House 11/18

“Emancipation”: an emancipated youth has a serious problem.

At 8:35, I would like to call the four year old’s case:

Munchaussen’s by Proxy, older brother’s responsible.

Haven’t we had that before, though?

Eh, I liked my idea better. :slight_smile:

I was sure that older brother was young sociopath, ie Munchausen’s
I think Foreman is going to go off on his own and about time, too. This is the first show where I didn’t want to either slap 13 or stick needles in her weird, alien eyes.

They seem to be avoiding the whole Cuddy thing. I missed last week, so I need to see it at some point to catch up.

The main patient really wasn’t all that interesting, actually. I liked Foreman’s story line better --and he treated Cameron and Chase as if he were House! Go figure.

We were Cuddy-deprived this time. But I’m certain they’re not done with that storyline yet.

I liked that all the underlings seemed to actually have something to do in this episode. yay.
But I miss the Private Investigator guy. Maybe if Cuddy goes out with him, House will get all jealous and actually make a move.

I was wondering before last’s night’s episode: Why are the writers making Foreman out to be a toolbox?

I recently saw a couple of older episodes – one where Foreman almost died by contracting a disease and another where he diagnosed incorrectly resulting in the death of a patient – that made me see the value in the Foreman character and Omar Epps’ ability to act. They can do good with this character, why didn’t they? They somewhat redeemed themselves last night. Foreman was awesome. Good episode.

Thankfully there wasn’t a whole lot of the emotional garbage between Wilson, Cuddy, and House. It was a nice break.

I agree that this was a nice break from the Love triangle, they don’t need to over play that.

That stayed with me more so than this week’s storyline, which was… meh…

How did the main patient kill her brother? I missed that part.

She was babysitting him and he drowned in the bath.

I think the dearth of the lovely Cuddy was deliberate; last week’s events make it quite likely that she and House might avoid one another, and that would usually have been given to the two of them sparring was, quite reasonably, better spent on Foreman’s problem.

Oh, and I saw that

the older brother was screwing up accidentally out of love

coming a mile away. I don’t mean that it was badly done or predictable; it’s just the kind of thing loving older siblings can do by accident, particularly when there’s a missing parent in the picture and the elder sibling gets put into caretaker mode a lot.

In our house, Mr. Mallard also called Munchausen’s-by-proxy on the older brother. After the end, I still think that’s the case. I just think the poisoning little bastard lied to his mother & Foreman so he wouldn’t get in any more trouble.

I think the show has slipped since they took House off clinic duty. First of all, his interactions with the patients was hilarious, and secondly, it was almost always something about a clinic patient that triggered him solving the primary patient’s problem.

In this episode, they put Foreman in the clinic, and although they didn’t specifically tie them together as directly, both patients had accidentally harmed their younger sibling. I think I’ll like the show better if they keep with this theme of Foreman as House in the clinic with Chase and Cameron as his “ducklings”, and the House and Foreman cases being somehow “connected.”

I think so, too.

Who is the ubiquitous Asian nurse? AFAIK, she’s almost never had a speaking line, but she’s almost always the one rushing in with the crash cart. Even in this episode where, presumably, the kid was housed nowhere near where House’s patients normally reside.

I assume she is ordinarily assigned (cursed!) to work with House’s team and their patients. With two cases, she had the opportunity to work with either of the attendings, and for obvious reasons chose the one who isn’t a diseased nutjob.

Was anyone else bummed out to realize that “what was something so horrible and worse than rape” turned out to be “killing your younger sibling”- when they had thought of at least 2-3 things that could probably have been considered WAY worse than that?

I didn’t think the accidental sibling killer thing was as bad as it could be, with the way this episode had been hyped last week about something so horrible done by the patient, my mind way WAY out in the gutters trying to think of horrible nasty things that would cause someone to use the rape excuse instead…

Seriously? I can’t think of ANYTHING worse than killing a baby.

Not that exciting an episode, but I did like the sibling theme that unified it; the lies that bond you, and forgiveness. House and Wilson leaving together at the end, both pausing to look at Cuddy, echoed that. They’re like brothers, and, after Amber’s death, have had that deep a level of forgiveness.

I loved letting Foreman shine on his own, Epps is a fantastic actor. One bit I didn’t understand was: when talking to the little boy’s brother, Foreman talks about brothers, and hints that something happened to him with his own brother. Was this in a past episode?

And the ID theft by the teenage patient; that seemed rushed by and I didn’t get it.