How many 5-letter words did you get from yesterday's Sunday NYT puzzle?

I got 39. Not bragging. There’ll be many others with lots more. (I used as my authority.)

Tried using a spoiler. Couldn’t.

  1. ALIVE
  2. ANENT
  3. ATRIP
  4. CANAL
  5. CANON
  6. CANTO
  7. DREST (very obsolete)
  8. EVENT
  9. LENTO
  10. LEVEL
  11. LILAC
  12. LIVEN
  13. NOOSE
  14. NOTAL
  15. NOVEL
  16. PIANO
  17. PIKER
  18. PIKES
  19. PLACK (old as dirt, maybe too old)
  20. PLANE
  21. PLANO (as in lenses)
  22. PLANT
  23. RIATA
  24. SCALP
  25. SCANT
  26. SOOTS
  27. STAIR
  28. STALE
  29. STILE
  30. STONE
  31. STOVE
  32. STRIA
  33. STRIP
  34. TITAN
  35. TOTAL
  36. TRIAL
  37. VENAL
  38. VITAL
  39. LIVID (Last second addition! :smack: )

I got 45 with a few that I thought were questionable (like atrip, atrek, drest, lacto, soots). I like that game. Spatial and verbal.

I can’t believe it when I’m at 35, and then about 4 totally obvious ones jump out at me because I wasn’t trying something.

At first glance, here’s 3 you’re missing

“toots” (use both t’s), “tonal” and “airer”.

You’re also missing


You have a couple I didn’t get like canto and lento and plack. I considered them, but I didn’t think they were words.

Well done, Trunk.

I’ll get this one in a supplement either this week or next. Nice that it was interesting enough to spawn a thread.