Help! Need a replica of the clock in Blade 2, similar to clock on Prague cathedral

Ok, the thread title pretty much says it all. I am looking for the clock that appears in the movie Blade 2 (which I have not yet seen, but am working on). Evidentally, it is hanging in the office, and on the DVD in the bonus materials, the director has a small representation on her desk.

I have been looking for this, and found a picture of the clock in Prague which I think is the same one (The astrological clocks of Münster and Praha), but I have had no success in finding a smaller version which can be purchased. Anyone have any links? My google skills are usually better than this :frowning:


Your link doesn’t work, but I assume you’re talking about the Astronomical Clock or “Orloj” (pronounced OR-loy, roll the r) on the Old Town hall in Old Town square in Prague.

Maybe try “Astronomical Clock repica” on eBay?

Yes, I believe a small replica of the Orloj is what I am looking for. I’m still searching, but coming up empty. Any additional help would be appreciated.

~a very frustrated cats

ps. I have tried various searches on ebay. Tonight I imagine I will just type in “clock” and go through every single listing. sighs

This is incredibly frustrating.

No luck yet.

Anyone in Prague close to souvenir shops?

Good luck - but avoid Blade 2. Really. It’s awful (this coming from someone who otherwise loves the Blade movies). Don’t waste your time or money. You’ll thank me later.

But the clock’s sweet - definitely get that.

Well, it is a miniature replica of the tower, not the clock by itself, but for only $4,200.00, you can have an original Gene Gill

I haven’t seen Blade: Trinity yet, but I thought 2 was far superior to 1.

Sadly, I’m afraid viewing Blade 2 is in my future, as the One I Am Trying To Please is not convinced that is the right clock.

Wish me luck,