Two threads posted by Muad’dib in MPSIMS were closed by UncleBeer, for what seem to me to be the most frivolous of reasons. Here is one, and here is the other.
I’m sorry, I know this is a very stressful time for everybody given what’s happened, but closing a thread in MPSIMS of all places because it contains a rhetorical question?!?! Saying that it is “too early for this type of speculation”? I’ve NEVER bad-mouthed a Mod before, because I think their jobs are tough enough, but these remarks by UncleBeer just crossed the LINE for me. So now MPSIMS posts can’t be “Pointless”? Now the Mods will determine when it is the “right” time to speculate about something?
I’m so mad over this that I don’t care if this thread gets locked or me banned. (Which I’m sure will happen momentarily) FUCK YOU, UncleBeer, for being an overofficious jerk in a time of crisis!! People have EVERY RIGHT to spout off in circumstances such as these. Muad’dib was merely expressing himself. He wasn’t threatening anyone, or making offensive remarks. And you just shot him down.
Shit. You don’t deserve the power you’ve been given.
As a New Yorker who works downtown a few blocks from the WTC (though fortunately I found out about the incident before I left for work), I applaud UncleBeer’s actions.
Speculation and hyperbole are not useful in the midst of a crisis.
UncleBeer was doing his job in keeping inflamatory items from getting out of hand.
Clearly you haven’t seen the threads here in the Pit that have been closed. Beer et alia are doing their damnedest to keep things under control in this little corner of the Web, when emotions are running high. And they’re doing a damned fine job of it.
Quit jacking off, Lizard, and just go away. If all you can do today is bitch about an evil mod, you need to get help fucking immediately.
You have the right to disagree with what we do but this ain’t the time to act like this, it’s really not.
It’s not a time for yelling and screaming, it’s not a time to incite for retribution, it’s not a time to look for who to blame.
It IS a time to be useful, to be helpful. Have a positive thought. Give a prayer. Lend a hand. Go give blood, help a relief organization, make the world a little better right where you are.
Be part of the solution and not part of the problem; it’s hate and anger and spite that got us here.
More support for the mods’ actions here. Screaming at each other is not going to help anything, and the best thing we can do at this point is to behave sanely and trying to help the people who need it. It’s silly that some people are seizing this opportunity to be rightfully enraged to the point of ridiculous machismo-- as if this is the first time in their lives that we have had this kind of crisis and now they have a chance to prove themselves as real old-school patriots or something.
How about some fucking priorities?!?
There are (probably) thousands of people dead. The world itself has changed today, and you’re worried about the actions of a message board moderator?!?
I realized you’re pissed. I think most rational people on the planet are, but please, let’s think before we post.
I have no answers about anything. I’m not about to promote bombing anyone. I have no idea what’s going on except that death has taken many. That’s what’s bothering me right now. Not who get’s to say what, who gets banned, and who locks what thread.
I’m going to stop now, becuase now I’m getting pissed for the wrong reason.
I read some of the closed pit threads, and I say good on the mods for stepping in. Racist bilge is the last kind of discussion we need on this board right now.
I have to agree with the sentiments of the majority who have posted here. The mods have done an impressive job of handling this situation, and they deserve a hand. If you don’t like it, find a different message board.
At a time like this you make the best judgements you can on the hoof. Unc’s keeping a cool, calm head and I respect him for that.
I also can’t imagine how time-consuming looking after the board is at this time but thanks for keeping up the good work, Mods and Admins. You should all be proud for doing the job in such distressing circumstances.
Apparently some people took my statements above as some sort of indictment of any or all the Mods outside of MPSIMS, which it is clearly NOT.
I supported (and still support) the right of people to be over-emotional and to use the SDMB as a safe outlet for their emotions in situations like this. It beats panic in the streets. And because I feel this way, I can’t and won’t support a Mod who tries to tell people how they should act when they are upset. I repeat what I said above: Muad’dib was not being racist, xenophobic, provocative, threatening, or anything else. He was merely saying what he felt, and received a lecture on manners for exercising his right to self-expression.
Whatever. I’ve said my piece. I suppose ranting about it further (even though that is what the Pit is supposed to be for) would be going a bit far. So now I’m done with the subject.
But not with andros. You know where to go, you snide SOB. I’ll be seeing you around the Board, but not willingly.
But Lizard, whether you’re angry or frustrated or what, there are still things that you can do to help the situation, and things you can do to hurt the situation.
Maud’dib’s threads definitely did not help. They hurt. They took a crisis that was still going on and began discussing who was to blame and what could have been said or done. This is not the thing to be focusing on now; what we should be focusing on is how best to help the victims.
There will be plenty of time, and plenty of GD threads I’m sure, for discussing who was to blame and who did what wrong in the future. But right now, we needed that rhetorical question about as much as we need another “Nuke the Ragheads!” thread. So get over it, and understand that the mods are just trying to prevent emotions on the board from running higher than they already are.
Look, people. A lot of people died today. Show some fucking respect. You can allow your righteous indignation to run rampant next week.
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve felt very sick to my stomach today. And it’s not just because I’ve been watching that plan slam into the tower 500 times.
Well, I for one am reassured that, even in the face of what arguably was the single most awful day in the history of the United States, someone has boldly stepped into the breach to ensure that the daily “bitching about the mods” thread is nevertheless posted.
Lizard, I’m confused. I read the two links you provided - they’re the same post. I assume you got an error. Anyway, in the one post linked UncleBeer clearly explained the reason he closed the thread.
In other words, Muad’Dib posted in the wrong forum, and the mod closed the thread. What’s your complaint? Aren’t mods supposed to enforce the forum descriptions?