How to help a LT relationship/depression/anxiety

A little background.

We’ve been together 10 years.

He’s always been, in my opinion, depressed. From the time we started dating and we were doing a distance relationship during college he would call me crying in his car, depressed about school. This happened a lot.

Then when we lived together, he favored sitting on the computer as opposed to doing things, but still liked to go out for walks and such. It progressively got worse and it seemed TO ME that he shut down. He communicated with me less, he seemed to get more and more depressed, and as of lately (the last 6? months) he’s been coming home and grabbing the bottle of whisky, every night (or 90% of the time). Heck, when we were out of whisky, he grabbed the vodka and started drinking that straight.
He doesn’t get DRUNK every night (some nights but not every) but I’m guessing he’s doing it to take whatever edge he has, off.
Over the 10 years it’s been a struggle with money, places to live, a lot of arguing on and off (mostly 1-2 explosive fights a year).
Most of the blow up fights go as follows:
I’m upset with him for – not showing more affection, not being more loving, and not prioritizing our relationship and “us”, never saying “i love you”, and less importantly–not offering to help me around the house until I get so stressed (anxiety) I basically want to cry in bed.

He’s upset with me for – my spending habits, my bossy attitude, never wanting to do anything, and “treating him like an employee instead of a boyfriend”
I have done a lot to change things. I’ve gotten rid of things that I know he doesn’t like, I’ve sold many of my things I haven’t used that were stored in the attic to both help with finances and reduce the amount of “crap” we have in the attic.

I got a job to help with the mounds of debt (I had a job before–I started a business to try and make some more money and this takes many hours a week not including paperwork, I also am pretty much the person responsible for all of the house work on a 2500 sqft house as well as almost 1 acre of property - mowing, landscaping, dusting, vacuuming, dishes, and even minor repairs, etc), I stopped buying things and spending money – for the most part, I do like doing things outside the house and I’ve suggested many more things, and I have tried to not ask him for help/ask him for anything.

I thought things were going okay until he suddenly started drinking every night after work and acting more secluded and talking to me even less than he was before.

Then suddenly he said he thought maybe we should break up because he’s miserable and doesn’t know what to do or if anything in our relationship would change. He said he loves me and doesn’t want to break up, but just wants to feel better and doesn’t know how.

I told him I was shocked and this was random. He said he’s been feeling like this for awhile now and he’s just been trying to be “apathetic towards everything” and that’s not working either.

I suggested therapy AGAIN and he finally agreed to couples therapy. I told him I feel he has a problem with depression and I have some issues with anxiety and he doesn’t really think that he has depression problems he just thinks it’s situations that make him upset (IE, mounds of debt, crumbling house, etc).

So we go to therapy for the first session and they diagnose me with GAD and him with some situational depression. They wanted to work on our individual issues first before tackling the relationship.

The second session, for $110, was just how to close your eyes and focus on your breathing. An hour spent on that, and it wound up making him feel worse because that was the one thing he said about therapy that he was worried about-- it being “hokey”.

He now wants to find someone who can potentially prescribe medication or who can help better than “breathing” excises. He thinks that we should be discussing things that cause conflict/bad feelings and not just talking about ways to muffle the bad feelings.

I told him to give him a chance, a few more sessions to see where he’s going with this before we switch, but I’m willing to switch if he feels this isn’t working for him.

So back to now… I went away for 3 weeks to visit my mom and sister. This whole time I’ve been gone I have had to message him/contact him. Almost every day I’ve said good morning (text), then asked him how his day has been, then said goodnight and sweet dreams. I feel that communication is important and he has not once asked me how I was doing, how my time is going, etc. He will sometimes say good morning and goodnight in response to my message, but even after I ask how his day is and show that i’m interested in how he’s doing at work, etc, he still doesn’t ask anything about me or my day, etc. He shows no interest.
That really hurts my feelings. I told him that it did (nicely) and I told him I understood that he was probably busy but that it hurt my feelings when he didn’t have a second to ask me anything about my day, but has time to play scrabble online with a friend or play video games.

I’m not asking for an hour long conversation. But idk… even if it was once every other day or once every few days.

Does anyone have any input or advice to help and guide us in a direction we can take to make things better?

The therapist is right. You both need to work on your issues alone. You need to focus on your anxiety and treatment and getting better. He needs to go on his own journey. You can’t change each other. Stop trying and work on yourself instead. You deserve happiness, but that comes from you, with or without him. And you don’t sound very happy right now. Support him in whatever he needs, whether it’s getting help, or separation, or whatever.

Why are you still with him? You sound like you are miserable there. You have to maintain the house by yourself. You have to get rid of your stuff, and it sounds like you both work? What is he bringing to the table? He doesn’t communicate. He even said that he wants to break up. I’m not seeing any reasons for you to stay.

Depression depresses everything, motivation, relational ability, communication, etc. The reason he is not being a good boyfriend is because he is too depressed to be a good one. He needs help, having him go see a psychiatrist would probably help though even a GP could prescribe him an anti-depression medication. Breathing exercises are for anxiety and not depression. If he has had it for 10 years it is not situational depression. He needs some medication and CBT as soon as possible.
He may also be an alcoholic, drinking vodka straight from the bottle is not something healthy people do. You may want to look into Alanon for yourself to learn how to deal with an alcoholic. Unfortunately you can’t do it for him and he seems to be in denial that he is the problem and not his circumstances. The good thing is depression can be treated and if it is many of the things he thinks is causing it will disappear.

Well, I’m not miserable. I’m actually happy 99% of the time.

I wake up happy, go to work happy, end the day happy.

I’m in debt up to my eye balls but that’s OK. I’m doing what I can to fix that. I got another job and I’m making progress paying things down. It gets over-whelming from time to time, but 99% of the time, I’m content with the way it is.

I live in a house that has constant problems from stairs collapsing, to basement flooding, roof collapsing, trees knocking the power lines out of the house. Every time I get ahead, I take a giant leap backwards. It’s sad but I don’t think about it and I am just grateful for having a place to live.

I have my health. My family has their health. I have insurance, food, friends, a place to live, a job, and someone I love unconditionally.
The only thing that makes me upset is the fact that he’s depressed. The fact that I have had to see the man I fell in love with, be this miserable.

Every now and then I get a “glimpse” of the way he used to be. A “glimpse” of him being happy… But most of the time he’s mopey.

When I ask him how his day is, he tells me “meh”, EVERY day. I ask him if he’s depressed and he said “idk”. These are the types of responses I’ve started getting from him.

That is what breaks my spirits. I will be amazingly happy and when I text him to as him how his day is going and how he’s feeling, he just says “meh” and leads on that he’s depressed. Then I have to see him so upset that he comes home and drinks and sits in front of the computer.

When he’s happy and not mopey, life is FANTASTIC! When he was happy, he WOULD text me and tell me he loves me and is more hands on and loving.

THAT is the only part of my day that makes me upset. Otherwise, my life isn’t perfect but I am happy!

I feel like the real him is lost… Locked up inside him wanting to come out, but I don’t know how to help, which is why I sought therapy with him. I see glimpses every now and then… then they are gone. I don’t know what’s wrong.
When we have good times, they are really good. I love him to pieces and he loves me. He’s my best friend and someone I can tell anything to without worrying about being judged. Even going to the supermarket or doing something that is inherently boring is fantastic when we’re together (when he’s not being mopey).
The sex is ALWAYS amazing. I’ve never had a bad experience.
I love his family and he loves mine, although he does say they are a bit crazy.
So all-in-all, I’m content with myself. I’m not ecstatic with where I am in life right now personally, but I’ve been working on ME and I’m happy with the progress, happy with the changes I’m making for ME.
I love him and I know he loves me. I don’t know if I’m seeing this all off, but it seems like he has something wrong going on with him and needs help, and I don’t want to abandon him during a time of need.

If my life will be like this forever, I won’t be able to stay with him, because it’s not fair to me. But I won’t just abandon him without trying. I love him.

I just don’t know what there is TO do.
Thank you puddleglum! I typed the above before you responded.

He does want to try another doctor and has seemed kinda opened to trying medication. He has BAD social anxiety too and can’t go out and make friends or even talk to people. I was really the only one he could talk to.
I think the next step would be a psychiatrist

Sounds to me like you’re in a better place than 99% of the people on the planet.

Also sounds like you’re in a perfect relationship, for you. Keep doing what you’re doing is my best advice.

Sarcasm (which is how I took it) was unwarranted.

My point was, even though my life is NOT perfect by any means, aside from what I believe is depression on my boyfriends part, I’m a fairly happy person.

Probably due to years of therapy when I was a kid that helped me look on the bright side of things. It pains me that I’m not able to help him.

I just feel lost in this situation and I don’t know what to do to help things get better. I think from the sound of it, he has issues with depression and that is what’s causing the majority of the issues.

But over-all, I’m a very happy person.

I wasn’t being (entirely) sarcastic.

I take you at your word that you’re a happy person. Good for you in that regard.

What you may need to learn to do is to accept that you can’t fix things for you’re loved ones, no matter how much you love them or how much empathy/sympathy you feel for them. You might just have to simply let your S.O. work through his demons in his own time and in his own way.

It sounds like he needs a psychiatrist and medication. There is a part of him that wants to get better but if he is chemically depressed that is a lot to overcome on your own without the benefit of medication.

It certainly seems that you have a very serious problem that requires professional help.

Folks here are more than happy to give advice, which may be what drew you to this board. Hardly a day goes by without someone new showing up with a complicated relationship problem, asking for help. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories, frankly— some people have life situations that are so screwed up, so strange, that if you didn’t know better you’d swear they made it all up. (Not that they did, of course; you’d have to be sick in the head to want to mess with people like that.)

Anyway, welcome to the board. I know it’s just your first thread, but I bet you’ll find yourself coming back again and again. :slight_smile:

I’m guessing that he will break up with you eventually just to find out if there’s other fish in the sea. After a while he may figure out that the grass wasn’t greener and ask to come back.

Don’t. At least right away. Reset the relationship back to about day one and work slowly back into things like sex and his moving back in. A fresh look into the relationship might help you see things differently.

Hopefully you’ll have an opportunity to do some ‘fishing’ yourself and find out if someone else can make you happy without all the drama.

he doesnt sound motivated enough to me to look for other relationships…

I’m glad people have the same general thoughts as I do and agree that it sounds like a problem with depression and needing professional help.

That’s what I’ve been thinking.

I already left my family and moved 2500 miles away from them to live with him and start a life.

If he broke up with me, I’d be moving 2500 miles away, back with my family until I get back on my feet. Where I live now, I couldn’t afford to live on my paycheck.
So he would not be able to “just try it out” and then come back asking for a second chance and re-start the relationship.

If he breaks up with me, I will be gone and gone for good. Odds are, he’ll never see me again because I won’t:
1- have money to uproot my life again
2- probably won’t be able to trust him enough to risk any stability I gain when I move out just for him to, 10 years later, do the same thing (All my money and time went into our life together… Our house-- under his name and although he paid for it I put a lot of money and time into, etc).

I’ll be back at square one if we break up, and have to move across the country and re-build my life. I doubt I could put myself through that again.
I love him with all my heart. I feel that he’s struggling and I want to help him however I can.