I am The Hijacker! what are you?

No you’re not, spammer, I am. I too visit the Straight Dope every day and this is my 10th post since April 2002. Maybe I should have a post party or something.

Who knows, she just might. :stuck_out_tongue:



I think I just heard Flamsterette_X
Nope, my mistake. Carry on.

Yeah, she doesn’t seem to be on much even from her fast computer… does she?



There you are!

Love ya, Honey, you know that. :slight_smile:

Heh… yup, there I be. :smiley:

Love you too, darling… hopefully, you know that! :slight_smile:


I am the Grim Reaper of threads. I don’t usually kill the thread outright, but once I show up, it usually doesn’t have long to live. I haven’t checked up on the actual numbers, but my posting career seems to go like this.

  1. Read an interesting thread

  2. Post a reply

  3. Go back a few times and read the next couple of replies

  4. Watch it die

Well now that I know my identity is in danger, I will pay attention to your every move!

Im the somewhat newbie who mostly only posts to TMI threads.

(Now about this big smelly coccyx ulcer one of my patients has…)

But except for the names and a few other changes, is your story the same one?


I’m a voice crying in the wilderness…


Or John the Baptizer?


I seem to be The Invisible Poster. I post a comment in a thread and, sure enough, someone else comes along and says the same dang thing!

[what a lead-in for NoClueBoy]

Well, I WAS going to nominate myself as Thread Killa Extraordinare but someone beat me to it. However, if no one posts after me in this thread I will take over that title as it will then be rightfully mine.
I guess I’ll just settle for being a notorious “Me too!” poster. You know who I am–I stumble into a thread late, read the OP and think of a dozen snappy replies to make, then read the entire thread and realize that everyone else has beaten me to it. Then I am seized by the uncontrollable urge to post something, anything, damn it, and the best I can sometimes come up with is a variation on “Me too!”
Oh, and I am also a chronic * abuser.

I think I’m invisible sometimes.
Oh, you meant in threads

See I told you. I am the Grim Reaper of threads, although this one made it longer than most. 7 posts after I posted. I may be losing my touch, or I didn’t invoke enough mojo.

I am the misunderstood and thoroughly confused-


The naturally subtle segue to me because thats what I know best.

and I am at the left hand of god (aka god’s handmaiden) Which is not bad for a 51 year old feminist and an atheist.

I may not know what I am, but I know wherefore I am.
I think, anyway.

Therefore, you am.