I was searching for information on nightmares and this is the first place that popped up in Google. So I came here, registered and now I’m lost! I see a lot of interesting topics but not what I’m looking for now!! :smack:
We all end up here through similar circumstances. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there is no way out. Go to the forum Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share (MPSIMS) and start a thread introducing yourself. Maybe a mod will move this one there for you. You’ll be welcomed by the Teeming Millions. After all, you’re one of us now.
We accept you, one of us! Gooble Gobble!
Google served you well. This is the home of nightmares. (For geezenstacks though you’ll have to go here.)
Whatever mysterious fate led you here, you’re most welcome. We are a site with several ways to find information.
First, you can search Cecil’s columns (in the Archive at The Straight Dope - The Straight Dope ) for columns on nightmares (there don’t seem to be any specific, but there is one on lucid dreaming and one on being scared to death (literally.)
Second, you can post on our Message Boards. We’ve got lots of folks here with lots of strange interests and an uncanny ability to find things on the internet, so p’raps someone can help with your specific questions. If you’re asking a question with a factual answer, I suggest you post in the forum called “General Questions.” If you’re asking a question that’s a matter of opinion rather than factual answer, I suggest the forum called “Great Debates.”
Anyhow, welcome!
Did you bring goat, or pie, I can never remember which is the initiation thingamagig.
Welcome…we’re all lost here. You are now one of us. Pull up a chair and enjoy the ride!
Is this the thread you were searching for?
Welcome to the SDMB, NRayeMc. It is, indeed, a strange and wonderful place. I got here ten years ago and haven’t figured out where the exit is yet.
I’m moving your thread to our MPSIMS forum, which is where, among other things, the welcoming committee hangs out. They’ll be along soon.
Again, welcome! Enjoy your stay.
twickster, MPSIMS moderator
Hi NRayeMc,
You’re going to need an elevator pass to find your way around here. And I just happen to have one at half price that I can sell you.
It works much better if you imagine The Amazing Jonathan saying the above line.
The initiate should have prepared a post-rites spread which should include pie but the goat is part of the ceremony itself and only used if Mariah gets too handsy. Or tentacle-y, rather.
HE brings the pie, WE bring the goat. Geeze.
And the goat will be lonely because the squid is still out sick.
So, what were you wanting to know about nightmares, NRayeMc? I haven’t had one in decades, personally. My own definition of nightbares includes a feeling of fear, though, and I’m a lucid dreamer. I don’t count it as a nightmare if unpleasant things are happening, but I know it’s a dream so I’m not afraid, just kind of annoyed.
Someone comes in here asking about nightmares and the squid is sick? Don’t worry, NRayeMc, I’m sure we’ll find a way to show you something about nightmares, even without the squid. Muahahahaha!
information on nightmares is over in the Elections forum.
Wouldn’t elections fall under ‘lucid dreaming’? ‘And then, on the second Wednesday of November, he woke up. The End.’
Welcome to the boards! I suggest keeping brownies around. Sure, sure, breadcrumbs are the traditional ‘mark your path so you can get out’ foodage of choice, but brownies are more pleasing to the locals.
Also, we eat them, so you can’t get back out again, but don’t tell the new guy.
There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
Or which way the river’s flowing
Is it raining? Is it snowing?
Is a hurricane a-blowing?
Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing
Are the fires of hell a-glowing? Is the grisly reaper mowing?
Yes, the danger must be growing, 'cause the rowers keep on rowing!
And they’re certainly not showing
Any signs that they are slowing!
I found a way out once, but I went back in to rescue someone else, and then the way out was gone…
So ask your nightmare questions.
Maybe this thread is his nightmare, and all of us mere puppets in his dreams.
You are here because Google knows all the best advice comes from the Straight Dope Advisory Board, which is basically everybody. And, nightmares are a specialty.
Soo… pull up a chair and pay a nickle.
Spell check optional.