Help! Boredom Alert!

Yes, I’m bored. Its just past 8pm over here, I’m in the office, attempting to get stuff done before my progress report in front of my entire research group tomorrow, and I’m waiting for my program to return some errors on a data fit.

So, I’m bored. I have no one to talk to, since all my office mates have gone home, and having a phone conversation whilst trying to do data analysis is asking for trouble.

So, anyone want to talk to me? Anyone at all? Or am I going to just have to sit here, twiddling my thumbs? :slight_smile:

Oh, my dear god, Angua, get thee hence to the drama that is auntie em 's life right now.

start with this one and then move on tohere

I promise: Boredom will flee.

Thank you. But I’ve finished reading that one. :slight_smile:

It is very exciting, but somehow, sitting here, watching my program churn away, zaps all excitement from my life. :frowning:

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with ‘s’.




Ack. 8pm? So sorry, didn’t see that the first time around. It’s only half past noon here.

If you like, you could update all us breathless americans about what’s happened with the hijacked Harry Potter books. Did they get the perps? Did they get the books?Not that I expect you to know all the juicy details, but… My link to The Guardian isn’t working this morning… :frowning:

That’s OK. I can’t believe its this late either :frowning:

Well, this is from the BBC News website. No further news however.

We do?? Which one? Wee Free Men came out a while ago, and “Monstrous Regiment” is due out in October…

Wee Free Men is not Discworld.

(or is someone not telling me something)

Angua is “Monstrous Regiment” about the Watch/Vimes and crew by any chance???

Its children’s Discworld. There’s the Nac Mac Feegle, as well as the Fair Folk. Its definitely Discworld, just aimed at a younger audience.

I haven’t the foggiest idea. Amazon will only tell me that its out in October.

October? Really? We won’t get it til sometime next year, probably around Aprilish. He always releases it there a good six months in advance of the US release.

I love the Nac Mac Feegle. But the Scots accent plays merry hell with my head. My kinder should love it.

It doesn’t help that the Terry Pratchett website is STILL under construction, dammit. Paul Kidby has a link there, tho, and I got some wonderful Hogswatch cards there just before Christmas.

Blimey. Couldn’t you just order the books from a UK based website, say for instance.

In other news, I have tickets to go and see Eddie Izzard live on the 9th December :smiley:

The data fit’s still not completed though :frowning:

You lucky Wolf! Eddie is the funniest guy on earth.

Quite. There are still tickets left, but they are selling out really fast. :smiley:

Hmm… maybe I ought to go down to the supermarket and buy some dinner, looks like I’ll be settling down for the long haul. :frowning:

Nope. Tried it with Night Watch. “Unavailable in your area til:…”

LOVE Eddie Izzard. The blue lipstick DEFINITELY does it for me. He rarely comes over here, unfortunately. Thank whoever for HBO…

Arse. Not good.

Eddie Izzard is a comedy genius. Did you manage to catch “Circle”?

On the upside, I now have food - prawn crackers, cheese and onion quiche, and a 2l bottle of diet vanilla coke.

Sorry, had to go and do stuff. The correct answer was ‘sword’, btw.

How about listening to the radio on the BBC website? Radio 7 has Yes, Minister starting right now and Goodness Gracious Me on at 10.