You know what? Fuck you. Crawl back into your little Klan hole and die.
I thought of some clever insults involving your wife, mother, aids, and condoms, but you’re really not worth the effort.
Here’s the link for interested parties… link
Ah, what a sweet, sweet child you are, oldie.
Problem is, finding one’s way around the SDMB requires some modicum of intelligence which, alas, I fear our dear Pharm seems to be lacking.
Pity. Er, rather - pitiful.
Hey Phar Boy, I too have a wife and child. And you know what, Esprix doesn’t. And until he is in a committed relationship, he can do what ever the fuck he wants. Glad to see your having fun Esprix.
I thought the purpose of PharmBoy’s post was to illustrate the mental decline that lack of sex leads to. My bad.
I’ve had to deal with commentary like this from a wiser and more established Doper in the past, and it just wasn’t as much fun. It’s so much easier to brush insults from stupid people off than from smart people. Anyway, here’s the thread:
Hey! A lack of a sex life doesn’t mean lack of intelligence!
Idiocy is idiocy. Ol’ 'Boy here demonstrates that just fine.
Esprix starts a thread glorifying his lifestyle, and you have think it’s bigoted for someone to express disapproval? Why start a thread if you don’t expect others to contribute their opinions? Should posters be prohibited from saying anything but “Hey, Esprix, it’s great that you’re extremely promiscuous. I admire the way that you are so carefree and seem to think nothing of the consequences of your actions”?
Listen, pigfucker: Esprix doesn’t have a lifestyle. Esprix is gay, which is as much a lifestyle as you being straight. You are a fool, and need to get a damn clue by four upside the head.
Why be a dick and start being judgemental about someone else’s life? What business of it is yours or PharmPig’s?
It isn’t. He wasn’t asking for approval or disapproval.
Back the fuck off and take your judgemental, homophobic stupidity with you. Plenty of straight men and women were fully in Esprix’s corner and you didn’t castigate them.
Ryan There’s a difference between offering your opinion and acting like a bloody chowderhead.
Actually, Esprix was describing his lifestyle: the style in which he lives. However, that doesn’t excuse Pharmboy from the sin of having been a bloody twit.
Did you hear that, Esprix? Hastur thinks you don’t have a lifestyle! Apparently you either lack a life, style, or both. I’m not really sure. Or maybe Hastur doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.
Hey, dipshit, did I refer to Esprix’s homosexuality being a lifestyle? No, Mr. Knee Jerk HeteroPhobe, I didn’t. I referred to his having sex with half a dozen guys in one day as a lifestyle. Let me explain this slowly for those without mental processing faculties of their own
wanting to fuck several guys in succession:
not a lifestyle
fucking several guys in succession:
is a lifestyle
Got it now?
Maybe because it’s hypocritical to ignore safe sex advice, and then start whining when the entire national bugdet isn’t dedicated to AIDS research?
Is that why Esprix posted it in a public message board for all to see? Because it is none of our business? Sorry, once you start a thread for the sole purpose of announcing something, the whole “none of your business” argument really starts to lose its edge.
No, he posted purely as an existential project :rolleyes:. Of course he was asking for approval!
Me? Judgmental? Did I start a pit thread 'cause I really didn’t like someone else’s opinions on sex? I’m pretty sure I didn’t.
Oh, yeah, duck behind PC bullshit. Can’t disagree with a homosexual, I might be called a gasp homophobe. Sometimes it’s hard to decide which is worse: people that think that homosexuals don’t deserve any respect, or people that homosexuals deserve respect no matter what they do.
And your point is…
Oh, Ryan, get your head out of your ass. I know you’re not a homophobe, you’re just a jerk.
Couple things:
[ul][li]I did not start the thread to “glorify” anything. It was, as the forum allows, mundane and pointless. I did it for yuk-yuks, and to brag a little. If you’re not interested, don’t read it.[/li]
[li]I can take disapproval, but Pharm made some pretty snide insinuations about homosexuality in general that were, on the whole, completely inaccurate. There’s a difference.[/li]
[li]You seem to imply that there will be consequences to my actions, or, rather, that I am oblivious to being responsible for any negative ones (of which I can think of none). Both are inaccurate - there is absolutely nothing wrong with two safe, sane, consensual souls passing in the night.[/li]
[li]I have never been hypocritical by “… ignor[ing] safe sex advice, and then … whining when the entire national bugdet isn’t dedicated to AIDS research.” I have never ignored safe sex advice, nor have I ever whined about AIDS funding.[/li]
[li]You may not have started a pit thread about someone else’s opinion about sex, but you sure jumped right in there and gave it anyway.[/ul][/li]
Anyway, did you have a point, or were you just being an ass?
What the fuck are you spewing here? Where did Esprix ignore safe sex advice? The thread I read specifically stated that Esprix practices safe sex. I don’t recall anyone whining about the lack of funding for AIDS research.
You have a problem. I am not saying you are a homophobe. I am not even going so far as to say you are an idiot. But you do have a problem. What Esprix does is his business. He can share the details but when it comes right down to it, he is not bothering you. Don’t like what he’s doing–DON’T READ ABOUT IT! You know where the thread is now so you can avoid it in the future.
Where do you get this from? He posted this thread in MPSIMS. In case you don’t know what that means, it stands for Mundane Pointless Things I Must Share–not Mundane Pointless Things I Must Post to Ask for Your Approval. I’m going to assume you didn’t know that and let you slide this once.
It may be that i am absolutly, physically and mentally exhausted right now, but that may very well be the funniest opening line i have ever heard.
No, actually, i don’t. How is one a life style and the other not? I mean both can at least be indicitive of a type of life style, no?
MPSIMS. Mundane Personal Stuff I Must Share. I just posted a thread about getting in a trafic accident. Am i looking for approval? how the hell can someone approve of a traffic accident?
I say again Mundane Personal Stuff I Must Share. He shared something personal, if not mundane, why it gotta be more?
You goof. Now you’ve gone and made your self look like a homophobe anyway! Really man, i mean what the hell did you think writing that would actually accomplish? None of us have said we’d defend anyone no matter what they did. You’re just running out of arguemnets and grabbing at straws now.
I’m going to apologise for the errors in syntax, spelling and grammer in my last post. I havn’t looked for it yet, but i can hardly sit up so i know they’re there.
God damn fun pit threads…
Chowderhead! Chowderhead!.
(image of a dude with a head made of chowder)
Heheheheheheheh. ::wipes tear from eye::
There’s a difference between “wanting” and “doing”, I think that’s what Ryan’s point is.
Nitpick: Mundane POINTLESS Stuff I Must Share. And I think that sex between men is quite different from a traffic accident (unless it’s done REALLY badly).
Are you saying that all homosexuals are perfect? Silly, silly you! The term “homophobe” is tossed around too easily, IMOSHO, and its meaning has been lost. I see nothing “homophobic” in Ryan’s post. A tad too aggressive, yes, but not homophobic.
Yes, they’re different in many ways. However, when it comes to sharing things that someone may have done during the past week, “I had a car wreck” and “I had sex” are pretty much on equal footing.
Ok, Ryan… maybe you aren’t a homophobe and instead are very judgemental about what others do in bed.
You sure seemed quick to be critical of the fact that Esprix got some and was happy about it. Esprix made it very clear that he has safe sex, but unless you are going to have sex with him, what business is it of yours?
And I am not a heterophobe; I’m a moronophobe. Thus, as you are a stupid pigfucker, I intensely dislike you and wish for your keyboard to commit hari kari so I don’t have to read your drivel.
Being extremely promiscuous is NOT safe sex. Condoms are not 100% reliable when it comes to preventing transmission of disease. If someone is serious about safe sex and avoiding AIDS, wearing a condom is not enough, if you are having sex with several people a day. I agree that complaining about a lack of AIDS research funding while being extremely promiscuous is somewhat hypocritical (especially since the government spends more per case on AIDS than almost any other lethal disease).