gorjus countree!

Happy Birthday, Canada!

Many more to come. :slight_smile:

::Puts on party hat and releases colorful balloons::

Hey, Canada! How you doin’? Baby, I’ll stand on guard for thee anytime!

Wow! I’ve always said that Canada was like the US’s little brother, but now I see how true it is! :smiley:
But seriously folks, I’ve never been there but I here it’s nice. And hey, Winnipeg did send us their Jets!

I move to kick ace out of this thread.


Kidding, buddy. That was what you 'Merricans call a “roasting”, right?

Forgot to mention that I will not be partying, since I live in the boonies (so no pubbing for me) and nobody bothered to invite me to their barbecue. However, I did wear red and white panties today. So I was at least a little festive in my secret no-no zone. And really, if you’re not partying there, where are you partying?


Already went out for lunch with the family, then hung around the bookstore a while. Might watch the Canada Day celebrations on TV later… I’d have gone to the salmon festival in Steveston, but there are massive crowds there!

Later on, who knows? I might stay up all night just to see if we get the 2010 Olympics. (then again, I may not… best have loads of caffeine if I do)