Help name this black-and-white cat!

My parents went used cat shopping last week, and have acquired a two-year-old black-and-white cat. He came with some ridiculous name like “Kittyman”, so they’re looking for a new one. Ideally, we’d like to have a name that focus either on his being black-and-white, or one that focuses on his face looking a little like a mask.

The obligatory cat pictures:

Any ideas?

He definitely looks like a Ralph.


It’s a little out there, but I’m going with Kitty.


Michael Jackson?

Ooo, nice kitty.

Beruthiel was a Tolkien character who had black and white cats, but I don’t know if it sounds too feminine for you:

Congrats to the parental units on their new furry overloard!

His mask reminds me of the Dread Pirate Roberts (from The Princess Bride). Or you could call him Wesley, if you wish.


Not enuf black and white for Patches. How about Spats?

He’s a tuxedo kitty, so you could figure out a famous tuxedo wearing handsome fellow.

Now *that’s *a “Sebastian”. Or “O” which could stand for Obama or Oreo or even orca.

Sir William.


He looks like a Cody to me.


Fred Astaire.

Then they’ll have to get a red female kitty and name her Ginger.

jelly, short for jellicle, a black and white cat =)

They’ve already got an orange kitty, who is unfortunately male and already named Jamie. Shame.

Our black and white cat is named Penguin. It was that, or Piano. Or Oswald Cobblepot (i.e. The Penguin).