How many states/provinces have you been to?

In the spirit of this thread how many states or provinces of your native country have you been to?

I’ll start:
-I live in California
-born in New York
-also visited: Maine, Massachussets, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Idaho, Hawaii, New Mexico, Utah.

That’s 14. Washington DC would make it 15 if we ever stop oppressing them by denying them statehood. :wink:

If you count just driving though or flight stopovers, that’ll add Washington, Arizona, New Hampshire and Vermont, Maryland, Georgia, Illinois, and Minnesota.

What are your totals?

I was born in Vermont, lived in: Maryland, Virginia, North Dakota, California, Illinois, Washington.
Been to: All of the Above plus: Montana, South Dakota, Wyoming, Oregon, West Virginia, Massachutes, New York, New Joysey (accent included there), Maine, Pennslyvania, Minnesota, Idaho, Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Nevada.
Outside U.S.: Okinawa, Japan, S.Korea, Amsterdam, and London.

Good Enough? Think I may of forgotten some…hmmmm…

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin. (31) And D.C. (32)

Canada? Whatever province Victoria (on a big island) is in.

That is Victoria, British Columbia.
I forgot to say D.C. and I forgot Hawaii. I also have been to Vancouver, Edmonton and Winnepeg Canada. :slight_smile:

BTW Connor is it neccessary to list them in alphabetical order?

Lived in: Tennessee, Maine, Mississippi, Georgia.

Visited: NH, VT, MA, NY, NJ, MD, VA, WV, DE, NC, SC, FL, AL, KY, LA, MO, IL, IN, OH, IA, MI, KS, CO, WA, OR, ID, MT, RI, WI, ND, SD, AZ, AR, TX, and OK
DC, & Puerto Rico as well, and I have been to Quebec

whew… think I may have missed one, but it;s been a long week and I’m tired. :stuck_out_tongue:


Michigan, Ohio, Philadelphia, New York, Delaware, Maryland, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Colorado, Puerto Rico, Ontario & Quebec.

I’m pretty sure that’s it.:frowning: I think I need to travel more.

States I’ve called home: 07
South Carolina

States I’ve visited for fun: 17
Rhode Island
West Virginia
New York
North Carolina
New Mexico
North Dakota

States I’ve visited for profit: 03
New Hampshire

States I’ve passed through: 09
New Jersey

States I’ve been to in total: 36

Born in Florida

Lived in Texas since I was a newborn.

Been to New Mexico, Florida, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.
Passed through on the way to somewhere else: Tennessee and Minnesoda.

Outside the U.S. : Mexico and Canada.

Lived in: New Jersey(will always be home-sigh), Louisiana, Pennsylvania, California(1 month today-yippee!).

Have visited: New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Ohio, Washington DC, Illinois, Indiana, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Mexico.

Have driven through: Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada.
Had a flight layover in Texas.

For a grand total of 20.

Outside the US:
Ontario and wherever Tiajuana is

In the US:
North Dakota
South Dakota

and in Oct

that will be: 23

I’ve been to 45 of the states (plus DC), so it’s easier to list the states I haven’t been to:

New Hampshire
North Dakota

I’ve only been to one province - Ontario.

I have been to every state plus DC except Alaska and Idaho.

I have lived for more than a week in MN (born and raised), FL (@ 2 1/2 yrs total), VA (1 year), DC (1 yr), MD (6 mos.), ME (6 mos), CA (1 mo.), and HI (2 1/2 yrs.).

I’ve spent at least one night in the rest of the states I’ve visited except WY, NH, ND, OH, IN, PA, NH, VT, KY, NJ, IA, and SC. (I’ll probably come back later and correct this…)

I’m not quite sure where to put NM, as I hit El Paso, TX at about 10 pm. and didn’t quit driving til I got to Phoenix.

Oooh ooh watch me brag about where I’ve been: live in Illinois, been to Wisconsin maybe half a dozen times, been to Indiana once. Granted I’m 18 but my life couldn’t have been more boring up to this point. Go ahead, ask me how many times I’ve been on an airplane. I’ll give you a hint, the answer starts with the last letter of the alphabet…

Returning last week from Alaska, I have visited all but 6 States, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, New Mexico, Arizona & Wyoming (I’m not sure that there is a Wyoming, having heard that it is a Cartographer’s error!) I hope to visit all of the above by the end of 2001. At that time, I’ll let you know about Wyoming.
I Canada I’ve been in Ontario (my very favorite city is Toronto) Quebec & British Columbia. I hope to visit all Provences by 2002.
I retired in 1999 & have a travel agenda. If body & soul hold together, that is! Keep posted


As per the OP, I’ll stick with my native country.

I’ve lived in Utah, California, Hawaii (it was a Territory then, although I’ve visited it post-statehood), Colorado, Texas and Illinois.

I’ve been to Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, Midway and Wake Island.

30 in all (hmmm…, still need to see the East Coast).

The Netherlands has 11 provinces, and this globetrotter has visited them ALL!!

Quite an accomplishment, when you take into account that my country is 350 kilometers high and 200 wide. What a vast land :smiley:

As resident:

NY (twice), NH (twice), WV, ME (4 states)

As visitor:

VT, MA, PA, CT, RI, NJ, DE, MD OH, VA, GA, FL, IN, IL, MI, WI, IA, MN, SD, ND, NE, WY, UT, ID, MT, CA (26 states)

30 states in all.

Canadian provinces: Ontario and Quebic
Mexican States: Baja California (it’s Tijuana, not Tiajuana)

49 states + D.C.
Puerto Rico
US Virgin Islands

Canada, the lower 7 provinces that touch the US.
I really like Canada, go there a lot.
I have a lot of relatives there, mostly in Windsor and Vancouver.
Drove the Mackenzie Higway back through the Prairie Provinces.
Then took the train from Vancouver to Quebec.

Netherlands? I don’t have a province map, but I took trains from Rotterdam and The Hague to Gronengen. How many is that?

Hmmm… Zuid Holland, Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, Drente, Groningen. Six provinces, tshirts!

Lived in Michigan, Minnesota, Kentucky, California, Oklahoma, and California again. Also South Africa.