Happy 1st Birthday, My BabyGuy!

Today you are one year old.

You don’t know what it means, and you don’t really care. You’re too little to even have a clue. But it means a lot to me and your dad.

I remember the night I found out I was expecting you. Honestly, it wasn’t good. Your dad and I had decided we didn’t want any more children. Between the two of us, we already sort of had six–your older brother, his two older sisters, your older sister that I relinquished for adoption twelve years ago, her younger brother, and of course, the Little Goddess, the older sister that you love so much now. Of course, only one of those six children lived with us, but still, we see them all and love them all, but we figured that that was just enough. No more kids.

Then one day, I woke up and I couldn’t button my jeans. Then I remembered that hey, my monthly visitor hadn’t shown up last month. I put it down to PMS. I’ve skipped them before and not been pregnant. So, I sent your dad to the drugstore to get a home test. That little thing turned blue so flippin’ fast I was stunned.

Your dad and I talked a lot that night, and I talked to your grandma too. Your dad and I were just two steps away from not having you. But your wonderful grandma just asked me to sit down and think for a minute. Just settle down, and think before I did anything. It was still early, and I had a few weeks to decide. So, we did. I realized that the only reasons I could come up with for not having you were purely selfish. Not good enough, in our opinion. So, two days later, on your sister’s 2nd birthday, I went to the doctor and got a blood test. Later that afternoon, I got the call. Yep, you were coming. And we were happy.

But your grandfather, your dad’s dad, was dying. He had cancer. He knew he wasn’t going to get to see you ever, so we made a decision. We didn’t know if you were going to be a boy or a girl, but we decided that if you were going to be a boy, we’d give you his name. I had a feeling that you were going to be a boy, so I never even chose a girl’s name. Then we went to visit your grandpa, when I was four months pregnant with you. We told your grandpa what we were going to do, and he cried. He was so happy. He said “I’ve always hoped that one of my kids would do that.”

A week later, we got an ultrasound, and yep, you’re a boy. We called your grandpa that night, and told him. He was so very happy. A couple of days later, he slipped in to a coma, and then two weeks after that, he passed away. But he died knowing that he was going to have a grandson with his name. John. A good, strong name.

On the way home from the hospital after you were born, we stopped to visit my grandma. She’d been sick too. We didn’t tell her we were coming–we surprised her. Oh, did that ever make her day. We’ve got a beautiful picture of her holding you. She fell and broke her arm two days later, and had to go to the hospital. That was when they found out she had advanced bone cancer, and only had a few weeks left. She never came out of the hospital, except when they moved her to Hospice. She saw you one more time, just a few hours before she died. That picture was placed in her coffin, and she took it with her.

This first year of yours has had some very sad things happen. But the sadness has been eased by the joy that you have brought us. You are a beautiful little boy. I’m so glad you’re here. Happy Birthday, my son. Mama & Daddy love you so much.

Happy Birthday John!
::hoists a mug of formula::

Here’s to many more!

Happy Birthdays, that is. :smiley:

Mike and the Mechanics. It was the first thing that popped into my head when reading your post, Christi.

May John grow up to be a great man - judging by his mother, things are looking good in this respect.

Give the kid a hug from me, huh :wink:

Has it been a year already? I remember he was born right after I joined the boards. Time passes so quickly these days!

Happy Birthday, John! One year old - Wow! BabyTot had his first tantrum on his first birthday…:wink:

Happy Birthday, BabyGuy! smooches

Happy birthday, John! (smearing yourself with birthday cake is GREAT fun):wink:

Happy B-day little one.

Persephone - make him own little cake, with lots and lots of chocolate icing, get out the camcorder and enjoy what will be a great day.

Happy birthday John! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday John! Zack’s big one year is the 22nd. Smear some cake for him now, and he will do the same for you in a couple of weeks.


Thanks for making me cry at work. sniff

Happy Birthday, John!

FYI for everyone…having seen BabyGuy at the Flint Dopefest, he needs NO help smearing cake all over his face. (Or charming the socks off women, either…he’s SUCH a flirt!!)

Merry, merry birthday, little man. What a lucky little guy you are. Big hugs going out to you, Persephone. :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday, dear John,
Happy Birthday to you.



Happy birthday John!

A very happy 1st B-day John and many many many more.

That’s quite a family you’ve got there. You’re a lucky little man. By Falcon’s description you remind me of my own little guy who is just a few months older than you.

Just remember one thing John, keep flashing them that smile and you will get away with almost anything.

Oh, and if you think all that singing is embarassing, just wait till they pull that stunt on you in a few years at an Olive Garden restaurant.

Anyway, Happy birds day!!!

Happy Birthday John! May you always feel as secure and loved as you do today, your first birthday.

Thanks, Cristi–I just love crying at work!

Happy first birthday, John! Your mom is all sappy right now with wispy memories of your birth and such. Hurry and do something completely rotten and kid-like to break her out of the stupor! Go on–she’ll love it, I swear!

Long life and health to you.

May the road rise to meet you.
hope your birthday was bood.

Perse, thanks for that story!
