Have you ever faked not having an orgasm?

Have you ever had an orgasm and then denied having had it to any/all individuals who had been intimately involved in the proceedings?

Feel free to elaborate on the circumstances that caused you to do so, if you did.

OK, I clicked that second choice but I was thinking the last choice. Why the hell would anyone do that?

I’m guessing this would mostly be a situation where one is not supposed to be having an orgasm, and I can’t recall ever having been in quite that situation.

Another vote for WTF.

Richard Pryor: “Oh, dear Lord, let it stay heavy if not hard.”

Is it really possible for males to do either one?

A variation I’ve seen on video was a woman who’s boyfriend gave her vibrating panties, and the guy had a remote control that would activate them. He would use it during fairly public functions, and she had to pretend nothing was happening.

Sort of. It was a very long time ago, I was very inexperienced, and I orgasmed but thought I would do the girl a favor by keeping on going and not telling her.

Maybe not the smartest thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Before the SO I made it clear to any partners that I couldn’t have more than one orgasm during a single normally timed sex session. I had a partner that liked to have sex for waaaaay longer than I could hold out. If he thought I had one he would try to finish quickly. So, a few times if I was one and done quickly, I would try to pretend I didn’t. But I am a woman and he usually called me on it later as it is difficult to hide those muscle contractions.

Yes. :slight_smile: Similar situation as Musicat.

TMI, naturally:

My first time. Using protection. Things progress according to how many males’ first times go (read: extremely quickly). I know that sometimes if I try I can keep going if I really focus and try hard at it. I do. Ironically, I was then stuck and actually had to fake HAVING ONE, to get her to stop. Fun was had by all in the end though.

No, I haven’t, but I’ve had delayed ejaculations. You reach an emotional climax, then withdrawal occurs, the emotional climax is over . . . and then the semen just sort of quietly pumps out of the cock.

Not denied as in verbally, but I’ve masturbated during an exam to release tension and given a “so what? :halo:” look to the also-female TA who was giving me a “giiiiiirl! :rolleyes:” look. After all, the fact that she knew what I’d just done showed that she knew how to do it to :stuck_out_tongue:

I estimate that 10-20% of my college classmates did that at least once (that’s 20-40% of the girls); the guys never knew.

Many years ago, I dated a guy who thought one orgasm was plenty for any woman. So as soon as I would reach a climax, he would speed things up, to reach his. I really liked the guy, and had hopes of ‘educating’ him on these types of things, so sometimes I’d orgasm very quietly so he wouldn’t know, and would keep going a while longer.

I’ve got no idea whatever happened to that guy. He was a really nice guy, and I like to think he eventually married a woman who also thought one orgasm was plenty.

Go on.

Er, yeah.

When I was very much younger, and the one and only time I “suffered” from premature ejaculation and was really embarrassed, so I carried on. No condom, so I hoped she thought it was just that she was extra lubed up. Though now I look back on the incident, she probably didn’t. Luckily I was young enough to get my mojo back in two or three minutes and we finished in a reasonable style.

Yeah; It’s kind of like “don’t give them the first one” except that you do.

OK, so when this is going on, what signs should we guys be looking for?

You should be concentrating on the test, of course.

I used to go to titty bars quite a bit, over 10 years ago. I would get lap dances all the time, I wouldn’t “get off”, it was just enjoyable. Then one time, I’m getting a lap dance, and she was grinding just right

Before we were married, my wife and I would have make-out sessions (we weren’t having sex yet). She would orgasm and not tell me, because she was embarassed. She didn’t tell me until sometime after we were married. Never happened to me, though.

Sometimes, yeah. I’ve had a couple partners who were so “considerate” (can’t find a better word), they’d insist we stopped (or at least take a breather) when I came to let me enjoy the high, even if they hadn’t come themselves. Except I was much, much more interested in making *them *come, so…

In my defense, I always owned up afterwards.

… what. The. Fuck ?!

Were you wearing a condom? I had a guy I was deflowering do that. And yes, he was wearing a condom at the time…:smack: