How many resolutions have you broken already in the MMP?

Howdy Y’all from da cave! I survived Moanday! Yay!!! Got the oven heatin’ up and cornbread mixed and ready to bake. We’s gonna eat early cause OYKW has a meetin’ to attend this evenin’ poor thing.

Also, apparently I didn’t get a memo so…



Happy Red Day!!!

I missed the memo, too.

Just finished another lap robe. Laundry is all in and folded or hung up. Mine is put away, **FCD **will stow his own shirts. He’s not home yet - his dental appt was at 3 and it’s almost 5. Soon, I hope.

Meanwhile, I’ve been OD-ing on NCIS. And I’s hongree, but I’ll wait for my sweetie before I have supper. Because I’m nice, dammit!

Happy red day!

We did mac-n-cheese for supper. It’s dark out, and cold, and getting colder.

How much longer till spring??

My mom and sister are leaving on a Caribbean cruise tomorrow. I almost wish I was going with them…

Is seasickness a big problem on cruises? I wouldn’t want to go on a cruise because I’d be afraid of that. My motion sickness is bad enough in planes, and I figure a boat would be worse.

Though the last time I was on a boat, I was all right, but that wasn’t for long.

I once fought in the Resolutionary Wars, but no more. After suffering slings and arrows over the years from smug acquaintances when my resolutionist guns misfired, I quit reenlisting. That said, I haven’t had a potato chip or a cookie since December.

Today (January 6, 2015)

I’m afraid you’re off to a rough start, dear heart.


As of last Friday night, my report time at work is 9 p.m. (as opposed to 10). So, we’ve been doing this for three nights now, and I’m not entirely sure how happy I am about it. To be sure, when I got home from work on Sattidy moanin’ it was still darksome out, making it [del]possible[/del] mandatory that I crawl right into bed and snag a few zzz’s for a coupla hours before rising, feeding the critters, and startin’ a tankard of caffeinated hot beverage for myself and the missus. And the daughter, still with four more weeks of winter break before she wings her way back to Manhattan and the university.

Thing is, back in what I’m going to call the olden days, the critters wanted to be fed the moment they heard my car in the driveway; this forced me to immediately start up the household for the day, and the result was that I would get all my sleeping done in a single chunk from late in the moanin’ and through to just about the gloamin’. This business of takin’ a siesta before brekkies, and having my main course of REM snoozin’ happen for a shorter period AFTER N.O.L. is gonna take some getting used to.

But not today. Today is my weekend. And I got tagged for overtime, so the critter-feedin’ commenced upon my arrival, with no nappin’.

Doing a load of laundry, and running the dishwasher now. kayla is spending the day at Disneyland with a high school bestie and her two-year old niece, leaving me to put together the Mrs. Cubbison’s, the green bean casserole, the smooshed N.O.T.s, the gravy, and the roasted turkey boobie I picked up at Costco. I think I’m gonna make her clean up after the feast. :smiley:

Oh, and before I forget, count me as another who breaks no N.Y.R.'s because I refuse to consider making any. Introspection just ain’t my bag.

Cruise ships are massive and unless the seas are really rough, you may not even notice motion, so seasickness wouldn’t be an issue. Then again, I’ve never been seasick - even when the ship is rolling, it doesn’t bother me. I know that some people use various medications or devices to avoid seasickness.

I will say that on my last cruise, our cabin was way up at the top, and when we were in a storm, the motion was very apparent. Lower down, I don’t think it would have been as dramatic.

My internet went out most of the day, so I ran some errands. I got a DIY nightstand and bookshelf from Wally World and brought them home. The nightstand was impossible to put together and a piece of the bookshelf broke. :mad: Both are going back to Wallyworld tomorrow. I can get a put-together nightstand from somewhere else, but I need to get the bookshelf because it matches my other DIY bookshelf that doesn’t have a broken shelf. And was badly put together because the instructions are all in *pictures *and are confusing. If I wanted that kind of bull-hockey I would drive to Charlanta North and go to IKEA.

But I did get to use my Chick-fil-a card for a free grilled chicken sammich, so that was good. :smiley:

And on that note, I think I’ll recline. I’s tahred from doing mostly nothing all day.


Happy Moonday!

Home from the armpit and the Dr visit.

It’s f’ing cold outside and getting colder.
I thought I saw a few flakes on the drive home - snow flakes that is.
I know I saw some real flakes -
FYI when the 18 wheelers are passing you going uphill in the mountains you need to find the gas pedal or get off the road.

We had TacoHell for dinner, his request not mine.

I have such a headache, I don’t know if it’s from lack of caffeine or the crappy stuff the nurse shot me up with.

I made some resolutions, I think I have broken all of them already.
Of course I really wasn’t going to start until tomorrow anyway.
Happy Birthday Red!!!

Dang! We’re a yakkity bunch today! Suppage has been consumed and OYKW skeedaddled to go to his meetin’, poor thing. He wants Chinese take out tomorrow night. Works for me. Hey, he’s buyin’ so who am I to say no. :smiley: I imagine the General’s dindin will be swiped cause that’s his fav-o-rite. It’s also a fav-o-rite of mine and the place we get it from is tres generous so one order will feed us both. Throw in an extra aigroll (one comes with the order) and it’s all good.

Midget I’ve never experienced seasickness or airplanesickness so I guess I’m no help. I can sense the motion of a boat and, of course, airplane turbulance but they don’t bother me.

DAAAAAAD so you’re gettin’ home an hour earlier than you were before. I say the critters and household should adjust to your new schedule so’s you can get some decent sleepytime in. They’ll adjust and survive. Probably.

You can get a patch from your doc before you board. Also they have those wrist bands with pressure discs. No idea how they work, just that they do



Other than that, I got nothing yet.

Da bear is tahrd! Thus, off to sleepy land.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Before I forget: Happy Red Day!

Thank you all! I went to the good catfish place with friends after irk to celebrate. Between there and work, I’m still shaking confetti and glitter from my clothes. :smiley:


Just watched an episode of a TV show I’d meant to check out.

It’s cold everywhere, even inside, almost everywhere inside this old house, especially my room. It’ll be even colder tonight. I’ll go to bed wearing multiple layers and with 2 blankets.