If someone doesn’t shut Elise up I will blow a gasket. She is completely horrible and there is no amount of editing that can make this up. But Jennifer lost it in the kitchen. Doesn’t bode well for her if Elise can get under her skin.
In the women’s kitchen during the service:
Scallops: Elizabeth - She doesn’t take charge so Jennifer steps up and with Elise’s help they get the scallops out.
Risotto - Elise - All goes well…
Capellini - Jennifer - Elise’s lobster toppings are of differing amounts. Sabotage#1?
Chicken - Elizabeth - They are ready too early so Ramsay pulls the Capellini’s from the Red Diners - WTF?! That doesn’t sound like something Ramsay would do.
Wellingtons - Elise - She handles the meat and gets help on the sides. Jennifer’s mashed potatoes aren’t salted. Sabotage #2?
Apple Tot (tort?) - Jennifer - Jennifer gets Elise to cook the apples and says, “make sure they’re not raw”. They end up raw. Sabotage #3?
By my count it’s Jennifer Sabotaged Elise once and Elise sabotaged Jennifer twice. Though number of lobster bits isn’t really a sabotage, because how hard is that to fix? So maybe one to one.
Here are the 5 remaining contestants in my order of competency (cooking).
Unfortunately Tommy is still a worse chef than Elise so she may make it another week.
You know how I know that I’m the annoying black woman in any given group? Because I can never understand why folks all hate whatever black woman du jour they hate on any given show. Elise doesn’t seem that annoying to me. It looks to me like one of those things where anything she says, someone will start sighing and rolling their eyes and all that shit right away.
That said, there is no way she is going to win this thing. None.
Tommy - Frankenstein’s creepy son finally flips.
Elise - The beeyatch should have been gone week 1, but ratings are ratings.
Will - I like the big guy, but I think he will crack
Paul and Jennifer are my finalists, with Jennifer kicking ass and taking names.
BTW, is there a “No physical violence” clause in the show’s contract? I would have punched Elise in the throat so many times I would be in Pelican Bay watching the show by now. My heart goes out to the people who have had to put up with her whiny, think I’m all that, wannabe diva/princess attitude.
Elise has devolved into a two year old, with the teary eyes and quivering lips. Just when you thought there was NO WAY she could become more annoying, she breaks out the waterworks.
Tommy is a space cadet. Honestly, he’s stoned in every episode.
Nzinga…yes your annoying black lady meter is definitely broken. I suggest a nice white woman to give you guidance I did not see this last episode but I did see the previous two (and these are the only two I’ve seen). And, IMO Elise is bad, bad, B A D. I mean, in these type of cooking/chef contest shows everybody is one or a little of all of the following. Some people are a bit sneaky or dishonest. Or maybe incompetent. Or not team players. Or think they are better than they are. Or (insert bad character flaw here). But she, even in just two episodes, seems to me to be ALL of those. And a lot of each one, not just trace amounts.
Have you watched the whole run? They’re pretty much tired of her at this point, due to a long history of never admitting mistakes, and in particular shouting over other people in order to silence them. I am a pretty mellow person, and she makes my blood boil. She will never make the slightest concession, ever; everyone else is always wrong, and stupid, and she yells and intimidates to get her way. She never sincerely compliments anyone or even thanks them – everything is barked at them in the most patronizing tone possible. Simply put, she’s a bully. Now that she’s started to crack, and cry a lot, she just comes off as incredibly childish and manipulative.
Honestly, I just want them to get rid of her so we can get back to actually seeing the contestants cook. I hate the whole phenomenon of keeping the person who’s drama just to make meaningless drama.
Elyse and Tommy have to still be there for the drama - there is no way in hell Ramsay would send either of them to any kitchen (unless he wants the owner of that kitchen to hunt him down and kill him). Tommy stoned? That makes sense - he just seems to go blank. Dung Beetle, that is EXACTLY what Elizabeth was looking like! She says she wants this so badly, but she keeps freezing up and not being able to handle it.
Jennifer is getting on my nerves with her big fat mouth, too - she thinks she’s some kind of martyr who has put up with Elyse in silence, but I’ve only watched three episodes, and in every one she was mouthing off to or about Elyse. How Ramsay puts up with the two of them, I’ll never know. Thinking about his investment portfolio, maybe?
I had to deal with a very annoying peer of mine in graduate school. By the end of the first semester even the most innocuous things she had to say became grating. Was I oversensitive? Yeah, but that’s because I was just so tired of her. If it makes you feel any better she wasn’t black.
I can’t stand Elise. However, if I had my choice between her or Jennifer to cook my meal, I’d choose Elise. The sight of Jennifer with the droplets of sweat dripping from her nose completely turns my stomach. It’s a problem every show. I know she can’t really help sweating but she needs a sweatband around her head or something. Utterly disgusting.
I should have admitted up front that I haven’t caught this season much at all. Only bits of it. I did watch most of the last ep, though, and I just didn’t see Elise as that bad.
For instance, VOW talks about how Elise breaks out the waterworks. I thought there was much more waterwork drama from the two women she was up against. One woman even lost her shit and started sobbing and begging Ramsey not to cut her during the dramatic pause before he makes his cut. They both started with the personal attacks on her when asked why they shouldn’t be cut. I *hate *when contestants do that. Just tell why you would be the best for the job…don’t spend the whole time saying, “you have noooooooooo idea how harrrrrd it is to woorrrrk with herrrrr”.
But again, I will bow to you guys as you seem to have watched the season more thoroughly. And I admit, I never got the hate for Star on Celebrity Apprentice either, so I may just be biased for black chicks in contests.
I don’t watch a lot of reality shows, and I only watch Hell’s Kitchen because my wife has it on (I swear), but years ago I remember some TV talking heads wondering whether producers go out of their way to pick unreasonable black people to be on their shows. I think it was around the first season of Big Brother and there was a black guy who wanted everyone to call him Mega.
NO NO NO… look… she’s 23 and is shorter than my 12 yr old daughter… but 1) the girl can cook… she rarely fucks up her services 2) she outright won a couple of the challenges for her team.
I will argue that the show is edited to a certain extent to highlight Elise’s annoying tendencies… I will also concur that she’s a loud mouth… but this “I would punch her so fast” responses interest me… So annoying, loud, decisive is only allowed if its a ?White male? Or conversely an older white female?
It was pretty damn clear that Elizabeth was going home tonight… she fumbled her service and on the previous service she had a total melt down. To me I see Tommy going down next week…
Elise is definitely the worst of the bunch. Outright lying in the last episode should have gotten her sent home.
She actually pushes Carrie in the very first episode for “getting in her space”. That is why I would punch her. She needs someone to give her back what she dishes out.
I’m white and my g/f is black. We watch this show every week even thought I’ve gotten a bit tired of it at this point. She loves it still so I watch it with her. Both of us hate Elise. It has nothing to do with race…it simply has to do with her being a total “See you next Tuesday” as my g/f would put it. She can’t work with anyone and would make for a terrible sous-chef much less a head chef. The only reason she is still on the show is because it has become much less about being an actual cooking competition and more about drama so Fox can pull in the ratings.
elise is pretty cute, so while i’m annoyed i’m not driven up a wall. tommy’s a headscratcher. he had a savant moment during the service last episode, which makes you wonder how much of his space cadetness is edit-highlighted. i agree it’s will’s to lose. what i hate about hell’s kitchen is every season starts out with an amateurish cook who’s clearly delusionally out of their element - like the weirdo who called his scallops “springy” instead of “rubbery”. i’m sure if it bothers me, it bothers ACTUAL chefs who watch bananas. yeah, i know, even the good chefs on these shows still aren’t very good chefs and drive actual chefs crazy also. i mean, isn’t elise a freakin line cook?