How many resolutions have you broken already in the MMP?

Moses and Aaron on a stick, you are a sailor for Christ’s sakes!

How is that for inter faith swearing?

Buddha feels slighted.

Alas, I know no Buddhist swear words. There may be none.
“Oh! May the Lords of Kharma be unaware of you good qualities for an indefinite period of time!”
No, that just doesn’t cut it.
“Hold my prayer wheel. Watch this!”
No, no.

Sitting in queue for online chat with Comcast tech support. Yay.

So I found 2 empty 40s of malt liquor and a homemade bong in the men’s room tonight.:dubious:
Happy[sub][sub]belated[/sub][/sub]Birthday red!!!

I read that as
So I drank 2 40s of malt liquor and made a homemade bong in the men’s room tonight.

Go back to bed Sari

Belated happy Red day!

I had a busy night last night doing domestic stuff, then couldn’t sleep because as soon as I lay down I started coughing so I’m sitting here wondering how best to get a major dose of caffeine working.

That counts as a big BLURF.

I prefer IPAs. :wink:

Up, caffeinated, off to work.

The tendency to seasickness does not preclude the love of sailing. **FCD **has been sailing longer than I have and he has had bouts when we were on our boat. Some good friends of ours spent some years sailing around the world - both of them had to take meds the first 2 or 3 days out of port till they got used to being afloat again. They loved to sail, so they put up with the sickness when they had to.

I don’t know how much is in one’s head and how much is truly sensitivity to the motion, but people deal. It doesn’t have to be debilitating.

So then, good morning! When I looked out the window around 3 this morning (coughing fit, dammit) I was sure I saw a light cover of snow all over the yard. But when I let Higgs out a couple of hours later, it was dry. It had to be the light. Or maybe I was hallucinating. Regardless, it’s below freezing and there’s a 40% chance of us seeing some snow this morning. And tomorrow night, it’s supposed to get down to 9°. blech.

No idea what I’ll do today, other than load a few dishes in the dishwasher and water my houseplants. Maybe I’ll run to Food Lion - we need bread and we’re getting low on dog food. And, no, we don’t eat the two together. :stuck_out_tongue:

Supper tonight will be the salmon I thawed the other day. That’s as far as today’s planning has gotten.

Happy Tuesday!

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 33 Amurrkin out with a predicted high of 61 for the day. Not too shabby. Not lookin’ forward to Thursday though. A low of 20 overnight Wednesday and a high of 39 Thursday. BRRRRRRR!

I am bein’ a little bit of a bear of leisure this mornin’. I’m headin’ to the east forty and shall leave from da cave. No need to leave until around 8:15 so I can chill for a bit.

Ok, that’s all I got. I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy demands to be fed. Then, alas, irk purtification must commence.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

I knew there was something wrong with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Went to the gym this morning. Everything hurts NOW, forget tomorrow.

Dogbutt, I think we may have your culprit! :o

HEY!!! I do not go into men’s rooms…

… any more.

I’m all showered and dressed more or less presentably, tho I still need to tie my shoes. Looks like the county where I grew up has closed schools for today because of snow, yet less than 100 miles to the south, it’s just overcast and dreary and 26°. I’ve messaged my sis and asked her to text me or call me when she and Mom are aboard the ship. Mom lives farther north so the snow could be worse. But my BIL is taking her to the ship, so I’m not too worried. At 81, Mom doesn’t need to be driving in crap conditions.

Meanwhile, I still haven’t decided what to do today. I really should clean my studio, but it’s cold down there. So we shall see how it all goes.

Happy Toosday!

It’s 19 degrees outside and we have snow.
I think it is not supposed to amount to much but we live close enough to town that we are under the town rules. We have 10 hours after the snow ends to shovel the sidewalk, must be down to bare pavement, the entire sidewalk must be shoveled (no path through the middle), and the removed snow has to go on our property it can’t go into the street or the little strip between the sidewalk and the street.

I don’t have to go out today, for that I am happy.
We have at least two weeks supply of food and drink here, and probably a year’s supply of paper towels, paper plates and (Swampy would be proud) toilet paper.
Not that I expect there to be enough snow to shut us in anyway. However knowing that we don’t have to go out is a good thing.

Woe to those of us who must go out and battle with the blue haired older women who seek milk and bread in droves!

Happy Toesday. We had 3 inches of snow last night and it is 1 degree above zero now. Doesn’t seem to be much of a wind though. Apparently a wind chill advisory starts at midnight. Stopped for gas on the way to irk–don’t want to have to fill up tomorrow. Other than that, I got nuthin’.

I’m in Montgomery County and we have 3" so far, from a storm that was supposed to deliver a “dusting.” The schools were originally on a 2-hour delay but decided to close at 8:20, which is about the latest they’ve ever called it, but at least they did! Fairfax, Loudoun, Arlington, etc. are all being torn to shreds by angry parents because their kid’s bus has spun into a guardrail, has been stuck on the road for 2.5 hours, or never got there at all. They done messed up in NoVa.

Not sure about the three inches (you know how bad men are at measuring anything under 6 inches) but we do now have our first official sticking snow now. Makes me glad I’m more afternoon shift - gets me on the road after the road crews have had time to straighten things out without other drivers in their way. Single digits for the next few nights and maybe some more snow but nothing I can’t live with.

Back from Food Lion - it wasn’t insane there at all, but as I walked in, I saw a few flakes falling, so I may have beat the rush. Schools are in session here. The county didn’t even bother to treat the roads, which is good because it would have been a waste of time and tax dollars. It’s doggone cold out there, but if I’d worn something warmer than a hoodie, I wouldn’t have noticed.

**chizzuk **- I was listening to WTOP - it sounds like the road up there are a mess! They were saying transit buses couldn’t make it up the hills (like DC is that mountainous) and normal 1-hour commutes were taking 3-4 hours! I worked in DC in the early 80s and I remember well the stupidity that crawled out of the woodwork when the first flakes of the season appeared. Gotta say, retirement is definitely better.

Dishes are done and cat box is scooped. Yay for productivity!