I don’t see a December rant thread, so perhaps I’m first.
Went to a nice Christmas concert last night. A chamber orchestra doing some music you don’t ordinarily hear at this time of year. Everything was going fine until intermission, when some people changed seats to come and sit behind us.
One of them was The Person Who Appreciates Music More Than Anyone Else. I became aware of him when intermission was over and the person who announces the musical numbers to be played came on stage. TPWAMMTAE started clapping his palms together with what I can only describe as noises approaching gunshots in volume. I actually jumped, then gave him a side-eye. He continued clapping until everyone else was done, then gave a couple more just to show what a great patron of the arts he is.
She finished her spiel and the clapping started again, but this time I was prepared, and slid a fingertip into my left ear. Okay, yeah, it was my middle finger and I may have turned my head slightly so he could see it. At the end of the concert, he leapt to his feet, clapping and adding WOO-HOO! at intervals.
What the fuck is with these sorts of people? LOOKAME! I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH MORE THAN ANY OF YOU POSSIBLY COULD! Stick a fucking sock in it, pal.
Ho Ho Fucking Ho What a crock of shit
We all work for Santa Clause We’ve had enough, we quit
Cuz we do all the fucking work While he stars in the show
Stick your Christmas up your ass Ho Ho Fucking Ho
Had I been seated next to the OP I would have also been irritated. I would have just gone ahead and tried to out-clap TPWAMMTAE, by getting in the last clap, then look sarcastically at them…
I love the title of the thread. I say this a lot this time of year. As for the guy clapping? It reminds me of our boys bowling team when hubster was coaching. They had what they referred to as “Thunder Clap.” It was as described above, but had about 10 boys doing it at once every time they had a strike, tricky spare, or other positive things. At least it wasn’t at a concert.
Speaking of hubster, I just got a call from Blue Cross saying that they approved his therapy at MFB. Woo Hoo! Hopefully they aren’t just f’kin with me.
What is a bit gratifying is that he is past his co-pay to the hospital. So the days they are making him stay for this dicked around decision has cost the insurance the entire cost of a full care hospital room stay. Makes me feel all warm inside.
Auto renewal is a scam. Care.scam has no contact information to use. I cancelled once last year but used the website after that, which magically reset my “premium” status.
They charged my card. I immediately cancelled. They said no refund at all. I hate this scam process. I will be calling my bank to see if I can get any relief there.
I also hate care.com because it’s so price gougey but we did find a really good nanny there. She’s no longer our nanny, but she still babysits our son.
The service fee is ridiculous though. Isn’t it like $30/month?
(We also found a terrible nanny there, so, you know, it varies.)
It was basically a part time job to get them to cover autism services for Wee Weasel this last year. They kept giving out conflicting information, at one point my husband had to do a three way conference call with the therapy place where he read Blue Cross policy verbatim to explain it to their own representatives.
Is any insurance company any better? I doubt it.
And we’re not changing horses now that we finally have approval.
On U-boat voyages, crewmen doused themselves in perfume to cover the inevitable result of not bathing for long intervals, which may also be a consideration for certain air travelers.
I have an annual problem this weekend. My wife divorced me. My children need to get her a Christmas present (and a birthday, but I found a solution to that earlier in the year).
I have to engineer a situation where I take the kids (6 and 8 years old) to a place that sells shit my ex-wife would like, and then engineer them into choosing something she will like. For example, for her birthday this year, I steered the children towards a beautiful section of alpaca wool scarfs on a farm we visited. They were not cheap, but that’s not something I care about. It is that my children give a gift that is actually used, and seen to be used.
And then I pay for it. And get no thanks. I, of course get pleasure from the enthusiasm of the children in their choice and in the fun of wrapping the gift, making a card etc, but really, I would prefer not to.
At their age, they should be getting her something they pick out and think she’d like, not something you pick out for her. They’ve basically given her an expensive present from you, not them, like they’re your proxy.
It’s not even important that the presents actually be usable, just that it’s their idea. I had a co-worker who proudly wore in to work a pair of sparkly, obviously girl sunglasses his young daughter picked out for his birthday.