Helllllp! When should I call her?

Here is the short version of this. I meet girl, girl meets me. After that we e-mail a bit and eventually I give her my number. She replies and says, “I’ll call you when I have a chance (work is hectic), you can call me, and here is the number”. Anyway, since I only got the number today, and she seems to be stressed out at work, I’m not going to call her (she might be crabby). So now I have to reply to her e-mail, and I’m not sure if I should say, “Okay, if you don’t call then I’ll call you, and what is a good time to call?”

Anyone have any creative ideas on how to reply (I do not want to screw this up)? And when exactly do you think I should call?


Hey ____________

I got your email, and would really like to get together sometime. I understand that work is pretty hectic for you right now, but if you have a little free time, just give me a call. If I don’t hear from you in a few days, I’ll go ahead and call you.

Hope to see you soon!

That’s pretty basic, but something along those lines should work. Give her a few days to get back to you, if not, call her.

Cary Tennis had something to say sort of along these lines this week:


Personally, I say give it until Monday. This will give YOU time to calm down a bit. But that’s just me. Someone else here probably has better advice than Single Guy.

That’s sounds great guys.

Call her Friday night, 9:30. Unless you know she’s at work at that time. Don’t make her wait over the weekend. If she’s not involved with anyone else, her weekends are probably boring and she could use a little boost to her spirits. If you feel you must, email her now and say, “would Friday at 9:30 be a good time to call you this week?”

So, Voetsack, is this the girl with the dogs or a new one?

I think she answered it herself, she said:
“I’ll call you when I have a chance”

I dunno handy, women always use that line, but rarely do they follow up on it.

Just call her. Women love to be pursued. We really don’t like it if we have to make the first move. If it makes you feel better, email her and say “what’s a good time for me to call tonight?”

You call her. After three days. The Three Day Rule will never let you down. Three days is not too soon, not too late, and anyway, this is about the time most girls will start expecting you to call if they’ve given you their number.

tritone, who is a completely liberated woman and believes that if girls have to menstruate, you guys have to make the first phone call.

It must be the girl that walks the dogs. She’s added three or four more dogs to the pack, and thus work has become hectic.
Maybe she would appreciate someone stopping by to visit in person. Said visitor could help with the shoe cleaning chores.:eek:

Hi guys, yes this is indeed the girl with the dogs. I called her over the weekend. She said that if I was bored (i’m in Chicago for the week) while I was in Chicago then I should give her a call. I did that, got her voice mail, then she called me and got my voice mail. Hopefully, we’ll talk soon. :slight_smile:

We have a date on Friday. WOOOHOOO. :slight_smile: Life is good.


How did you do it, through email? Or did you call?

Btw for future reference, the 3 day rule is a good one.

I won’t stand her up. NO WAY DUDE! I spoke to her last night, and we had mentioned meeting up for coffee before via e-mail, and then last night she said, “So we are going to do something on Friday, right?” And of course I said yes. :). She is lovely. HAAAA!

Thanks for your help guys.

Good luck Voetsack.