Have you ever been pitted? If so . . . ? If not . . . ?

I know at least once, maybe twice. The majority of pittings are pretty weak, although some users fancy themselves as the masters of pithy insults and hang around the pit looking to pile on whenever they can.

The best pit threads are the ones that backfire on the OP.

Yeah, once, by Liberal. Or Libertarian. I forget which persona he had at the time.

He took exception to my joking that a hospital visit to a friend who had just had prostate cancer surgery conflicted with my TV-viewing plans – though it was pretty damn clear that I didn’t intend to blow off the visit for that or any other reason. Regardless, Lib thought I was a bad person for having a TV show I wanted to watch. It went on for several pages.

No, and it hurts because the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference.

I’m one of those posters nobody remembers. Or they confuse me with **bump **or something.

Once. The OPer was a long-time, now deceased, Doper who flipped out after reading a comment I made that was meant to be funny, but was taken as a personal attack. I hadn’t realized that she was close to a mental breakdown or I’d have tread more softly around her.

I had no idea I was even pitted until I started getting emails from other posters warning me of her melt down.

Once, and I was surprised by it. I think someone thought I was heartless about something or other. Since then, I’ve hunted him down, mocked his deformed children and killed his bunny rabbits with a ballpeen hammer. That’ll teach him to call me heartless. Seriously, I don’t remember what the kerfuffle was all about.

Good strategy. The worst thing you could do is overreact to a Pitting.

No, though I probably have deserved it a few times.

I find that surprising. You’re certainly one of the most diplomatic posters on this board. I’d be shocked if I saw your name in the Pit, unless, perhaps, it’s some kind of guitar geekery related pseduo-Pit.

To my knowledge, I’ve never been pitted, but I did once come across a thread weeks later in a vanity search entitled “Pulykamell, you torment me so,” and I wondered what I did to piss someone off enough to start a separate thread about it. It ended up just being an MPSIMS thread about my screen name somehow worming its way in an endless loop in the poster’s brain.

A few times. There was one that ended up in Shakespeare quotes, which was kind of fun.

As long as it is in a sense of “playing the dozens” and not taken too seriously, I don’t mind. I’ve Pitted a few people myself, so what goes around comes around.


A couple of weak-ass attempts that were rather amusing.

A couple of times that I know of, but I didn’t bother read the threads. Why waste time reading first-grade level insults?

Thanks. I suspect that having to write stuff down increases the likelihood that my think-before-you-act muscle will snap into place. Also, the Dope pays a premium for being a know-it-all, if you have the cred to back it up and you share in the spirit of fighting ignorance. IRL, there’s a very fine line between “hey, this dude knows his stuff” and “what a know-it-all douchebag!” I came to that realization a lot later than I wish I had…:wink:

Yes, 1.5 times.

Once about a stupid debate I was trying to have over SSM. That was actually a good thing though, it made rethink my views on SSM and I have since did a 180. A large part of that, I give credit to this board. Having said that, I find that thread to be extremely embarrassing and hope like hell it never gets resurrected.

Then there was another thread I started in IMHO, I can’t remember what it was about but apparently, the subject pissed off enough people a Mod moved it so everybody could dogpile me with impunity. I’m sure I had that one coming… (This is what I count as .5 times BTW.)

Good news is, it’s been 7 or 8 years since my last pitting.

I have not. I’m this generation’s Ferris Bueller – everyone thinks I’m a righteous dude.

If by pitting you mean, did someone once open a thread to dump on me for something I said in another thread, then, yes, I was pitted once, but it was in Cafe Society. It was a polite pitting.

I’ve been a member since April 1999, and I’ve never been pitted. I’m not sure how I feel about that. Damned with faint praise? Yay, I don’t suck so bad that people will devote time and effort to insulting me. Yay.

I’ve started a couple of Pit threads. The recipient of one ended up getting banned for the behavior I pitted, but honestly, my complaint was weak, smothered in weak sauce with a side of weak. Can’t even remember what the other one was about.

I honestly don’t remember if I’ve been Pitted or not. Presumably, I could do a search for Cathode in the titles of Pit threads, but I don’t feel like it.

Once: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=305123&highlight=cathode

The only one I know of happened at least a decade ago and was because I made a joke about kicking a field goal with a poodle and somebody took offense to even joking about hurting animals.

I searched high and low and I can’t find it, but I was pitted years ago for something very lame.

There was one thread where I did that thing of enlarging certain words in order to make a point!

Anyway, I clearly remember a poster pitting me for that, although I’ll be damned if I can find it.