So for 4 years my girlfriend has had a fixation with my ass… specificly my assholio. For some godawful reason or another she wants to invade it. Her ultimate fantasy is to fuck my ass with a dildoio. NO NO NO. Thats an exit hole only, I say. She taunts me by telling me i’m a homophobe. NO, I say, things up my ass just dont turn me on. I like oral sex… so do gay people… many straight guys like things up their ass… I dont. A homophobe that does not make say I.
She tried it again tonight… an invading finger. NO, says I. NO! NO means NO. She keeps telling me one night she is going to get me so drunk I wont remember what happened.
Any guys out there admit to enjoying this? Am I missing out on something amazing? Should I unclench and go?
Note that I feel bad because her body is an open field for me where anything and everything can happen, yet I dont co-partner that feeling and pull the cover up to my chin scaredy cat style.
Don’t go there. Satan started a thread about this topic once and it ended up in Threadspotting (I can’t seem to find it in the archives though - maybe some link guru can locate it).
From what I hear, it feels really good if they hit the right spot. Having been penetrated by a medical professional, I can say that it doesn’t hurt if the finger is well lubricated, feels kinda unusual but not terribly unpleasant. If my wife really wanted to stick a finger up my butt, I’d let her.
The right spot being… the prostate! Yes, kids, the prostate is considered the Grand Central Station of nerve endings in the general region of the anus. Localized stimulation directly over the prostate can cause an orgasm all by it’s lonesome.
I had a girlfriend back in college who used her finger on me a number of times while performing other “niceties”. It was pretty cool. And yep, it’s all about the prostate.
It’s your body, not hers. If there’s something she wants to do but you want to avoid, avoid it. You don’t need to explain. And her threat to get you drunk and assrape you might be grounds for a clout on the jaw and a door slamming behind her. Sounds like date rape to me. Are you okay with this level of “trust?”
What the hell is wrong with the rest of you? You all would probably be coming out strong against date rape, but in a steady relationship date rape is okay?
I don’t want to pick nits here Whammo, but it’s spelled hooha, and you don’t have one if you’re a man. I get it up the hooha all the time, but not up the ass. Get me?
Must you men take everything from us? Can we not have our hoohas for ourselves?
I’ve never taken it and I’ve never given it. But I’d really like to give it someday, so if that day ever comes, I figure turnabout…or rather, turnabout and bend over…is fair play.
Go for it! Start out small and let her use her finger on you. It’s not gonna hurt (as long as her nail(s) are trimmed and she uses some lube or spit) and you may actually like it.
I was the first woman ever to peg (thanks for the term Cliffy!) my SO and he loves it. He had never let a woman touch his ass before because he said it just didn’t “feel right.” I don’t know if he was being homophobic or what but I got him to come around.
Absolutely. Fingers or a vibe now and then is a wonderful thing. Getting reamed with a vibe while getting a BJ is a mind-bender, as is having sex while a vibrating egg is knocking at your prostate’s door.
Folks, I’m not saying that if you want your asshole played with your shouldn’t get what you want, I’m saying that if you don’t your partner should respect that. I will go on to say that if you can’t trust someone not do to what you don’t want when you’re out of it, you’ve got the wrong partner.
How the hell can you object to this point of view? Let’s turn it around. Let’s hear from the ladies on how they’d react to a man saying “I’m gonna get you passed-out drunk and fuck you in the ass.” Ladies?