How you doin': the Doper romance thread.

I’m brave.

46 years old. Live in San Francisco. Self-employed artist and writer. Masters degree in art, went to cooking school, have a good wine cellar and art collection. Truly addicted to gourmet dining, museums, and international travel. Erudite, sophisticated, and kinky.

Never had children, prefer British comedy, love live music, know how to sail, and own golf clubs that don’t get used enough. Looking for a guy who knows the difference between CoCoPuffs and Coq au Vin.

Be kind.

Well, since Tuba said it was ok…

I’m ugly, fat, foul-tempered, sarcastic and have a bad attitude but I’m working on it. Ok, that’s a lie - I’m not really working on it. I work for the government (“I’m here to help!”) and have relocated to NE after a year in Afghanistan. This is my first time living back in the States in over 10 years after living in London, Albania, Kosovo, Germany and Afghanistan. I’m looking to be continuously amused by someone who can deal with an acerbic, funny, self-deprecating kind of (surly) chick. Oh, and I don’t like romantic walks on the beach, sunsets, candlelit dinners, cuddling or just holding hands and watching TV. I’m also allergic to cats and children. Although I still like cats…

Here’s me, enjoying the spoils of war in Kabul…

I’m just shameless.

31, live in central PA. Married and poly. System admin and management type, loves cats and dogs and Mexican food. I’m bearded, I sing a lot, I’m a gun-slinging-flag-waving-Democrat who supports gay marriage and world peace. Like a lot of poly-identified people, I’m not really looking looking, but all my RL friends are video gamer dorks and I miss having someone to go hiking or shooting or canoeing with.

See also: OkCupid
I’d link to the doper picture gallery but the internet must have swallowed my signup e-mail.

Not that I’m single, but I encountered several Dodgers/Giants couples the one time I made it to AT&T Park. Stranger things have happened. :slight_smile:

Central PA and Mexican food? I’m so sorry.

Yeah, I know. I’m getting pretty good at from-scratching it, and at least I can get a decent burrito. Rey Azteca isn’t horrible, either–even if it’s got a cheesy vibe it’s still mostly staffed in the kitchen by actual Hispanics.

Okay, I’ll play.

I’m coming up on 50. I’m currently separated, but the divorce paperwork is in the works, and will be finalized when our lawyers return from summer vacation. No children, but I do have a few cats.

I live in a small city in the Canadian province of Alberta, where I am a lawyer in general civil practice. I have lived in larger cities; most notably, Toronto, Calgary, and Edmonton. Travel is fun and I have been across Canada by road; to many parts of the US; and to the UK, Europe, and Australia a number of times.

My hobbies include music (listening to it live and playing it, though I’ll admit that the playing has not been occurring as much as it should lately), New York Times Sunday crosswords, and participating in community theatre. Trivia games are something I participate in weekly, as part of a league. Golf is a favourite pastime, though I don’t get out as often as I’d like; and I’m lucky enough to have a nice park nearby, through which I can ride my bike. I also like heading up into the nearby Rockies for the day, and walking the trails and things.

I’d be happy to provide a link to a photo in a PM. Anyway, if I sound like somebody you’d like to know better, you can PM me through the SDMB.

Crazy talk! They weren’t true fans, then. Well, on the Giants side. Dodgers “fans” have all the understanding and interest in baseball as a wet noodle anyway.

Well, you can forget me introducing you to the legions of single friends I had ready to knock down your door, now!

stalks away

I can vouch for Spoons - he’s a righteous dude. :slight_smile:

Y’all are gonna report back when the sparks start flying, yes? :slight_smile:

Another one vouching for Spoons. Guy’s got a great sense of humor and an excellent voice. He can do voiceovers for my cartoons any day.

:: points at sign on wall ::
Hey! No vigorous religious disputes! Save that for the bedroom!

Cites will be provided.(It is the Dope after all.)

Oh please. I’m already dating a Doper. And one with better taste in baseball teams. :cool:

Yomiuri Giants or Toronto Blue Jays? :slight_smile:

Surly, heavy drinker, seeks patient, designated driver.

What the hell…
41, never married. Spawned once. I’m 5’9", overweight, and will have red hair again once I open the box of L’Oreal that’s in the linen closet. I am tattooed, so if you have issues with that, oh well. I have one cat, but promised TheKid we would get another one soon. I like dogs, hate puppy poopy patrol. I’m a government worker who loves her job, but dislikes the bureaucracy that goes with it.
I enjoy needlework, poker, raunchy jokes, puzzles, most kinda of music, baking, and trying to learn this whole “being a responsible adult” thing. There a lot I still want to learn, I just need to get off my ass and try.
I dislike the whole stupid romance cliches - long walks on the beach (would rather be swimming), candlelight dinners (give me a loud BBQ joint instead), roses (I don’t like cut flowers).

I know you always say that you can’t tell a joke but you seem to have a bit of self-deprecating humor going on here. You could also spin this as “Tall guy who is smart enough to know fancy words like oenophile. Too humble to go on about all my other awesomeness so you’ll just have to get to know me to discover it.” :slight_smile:

(I’m in a relationship which seems to be going all right so far but I’m rooting for you guys to find the right people!)

Oh, I’d believe it all right. :slight_smile:

Came in to vouch for Spoons. He is a super awesome guy that I would be all over, if I was single.

I am sure the other Doper guys are awesome too, but I don’t know them as well.