I am not sure that I’ve every pitted anyone like this before, but in this case it’s well deserved.
First here, then here, in a quickly closed redundant thread, hauss is trying desperately to weasel out of the responsibility he has because he knocked up his girlfriend. It’s a fascinating read, and if this is any example, hauss is a real piece of work. No matter how many time people tell him that he is responsible for the result of his orgasm, he doesn’t want to hear it.
"Couldn’t I go crazy? Become a criminal? Run away?’
Here’s the skinny, shitface. YOU chose to have sex, YOU accepted the inherent risks involved, and now that she’s pregnant, YOU have to support YOUR child.
End of discussion.
All of your craven whining, childish bitching and disgusting weaseling means nothing. This is a child, a new human being, who needs a father, not a sperm donor. Hopefully someday your ex-girlfriend will find someone to be that father. Meanwhile, you’ve proven to all of us that even though you can fuck, you are in no way, shape or form anything resembling a man. Fuck you. You make me ashamed to have a penis.