I'm bored...are you?

Now you’re all in for it!

I figure if Rue deDay can be obscure and rambling, so can I. He’s typically more amusing than I, so in my typical fashion, this thread will die a quick and pathetic death by being ignored.

See, the problem is that I’m bored.

Oh, sure, I have work to do. I have newsletter articles to write, graphics to rework, but, it’s Monday. How can anyone (besides maybe Eve, Fenris, or Scylla[sub]in strictly alphabetical order[/sub]) be creative and have command of the English language on a Monday, for heaven’s sake. Certainly not me.

Plus, I’m tired. I didn’t get enough coffee this morning, I got to bed late (Office Space was on Comedy Channel last night and I just had to watch it), plus I was sleeping soooooo good this morning and it was difficult to get out of bed.

So, I’ve done what any good woman in like circumstances would do: I bought a Mountain Dew, a big Tootsie Roll, and a package of Pop-Secret butter popcorn. Sooo, now I’m caffeined and sugared up, got my carbs, but I still don’t have any Motivation. They were out at State Discount so I had to content myself with a large package of Loitering and a box of Indolence.

If I was home, I could finish scraping the porch, or paint the kitchen cupboards, or make some bread, or weed my garden. Or I could just take a nap. Yeah, a nap’d be really good right now. Except that I’ve got too much caffeine in my system.

I saw Legally Blonde on Saturday night. Hubby was playing out (music) with some friends and so I took myself out to the movies. It was funny, really it was. Very cute, nice eye candy, light, fluffy. Everything I like in a movie. :smiley: Shoot, I figure if I want reality, I’d turn the news on. I don’t want pathos or sturm und drang. I want to laugh, to have shiny, colorful objects waved before my glazed eyes, to sit in the dark and have the volume from the speakers vibrate me out of my seat.

If someone from 1st Nationwide Mortgage’s Refinance Department doesn’t pick up the phone soon, I’m gonna go postal. I was on hold (thank heavens, on a toll-free line) for a total of 3 hours a couple weeks ago and still never got through. I sent an email. I called Customer Service, “No ma’am, I’m sorry all I can do is transfer you.” Well, if I don’t get through today, someone better put on their asbestos underwear cause I’m gonna be pissy!

Okay, carry on. I’m done spewing my trivial bits. Any questions?

Oh, btw, I’m expecting this Board to entertain me, so get busy! I want witty banter, humorous anecdotes or searing tales of passion. Either I read too fast or you guys type too slow, so get to work! :smiley:




:smiley: Nice rant!!! I love it. I have no such worries since I’m on summer vacation from school, but for the record, I was watching Office Space last night, too. I love the line, “It’s not that I dislike my job, it’s that I just don’t care.” or something like that. Just thought I’d share my boredom as well.
And I wholly agree about the command of the English language on a Monday. I mean, who can actually get things accomplished on a Monday, and especially in the morning? I am most definitely NOT a morning person. I wish I could go to school from 11 to 6 and stay up till 3AM doing what teenagers do best, NOTHING AT ALL. Or something that adults would find comepletely pointless. Cause the only other option is partying, which I’ve been doing some of lately.:cool:
Damn, I intended on writing about 3 lines, and I ended up ranting myself. How did I get into this???

Funny, Bunnygirl says this and only one person really types something. I feel inclined to respond and entertain her. But I am not funny at all. Just buzzing. Like I said in another thread I’m drinking right now. Envy the alcoholic, I say! Look at me and point and laugh. For I will ditch a date tonight. With a 37 year old man. Is that wrong? For the record, I’m 21. So do the math. He wants to take me on a date, I want to ride his Harley. Everytime I say that outloud or type it, it always seems like a “dirty” thing to say. But on a serious note. I like motorcycles. I drool over guys who ride them. Now here’s my chance. To ride one, feel the wind whipping through my hair, and laugh! But alas, I don’t feel like driving or going anywhere. One, I’m a little under the influence. Two, I’m extremely tired. So those are my excuses. He should be calling any minute now. Or come online. Now I got to do the “I’m flaking on you,sorry” bit. Damn me

YOu dirty pervert! Just kidding. I’ve never been on a motorcycle, but I like Harleys. I just hate those Japanese super-bike motorcycles. Man, I’m so bored I’ll post a message about damn near anything right now!:smiley:


I understand. Here I am flaking on Harley guy and looking for another thread to post too. I’d like another beer but food sounds more tempting. I feel bad for flaking. I like him. More in a friendly way though. I’m not really into the 15 year difference. But he’s real nice and he’s taking me on a “date”. I’ve never been on a date. Never. I’ve had boyfriends, but they started out as friends and we just “hung out” and ended up seeing each other. No dinner and movies type of thing. How sad is my life? Sad, I know. Now here’s this guy who wants to DATE ME!..Then the doubt starts to come in. Why does he want to date me?..What if he kills me?.and such like that. k…i need to get another beer.

why am i talking about myself so much?..Its ** Bunnygirl’s ** thread. Where is she anyways?

That was too much reading… I couldnt get passed the first sentence… Someone care to SUM UP for me??

Oh Bunnygirl, I feel your pain. I am also bored out of my mind, tired and hungry. Food should be arriving soon…but not soon enough
{searches through the desk for vending machine change}

BTW, Arachnidlove, welcome to the boards!!!


I have one of those Japanese superbikes. It’s my baby, you be nice to it. [/hijack]

If it makes you feel any better BunnyGirl, I was so tired this morning when I got to work, it took me about an hour to read a simple news article. It couldn’t have been more than a page long. Apparently Cleveland game back and beat Seattle about 830 times last night…either that or I just reread the same line that many times.

I have a pretty stupid excuse as to why I’m tired…I was playing a tennis game made for nintendo in 1983 that I downloaded last night. Anyone with ANY hand eye coordination could have made it past the level I did - level one - but nope, I tried until 3am with no luck and woke up four hours later for work.

For my job, website support, it’s a dangerous thing to come to work tired. The days that you do come in tired are the days that the nasty customers call up. I have roughly zero patience when I’m tired. Some customer thought it was dumb that they can’t have a bill history when they first register. I simply told them that rather snydely “you can have a bill history - just not when you first sign up, you have to wait a year and the bill you are looking at now will, by then, be history…”

Anyhow, I hope I amused you at least a little…if you are really bored, go to http://www.darwinawards.com. It’s pretty neat and you can kill plenty of time there reading about stupid people.

If you’re sick of hearing me, a nice loud “shut up” will suffice. But until then, Ima gonna keep on blabbing.

THANKS!!.woohoo…I’m noticed!.

Okay. I know alot of you’s peoples have kids. I don’t. What I do have is nephews. They are 5 and 6 and live with me and my family. Now, these kids are insane, like most kids are. They left on vacation with my parents yesterday. But before they left,they proceeded to throw a buttload of noodles around the front yard. Me, being the laziest one, just walk all over them making noodle dust. We are the noodle dust people.So it goes…

For those wondering, Bunny has long ago gone home for the day and doesn’t have access from there, so she won’t be able to keep up with out entertainment here in this lil’ol thread.

Like just now, I got off a web-cast from Fidelity about the changeover from Merril Lynch for my 401k. Been on since 5:30, so imagine just over an hour talking about dates of transfer, close-out dates for new investments and what day I’ll be able to make changes to the new fund. <oye>

Hopefully our little Bunny managed to entertain herself with thoughts of her forthcoming belly-ring and with her kind assistance (to me) with the OhDope Fest. She’s my Minister of Affairs.

Hmm, I have tinfoil and a vibrating chair… It is second best to Legally Blonde, but its shiny and you might get vibrated out of your chair… :slight_smile:

Just thought I’d respond, since you’re my friend and all. :smiley:

So how ya doing? Hey, you know what? I don’t remember you telling me you were going to get a belly ring. Damn! It’ll look good on you, though. Sigh. Wish I could. But my belly just isn’t quite flat enough (and yours is…you wench) to carry it right. Besides, belly rings are made for display, but my belly is not. Not after three kids. Sigh. Maybe I’ll just get another tattoo.

You know what? We really need to do lunch sometime. If I can ever get my #%%^#@!@!% car fixed I’ll head on out there. You, me, & wring can go hang out, drink beer, and rubber stamp some stuff. Yeah…drunken rubber stamping! Does that sound like a serious female-bonding activity, or what? Hooooooo, buddy, I can just smell that estrogen burn!

Okay, I’m outta here. Got to go try & clean out my left ear. It’s still plugged up, and it’s driving me nuts.


Love, Persephone

Y’all are great! I feel much more…entertained now. Even if it is a Tuesday. :smiley:

arachnidlove, cool name. Spider lover? Explain. I work in Entomology so…

ts, an hour. Talking with a broker. And you didn’t fall asleep? I fall asleep just looking at my statement from A.G. Edwards; I can’t imagine talking with them for an hour about it! And you bumped my thread. Whatta guy!

Pers, yah. Drunken stamping. Cool! Maybe we’d even get some stamping on the paper instead of just on each other. I guess we could just call them “temporary tattoos”! Now what’s wrong with the car? Sorry about the lack of news on the belly ring; it’s a compromise between Randy and I - I wanted a tattoo and he was NOT excited about the idea. The pierced belly is the compromise! :smiley: Get your ear unplugged? You know my birthday is coming up in a few months, we’ll have to hit Birch Run again!

You think you’re bored? I’ve been trying to get Business Objects queries to run but the system is so slow, they time out and give only partial results. So I go back, take off a few more things so the queries is simpler, and try again. Then I drum my fingers for 45 minutes until it times out again.

Of course, I could be using that time to dissertate, or to clean my office since my boss told me yesterday it makes her nervous to even walk through it, it’s such a mess. But instead, I read here.

Today I only brought two lunches to give to homeless people because last time I tried five I couldn’t find enough people to hand them to! Another problem in Ann Arbor is that you sorta can’t tell who is homeless! I mean, a few people are obvious and I know them. But others, it’s like, hmmmm, do you work at an IT firm on the next block, or do you dress like that because you’re living in the shelter?

I finally pulled thistles and mulched my daylilly bed this weekend. I’ve needed to put mulch down all summer. Finally, in August, after the plants have been struggling all summer, I do it.

Cranky Jr has been such a pissant lately. Sometimes motherhood is simply not rewarding.

This weekend I am going to Indianapolis and I’m trying to decide whether to solicit any Doper meetings or not. Last trip I was in Lousiville and had no time to meet thinksnow (or Superdude–I only found out he was a Louisville guy later on) which was a bummer. I won’t have loads of time in Indy, and I don’t even know who (if anyone) lives there, but I hate to miss a potential opportunity, you know?

I found a rubber stamp in my junk drawer and thought of wring. She promised to let me in on some rubber stamp action next time you wenches to that, so be forewarned.

So that’s what a bored Cranky rambles about! Aren’t ya sorry you asked? I know you were asking for entertainment, but the best I could do was bored (and boring) mindless yammering.

Wow, a tribute post. I’m so touched, Not in the way that could get you arrested either. That is about a third of the Comedy Rejoiner Triumverate. That, “If you know what I mean.” and “In the good way.” If you master these, you are in like Flynn. The World is you Oyster. Unless you happen to be Jewish. Then the World is your non-shellfish, Kosher foodstuff. Maybe a cheese.

Unless this whole thing is a slam on my posting style. Then I shall aloofly ignore the whole proceding. So there.

And who are these Sturm and Drang people? B-movie space aliens, or a Vaudeville team? So many questions.
Please, have a muffin.


Right in the middle there… that should either be “The World is, you Oyster.” or “The World is your Oyster.”

Your choice.

God save the Queen.
(I’m experimenting with catchphrases.)

Went out with some friends last night to ease my boredom. Suddenly there are many new replies. Just noticed BunnyGirl is from MI, too. It’s nice to know there are actually interesting people in the same state as me.
Oh, and welcome arachnidlove! I didn’t notice that you were sort of new. Despite my meager post total, I’ve been a member for a year now.