Holy Shit! I'm movin' to Dallas!


You go to Fort Worth for Cowboy boots and wasp waisted cowpokes.

Some famous dude, Will Rogers maybe, said:

Fort Worth is where the West begins and
Dallas is where the East peters out.

There is a Freebirds here! I though I was going to have to eat at Chipotle to get a barrito. This city just went up a grade in my book.

As to ElvisL1ves comments. Good point, but if thats what a Yankee is why couldn’t I find any in New York and Boston? Must have moved to Canada.

Dewey, I’d been curious how your search was going and am pleased to hear the good news, especially since it puts you back home. I’ve arguably got four of the best seats at The Ballpark so next time I’m up (infrequent) maybe you and Minty will be free to join me at a game.

Good for you, buddy.

Preeeeecisely. :slight_smile:

It strikes me that Texas seems to have two dominant male phenotypes (that’s the right word, isn’t it?) – tall and skinny like Lyle Lovett and short and stocky like W. The really, really irritating thing is that my father, a native Texan, is short and stocky. And looks a bit like the President. Doesn’t sound a bit like him, but still, glancing at the TV and seeing “Dad? No, no, oh ugh” is disconcerting.

Chipotle is owned by the McDonald’s Corporation. That pretty much says it all, I think.

I *have * been to Dallas, more times than I want to think about, and it looks nothing at all like New York (have *you * ever been there?) Indianapolis, maybe, but with more pickup trucks and western-wear shops.

Tell us, do you ever get in trouble for looking too much like a Yankee?

I concur; Dallas looks and feels nothing like NYC. The couple of blocks with the tall buildings on them kind of reminded me of this one time I was in Boston and I wasn’t paying much attention. But then at the end of the road there was a bunch of bronze cows so no.

I find living in Dallas itself to be really great. There are some really nice (but still affordable, at least on a professional salary) neigborhoods around town, including Kessler Park, Lake Highlands, and the White Rock area. To each their own, of course, but I find the city much more interesting than Plano or Frisco, and completely comfortable to live in. Plus, I don’t waste two or more hours each day commuting to and from work, so I actually get to spend extra time with the little one instead of sitting in traffic.

More like Atlanta… with hats.

Oakland…with tornados.

Minneapolis… without mosquitoes…

If you’re the type of person who’s thinking of being unfaithful to your partner, the Dallas area probably isn’t the best place to go, what with Joey Greco and the Cheaters cameras keeping an eye on things.

Congratulations! Haven’t seen either you or minty around a lot lately, which I assumed to be a good sign of business picking up. Glad to see you back in the saddle, so to speak.

As a (nearly) native Dallasite, I agree that I rarely hear anyone say “Dallas Proper”. Most will just say the name of their neighborhood (Lake Highlands, Northpark, The “M” Streets, White Rock, Oak Cliff, Downtown, etc.). I live in the Town of Addison, on the northern border between Plano and Dallas, and I love it. Right on the tollway, and you can get anywhere in the Dallas area within 15 minutes (traffic permitting). When I’m ready for a bigger house, I’m looking at Oak Cliff. It’s an old neighborhood with stately old houses, big trees, yards and wide streets. No cookie-cutter houses like up north. However, the public schools are not great*, and it does border “the 'hood” (South Oak Cliff). But if you want a house with some Old Dallas charm, you’ll get the most for money in Oak Cliff.

*The DISD is pretty screwed up at every level. Most “successful” types put their kids in private schools if they live in a DISD neighborhood.

Welcome to town, Dewey.

First of all, thanks everyone for the nice words and advice. I’ll keep a printout of this thread handy.


Now other Dopers need to step to the plate. We can’t have Billdo (and Greathouse in Dallas) shouldering my drinking needs all by his lonesome. :slight_smile:

As Chris Rock puts it, if you’re on MLK anywhere in America, you’re in trouble. “You’re on MLK?!? Ruuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn!”

An excellent question.

I doubt it. I’m like Attila the Hun up here. Recall I grew up in Texas.

I shopped at the original Central Market back when I was a law student at UT in Austin. Indeed, it is tres cool.


The word you were looking for was “around”, Minty

Darn! So much for my little practical joke. :wink:

Hey! DISD teacher here–DISD schools don’t ALL suck. Many do. My students that are DISD magnet-school educated are as well educated as the kids that come to me from the ritsy private schools, and because of the particular school I teach at I see a lot of both.

Depending on where you work, South Richardson is an amazingly cheap area that is really just 15-20 minutes from downtown–if you are looking to buy, there are some very affordable houses. It’s a bit boring, yes, but safe and convienent and cheap.

What am I, chopped livah? :wink:

Yikes! I completely forgot about the DISD magnet schools, which do have an excellent reputation. My apologies! :smack:


Oh, and Dewey, I’ll pony up for one of those drinks (now that you’ve shamed me into it).